I spent a little time at school today. When I got home, the sun had already set and the shadows of the buildings began to grow longer.Shadows stretched across the road like vertical zebra crossings.

Shi Jia drove her wheelchair across the zebra crossing and returned to her home in a short while.The community where the old apartment is located is also an old community, and the flower gardens in front and behind the building have long been converted into vegetable plots by residents.

For a while, residents fought for a piece of vegetable land and had several quarrels, and some people almost ended up in the hospital.

Later, the property management of the community took the initiative to re-divide the vegetable plot. The vegetable plot in front of the house was placed on the first floor, which of course required money to purchase, while the vegetable plot behind the house was obtained through bidding.

From then on, we understood the vegetable patch.

Shi Jia's home naturally has a vegetable plot on the first floor. Because of her limited mobility, she asked someone to help cultivate it and sow vegetable seeds.

At this time, the green vegetables are already ten centimeters high.The beans and tomatoes on the side have also climbed up the shelf, and the vines are so tender that they can squeeze out water. They are wrapped around the bamboo poles, looking tight and powerful.

Seeing these vibrant green vegetables, Shi Jia felt a little happier. She went back to the house, put away her schoolbag, put on her prosthetic limb, and went to the bathroom to bring out a bucket of water to water her beloved green vegetables.

Yes, she has a prosthetic leg, but because it is inconvenient to use when going to school, she usually does not wear it.

After watering the green vegetables, Shi Jia stood on the ground and moved his hands and feet for a while to rebuild.Then she entered the kitchen and started her second relaxing activity, cooking.

I plan to make Mapo Tofu today. I bought two pieces of tofu yesterday. One piece was pan-fried, and the other piece was hidden in the refrigerator, just in time to make Mapo Tofu.

I haven’t eaten spicy food for a long time.

Shi Jia couldn't help but suck his saliva, hurry up, don't delay.Shi Jia was washing rice, and said to the small system, "Little Si, please."

"Don't worry, sister, I will do a good job." Little System assured, patting his chest, "Sister, your fans are here to urge you to update."


"They said they can't eat without your video."

Shi Jia looked at the time and saw that it was indeed more than ten minutes later than usual. "Well, let's get started. I'll use two pots to cook together in a while. It'll be quick."

In the past two months, Shixunzhen’s food videos have become a craze across the Internet, prompting food bloggers to imitate them one after another, and many bloggers have even made the videos more sophisticated.

But the strange thing is that no matter how good they make the video, it is still a little less interesting than Shi Xunzhen.

Netizens watched Shi Xunzhen's video, and their stomachs growled. Just watching this video, even unpalatable food tasted delicious.But watching other food videos, I can only sigh, "Wow~" It looks so delicious.

But when I saw my takeaway, I couldn’t eat it anymore.

This is a very strange phenomenon. Netizens who study psychology also conducted experiments to try to analyze the reasons.

The final result of the analysis is the atmosphere formed by the tone, sound, etc. of the video, which makes this video have such magic.

It was dinner time, and many people were eating in front of the video. Especially in such a tense social environment, more and more people are suffering from anorexia.

Since the emergence of the Shixunzhen video, more and more people have been cured of anorexia. Psychiatrists even recommend patients to watch the video when they receive treatment.

"Master, it has been projected on the TV." The nanny used her mobile phone to project it. She also likes to watch this video called Shi Xunzhen.

"En." Mo Yunshen nodded, looking at his mother in the main seat. "Let's eat." Mother Mo stretched her brows and eyes, she glanced at the TV screen from the corner of her eye, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Yes." Mo Yun smiled deeply. It turns out that my mother also likes to watch Shi Xunzhen's videos?

The mother and son had a tacit understanding with each other and ate pan-fried tofu and braised eggplant as they watched the video. It was delicious.

"Sister Cao, today's food was cooked well." After finishing her meal, Mo's mother wiped her mouth with a tissue. Well, she felt a little stuffed.

"Thank you madam for the compliment, I will study hard." Sister Cao and other servants were eating in the small restaurant next to the kitchen. When they heard Mother Mo's words, they ran out quickly.

"Well, you go ahead and eat. Then clear the table after you're done." Mother Mo waved her hand, stood up and glanced at her son opposite, "I'm going to take a walk."

Mo Yunshen also stood up and watched his mother go out. Well, he had also been fitted with a prosthetic leg, but he was not familiar with the prosthetic leg he had just fitted, so he would come back every night and install it for reconstruction.

Over the past few days, he has been able to stand up and take a few steps.

If more is not enough, he will feel that his center of gravity is unstable.

"Why is there no update today?" Mo Yunshen walked to the sofa and sat down. He took out his phone and refreshed the page. There was no surprise.

Mo Yunshen entered the homepage without giving up, and the video from yesterday was still on the top.

He swiped twice and clicked in. The number of likes and comments doubled again. He clicked in the comment area. Except for the pinned one, all the scrolls down were filled with reminders for updates.

Mo Yun pursed his lips deeply, flew his hands, and also contributed to the first floor.After sending the reminder, he couldn't help but curl up his lips and started to read the comments. He didn't like the comments, but he would like the comments that he agreed with.

Soon, a comment attracted his attention: "Thank you Shi Xunzhen for giving me the courage to continue living."

What’s wrong with the dozens of posts under this comment?

It wasn’t until the poster on the 30th floor replied: I was once a severe anorexic patient, and I once had the idea of ​​committing suicide.Because it was too painful not to be able to eat, I relied on infusions every day to survive. Hunger made me lose interest in anything.

No work, no entertainment... My body tells me I'm hungry, but when I see food I feel like vomiting. Not to mention eating, even infusions can only be given by my family after I fall asleep.

One day a month ago, I suddenly saw the blogger's video. At that moment, I suddenly felt hungry. It was not the instinct of the body, but what I felt. It was an urge to eat. Do you know what it feels like?

My parents knew how I felt and excitedly made me a bowl of plain porridge, without any salt or anything, but I ate it without throwing up! !
Since then, I can eat just by watching the blogger’s videos, and I have hope in life.

...So, why haven't you updated it yet?For the sake of me being so pitiful, please update it quickly.Please~
"Pfft~" Mo Yunshen was really drinking water. When he saw the last sentence, he almost spat out, "Ahem, cough, cough, you are urging the update like this!"

For a moment, Mo Yunshen didn't know whether this was a monologue from a former anorexic, or an alternative reminder from a shady netizen.

Maybe the sadistic way of urging updates just now opened up a certain nerve among netizens, and the next hundreds of floors were filled with this monologue style of updating.

Mo Yunshen read it one by one, the competitive gene in his body awakened, he clicked on the speech area and prepared to express his feelings. After typing a few words, a message reminder appeared at the top of his phone.

His pupils shrank, and he quickly clicked on the notification with his finger. Then the screen jumped, and the sound of rushing water came. He was washing rice!

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