Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 386 The Potion Master

After saying goodbye to Morena, Amy couldn't wait to go to the laboratory she had rented long ago.

She had already tried to extract the essence of the magic plant before.It can be said that we are fully prepared.At this time, as soon as she arrived in the laboratory, she began to understand the magic plant, and used instruments to extract the original solution of the magic plant step by step, extracting the essence of the original solution, and then conducted the experiment meticulously with the formula of the eradication potion.

But when the three different magic plant essences came together, the liquid vibrated violently, which startled Amy. She subconsciously wrapped the violently trembling magic potion essence with magic power.

However, how can the meager magic power imprison the strong chemical reaction!

"Amy, be careful!" The small system, which was fishing on Amy's head, felt the strong energy agitation in the air, and immediately recovered from absorbing energy.

Seeing the three mutually exclusive but trying to fuse medicines in the glass beaker, his expression changed drastically. He ignored Amy and pounced on the beaker like a moth to a flame.

"Little Four!" Amy was shocked. Seeing that the potion was showing signs of exploding, her friend was about to pounce on it.Amy didn't care about anything else and quickly stretched out her hand to grab it.

It's just that her movements are ultimately inferior to a small system that can travel through time and space and exceed the speed of light.As expected, it was all gone. Then, something unexpected happened. The medicine that was thought to explode actually gradually calmed down after being covered by a small ball of light.

"What's going on?" Amy's eyes widened.

The small light group that was busy absorbing energy ignored Amy. In fact, the small light group could speak. After all, the small light group that could absorb the violent cosmic energy could not deal with the small experimental explosion.
The reason why she didn't say anything was actually because Shi Xiaoguangtuan was angry. Amy Shizai was too bold and did the experiment alone in the afternoon without the supervision of the teacher. The problem was that she had never attended any experimental class, so she just saw it in the book. Some laboratory operating procedures.

After about a minute, the reaction of the medicine stopped, and the essence of the three medicines faded away and became white and transparent.

The little system flew up with a groan and flew to a position where it was eye level with Amy.The two big eyes on the small light ball stared at Amy, making Amy feel guilty for a moment.

"Xiaosi~" Amy shouted subconsciously, her voice was soft and weak, as if she was coquettishly speaking.

"Hmph, you are too careless." Little System muttered, "Refining magic potion is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, it will cause an explosion, or an experimental error will produce toxic substances, which is more dangerous than an explosion. matter."

"Furthermore, the entire process of refining the magic potion needs to be controlled by magic power. It is difficult to control the reaction of the magic potion with your current magic power level."

"What should we do?" Amy frowned. She also knew that her magic power was insufficient, but she couldn't wait to try refining the medicine.

"Xiaosi, you are a wise elf, do you have any solution?"

"Ah?" The little system was shocked. This seemed to have shot itself in the foot.But this did not faze him. He quickly calculated and quickly came up with several plans, and chose one that was more suitable for Amy. "Perhaps, you can try not to extract the essence of the magic plant first."


"The essence is the collection of all the medicinal power of the magic plant, and the medicinal power of the original solution of the magic plant is at least ten times lower than the essence, so you can use less magic power to control the reaction of the magic medicine."

"It's indeed a good idea, but what about the impurities? Should we remove them after the reaction is complete?"

"You can't wait for the magic potion reaction to finish before removing it. This requires more magic power. You can remove impurities during the reaction process!" the small system suggested.

Not caring about the suggestions he made at all, how crazy it seems to a normal potion master!Are you sure it's not a joke to remove impurities from the potion reaction?If you are not careful, the potion fusion will fail.

"But, won't this affect the reaction of the potion?" Although Amy didn't know much common sense, fortunately she had read a lot of books.

"Your sperm, ahem, your magic perception is very high, it can be avoided completely." Upon hearing this, Amy was excited, and immediately took out a new material to prepare for another experiment.Upon seeing this, the small system quickly followed.

Looking at Amy's skillful cleaning of materials, the little system felt inexplicably familiar, and couldn't help but ask, "Amy, haven't you come into contact with magic plants many times?" Even refining medicine was learned just now.

"Yeah, but I think about it in my mind every day." Amy said a little embarrassed.

Hiss ~ This powerful instinct, even if the memory has been completely sealed, and even the crack in the spiritual sea has been repaired by him, the instinct of the soul cannot be erased no matter what.

"Xiao Si, do you think I like to think about things in my head?" She also knew that this habit of thinking about things in her head was not good.

"No, I think it's pretty good. Haven't you noticed? Although you haven't really come into contact with magic plants, you are very skilled in handling them.

"Ah?" Amy was stunned when she heard this, looked at the magic plant in her hand, and then realized what the problem was.

"When a person devotes himself wholeheartedly to something, the so-called brain supplement is actually the process of reviewing or becoming familiar with the thing."

"I understand." Amy nodded vigorously, already knowing the correct way to use "Brain Budding" in her mind.

After cleaning the magic plant, it was time to select the useful parts to extract the original liquid. This time, Amy turned on magic perception.And this activation scared Amy so much that she threw the magic plant aside.

"What's wrong?" Little System asked worriedly.

"The magic power on the magic plant is contaminated!" Amy thought of the scene she just saw. Secret numb black spots wrapped around the magic plant, like maggots attached to rotten meat.

Amy swallowed, and used her magic sense to focus on other magic plants. "Ugh~" Unsurprisingly, she saw a similar scene.

"How could this be?"

"This is normal. The world is filled with magical pollution. Every year, the Warcraft and Demonic Plants riot is because the pollution has reached a critical point. Only human magicians in this world can get rid of pollution, and only humans can not be affected by pollution."

"That's why the monsters attack human cities."

"Gudong, are they here to find the antidote?" Amy patted her heart with lingering fear.

"Well, that should be it. Amy, don't worry, you can cover it with magic power and remove the contamination later," the small system said.

"Yeah." Amy took a deep breath and continued to pick up the magic plant and squeeze it into the magic plant liquid.The next step is to fuse the original solution. Because the essence is not extracted, the magic plant original solution is quickly integrated. There is no rejection reaction, and of course there is no normal magic potion reaction.

"Why hasn't there been any change?"

"There can be no changes now. You need to remove the impurities bit by bit. Once the impurities are removed, there will be changes." Xiao System said calmly.

"Okay." Amy heard the words and did as she was told. Magic perception covered the mixed liquid, and at the same time, magic power seeped into it little by little, just like picking beans. Magic power and perception cooperated with each other to eliminate the black pollution sources.

Eliminating the sources of pollution is very simple, but Amy discovered that the sources of pollution in this world are everywhere. Except for humans and some magic items, all magical objects are easily contaminated. (End of chapter)

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