Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 259 Confucianism and Taoism Struggle

Chapter 259 Confucianism and Taoism Struggle (56)
"What did you say?" A tea bowl slammed to the ground.Liu Heng looked at his subordinate in disbelief.

"Chu Ningyan is Gaozong's granddaughter, of royal blood." The ordinary-looking subordinate lowered his eyes halfway.

"This, how is it possible, that is Luzhou, thousands of miles away from Xiadu." Liu Heng felt that this matter was too coincidental, and this plot was never mentioned in the book.

By the way, there are quite a lot of things that are not in the book, everyone in Letian, everyone in Rumeng, Wenhui of Mingxinguan... none of these things are in the book.The plot has already collapsed!
"Before Emperor Gaozong came to the throne, he traveled to various countries." The subordinate's voice was still so calm.

"Is that sure? Didn't you say you found Gaozong's bloodline before? Now you've found another one?" Liu Heng couldn't help guessing that this Xia Gaozong was a merciless playboy.

"Subordinates don't know."

Liu Heng was speechless, silent for a long time, and said, "If I want to get Chu Ningyan, what can I do?"

"This...Master, do you want to be the princess?" Or the princess, um, judging from the news that His Majesty the Emperor sent to pick up Chu Ningyan, I think I will pay more attention to that one.The score will not be too low.

"Princess Shang?" Liu Heng's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

The subordinate looked at Liu Heng's bright eyes and swallowed the words, "But I'm afraid it's a little difficult." '

Liu Heng paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, the rippling smile on his face showed his emotion.It's indeed a good idea, but that girl Chu Ningyan is only 14 years old now, and she will only be fifteen next year.

Judging from the law in this world that a 16-year-old can only get married, he has to wait at least 4 years.

But four years is okay, that is, he is relatively old now, 23 years old, and the point is that he is already married.Cough cough, a child has been born.

Princess Shang seems unlikely!
Unless he can make great achievements, there is only a slight possibility.

But if he really made great achievements, would there still be such a princess?How about the special ability of the other party?When the time comes, how can he want the other party to do with his ability?

However, it is too easy to expose yourself this way.

Maybe there is another way.

Suddenly, a lewd/evil smile appeared on Liu Heng's face, "Hehehehe"

The ordinary-looking subordinate subconsciously took a step back.It happened to guess the tea bowl that just fell on the ground. "Crack—"

The unpleasant friction sound brought Liu Heng back from his fantasy to reality.He frowned, "Go down, stare over there, and report immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes!" The subordinate silently breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated silently.

And Liu Heng sat before the case and began to enrich the plan he had just imagined.

When Liu Heng was daydreaming, a small bamboo tube appeared in the power center of Xia Kingdom through delicate and complicated organs.

The emperor, who was reviewing the memorial in the imperial study, put down the memorial in his hand when the bell rang, got up and went to the corner to take out a small bamboo tube.

Opening it skillfully, the emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in surprise, "It's him? It's really unexpected! This is a rare and rare talent!"

When the emperor returned to the case, he took out the white paper, picked up the brush, dipped it in ink, and wrote a few words.When the ink was completely dry, he rolled up the white paper and stuffed it into the small bamboo tube, and put it back in place.Grab the hanging thread next to it, pull it gently, and there is a "click", followed by a sound of mechanical operation, which changes from clear to vague, and finally disappears.

Not long after this small bamboo tube was sent out, there were many strange faces around the residence of a certain Liu.Oh, these people are very ordinary-looking, if you don't pay attention carefully, you can't find their abnormalities at all.

It is thousands of miles from Luzhou to Xiadu, and it will take at least five days to go up the mountain at a fast pace. What's more, Chu Ningyan and her group have a lot of luggage, so they walk even slower.

Besides, the road was bumpy and it was really difficult to walk on. Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, but when Chu Ningyan arrived in the capital, it was more than half a month later.

The officials of the Ministry of Rituals had already received His Majesty's order. Before Chu Ningyan's team arrived outside the city of Xiadu, they were waiting by the side with a princess-style guard of honor.

As soon as Chu Ningyan's carriage approached, the officials from the Ministry of Rituals sang loudly, "Welcome the princess back to Beijing!"

Several people in the luxurious carriage were amazed, isn't Miss just a royal daughter?If you canonize according to the blood of the emperor, you will be a princess.

Why did you become a princess?

Chu Ningyan understood that this was the kindness shown by the emperor's uncle towards her.Then get off the car generously.

As a result, everyone saw a charming but cold girl getting off the gorgeous frame and walking towards the officials of the Ministry of Rites step by step.

The official of the Ministry of Rites was startled, realized that he had lost his composure, and hurriedly saluted. "Princess please get on the sedan chair!"

"Thank you, my lords, for coming here to welcome you!" Chu Ningyan nodded slightly at them to express her gratitude.

"Welcoming the princess' return is a matter within the ceremonial department." The officials of the Ministry of rites did not dare to take credit for it. It was ordered by His Majesty the emperor himself, "Princess please, Lingmei and the two little girls will be arranged by someone."

Chu Ningyan felt relieved and stepped into the sedan chair.

The gorgeous sedan chair was driven all the way into the city, which naturally attracted the attention of the people in the city, and they all talked about who this nobleman was.At this time, someone from Shentong Guangda answered.

"This is the princess, the blood left behind by His Majesty Gaozong."

"Ah? Isn't that an old mistress?"

"That's right, you're all married, what are you doing here?"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, this is the granddaughter of His Majesty Gaozong, who is not yet of age! It's for a little girl!"

"It is said that little girl, no, this princess has a bleak life experience, her parents died, and she has no siblings to support her at home. The princess has been smart since she was a child. Not only is she good at running a shop, she is also well-educated and able to enlighten young children."

"That's right, and this princess is both talented and beautiful!"

"You know this as well?"

"Well, I was just outside the city just now, but I witnessed the princess's true face with my own eyes!"


"Naturally, it's a shameful flower with a closed moon! Look at those royal children who are ugly."


"Shh~ Be careful!"

"It's a felony to talk about the royal family."

Everyone was speechless, didn't you say this first?
Chu Ningyan, who has excellent hearing, naturally heard the discussions on the road clearly.There was a complex emotion in my heart, this emperor's uncle who had never met before really loved her!
Not only did the officials of the Ministry of Rites wait outside the city in advance, but they also made people publicize her life experience when her carriage passed by.I believe that before tonight, the news that Xia Kingdom's royal family has another princess will spread to all states!

Chu Ningyan shook her head, not only showing that she valued her, but also cutting off all her retreats, the only choice was to stay in Xiadu and become a princess.

What a good plan!

However, Chu Ningyan couldn't get angry at all, instead she felt touched in her heart, it was a feeling of being valued by others.

Alas, I didn't expect that in the end, it still ran counter to my ambition.

Well, you don't have to be outside to be independent.Besides, she has already proved that she has the ability to support herself, hasn't she?
(End of this chapter)

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