Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 215 Confucianism and Taoism Struggle

A corner of the black sky was lifted by the twilight of dawn, and then, the darkness was driven away, and the world was restored to light.

No. 10 West Fourth Lane, in a room on the second floor, the sunlight shone in through the thin window screens and projected onto the ground, making it a dim yellow.Suddenly, a few dazzling white spots appeared in the hazy yellow.It turned out that the window screen was broken.

"en~" Suddenly, there was a slight sound from the direction of the bed. It turned out that the cute little girl Yun Shu woke up.

When Yun Shu was a maid, she was used to getting up early. At this moment, she opened her eyes bewilderedly, and was about to get out of bed to wash up and prepare to serve the young lady.He half-closed his eyes and was about to get out of bed, but his hand touched something warm. He was startled and woke up instantly.

"Huh~, so it's my sister." Yun Shu patted her heart, remembering that they were no longer in the prefect's mansion.She carefully bypassed Chu Ningyan, who was still sleeping soundly, and got out of bed, thinking about what to do now?
Go and boil some boiling water first, and when my sister wakes up, she wants to drink hot tea.Thinking about it, Yun Shu changed into the dress she bought yesterday, and skillfully tied herself in a bun.Looking back at the bed, he went downstairs lightly.

"Ah!" As soon as Yun Shu arrived in the kitchen, she was taken aback by the scene inside. She had just cleaned it yesterday, but now it was covered with fallen leaves, and the newly purchased kitchen utensils were also scattered on the ground.

Yun Shu quickly covered her mouth, looked around in confusion and fear, trying to find the source of these leaves.

However, Chu Ningyan was woken up, and when she woke up, her eyes circled around the room and landed on the candlestick, staring at the barely-burned candle in a daze.

Then he thought of something, turned over and sat up immediately, lifted the pillow, and looked at the two contracts, "The literary spirit has almost disappeared!"

It's a ghost!
The strange thing is that she wasn't afraid at all, and even faintly excited in her heart.

Chu Ningyan felt a little inexplicable, she looked at those enlightenment books again, they were all placed on the table, oh, the Analects of Confucius was open, she remembered that it was closed last night.

Seeing this, she felt a little more at ease.Turned over and got out of bed, walked barefoot to the table and sat down, picked up the Analects, and read again.

I don't know, whether it's because of the daytime, she felt warm all over while reading, which was completely different from the cold feeling yesterday, which made her very comfortable.

Gradually, a wave of qi was generated in her dantian, and it traveled throughout her body. Soon, Chu Ningyan, who was concentrating on reading, noticed something unusual, and looked down at her body.However, at this moment, the anger dissipated again.

Chu Ningyan touched her stomach, and felt that it was not an illusion. "What was that just now?"

She recalled the travel notes she had read, and tried to find the answer from them, but those books had a lot to say about the miraculous power of Confucian scholars and warriors, but there was no record about the energy in her body at all.

"Could it be Wen Qi?" Chu Ningyan shook her head quickly, it's impossible, it's impossible for a woman to have Wen Qi.She was fascinated by the words on the book, but she didn't dare to continue guessing.

"Sister? Are you awake? Hurry up and wash and change your clothes." Yun Shu came up with a basin of water and put it on the basin stand.

Chu Ningyan came back to her senses, and looked at Yun Shu distressedly, "Yun Shu, you are my sister now, not a maid, you can just take care of yourself and don't need to serve me."

"No, I'm happy to help my sister do things." Yun Shu pouted, not thinking that this was a job of serving others.

"It's up to you, as long as you feel happy." Chu Ningyan didn't persuade, as long as she didn't treat Yun Shu as a maid, it was fine, anyway, someone had to do the housework.

"Yeah." Yun Shu nodded vigorously. She and her sister lived happily every day.

After washing up, Chu Ningyan and Yun Shu went downstairs to have breakfast.The mess in the kitchen has been cleaned up by the diligent Yun Shu.But there are inevitably a leaf or two in the corner.

"Yun Shu, did you discover something just now?" Chu Ningyan remembered the scream that woke her up.

"Ah? Sister, it might be that the wind was too strong last night, and a lot of fallen leaves came out. I was shocked when I first saw it." Yun Shu said embarrassingly.

"Where did the leaves come from?" Chu Ningyan looked up at the sky, all she could see was blue.

"It's the trees in the backyard." Yun Shu said firmly.

"Backyard? How did it come here?" Although the backyard is opened when the door is opened, there is still a six-meter-high house, and the shape of the roof can completely block all the leaves.

Chu Ningyan thought about it and pushed open the door to the backyard, and saw a few big trees that had become a little bald.Surprised, the case was solved!
"It's okay, maybe the wind was too strong last night. In a few days, please ask the gardener to take care of it, and the leaves will grow back." Chu Ningyan said without changing her face, thinking that their money and silver were almost painted, and said , "Well, the weather is getting colder, and winter will be over soon. If there are fewer leaves, it will be easier to feed. Maybe next spring, it will grow back by itself. Then leave it alone, what does Yun Shu think?"

"Yeah, I always listen to my sister." Yun Shu nodded vigorously.Hmm, yes, it must have been too windy.

"Well, let's have breakfast first. After breakfast, let's think about what we want to do for a living."

Breakfast is simple, white rice porridge with pickles.If it's more complicated, neither of them can do it.After breakfast, the two came to the lobby with pens and ink.Yun Shu opened the door and let the sun shine in, dispelling the musty smell and shade in the room.

Chu Ningyan was sitting next to the sun, feeling the warmth of the morning sun, feeling very comfortable.

With a clear mind and quick thinking, she immediately listed yesterday's expenses and calculated the balance.

"There are 19 taels and 621 wen left."

What can such a little money do for a living?Chu Ningyan looked back at the lobby, the materials used in the house were excellent, and after being wiped clean, it looked brand new.

Open a restaurant?no!Not to mention that they don't know anything about cooking, even if they have superb cooking skills, no one will patronize this place unless the wall next to them is demolished.

But what else can be done?Rouge shop?Well, she used to make some rouge by herself, and she also mastered a few recipes, so the wives would not come to patronize such a remote place.

Chu Ningyan thought for a long time, and found that no matter what store she opened, the location was a big problem.

"Could it be that you want to push the cart out to sell?" Chu Ningyan was a little discouraged, and unconsciously drew on the paper with a brush.

At this time, the busy little girl Yun Shu came over with a pot of tea, "Sister, drink tea."

"En." Chu Ningyan put down her pen, picked up her teacup and took a sip.

"Wow~ so beautiful!" Yun Shu reached out to pick up the painting in front of Chu Ningyan, she had never seen such a beautiful person, such a beautiful dress.

"Is it beautiful? I can draw it." Chu Ningyan raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I really want to wear such a beautiful dress." Yun Shu nodded vigorously, "Sister, how did you draw it? Have you ever seen such a beautiful dress?"

"Huh?" Chu Ningyan was stunned, what did I draw just now? "Yun Shu show me the painting."

Yun Shu quickly handed it over.

Chu Ningyan was startled again when she looked at the painting, it's so beautiful!I want to wear it too.She raised her mouth and said, "Yun Shu, I know what we should do for a living."


"A tailor shop!" (End of this chapter)

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