Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 203: Watching Failure

"You're welcome, after all you are going to spend money to buy my paintings." Shi Jia looked at her with a smile.

Luo Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, a little embarrassed, after two years, she also understood the value of Ye Zhiqiu's works, naturally she didn't know that there were people willing to buy her paintings worth more than one million yuan.

"Well, me, how much is this painting?"

"One hundred thousand." Shi Jia thought about it, and took it as repaying Luo Xiaoxiao's kindness.

"So few?" Luo Xiaoxiao was surprised.

"After all, we have met for a while, so take it as my intention." Shi Jia looked at Luo Xiaoxiao, with a smile on his lips, "I also hope that you will be like this orchid in the empty valley, spotless and proudly independent."

Luo Xiaoxiao was slightly stunned, she felt that Ye Zhiqiu was like a kind elder at this moment, which warmed her heart.

After sending Luo Xiaoxiao away, Shi Jia's life also returned to the journey, painting step by step, dealing with furniture and sundries, and returning to Panshui Village at the same time last time.

The development of the plot returned to the original track again, but because Shi Jia had already purified the elements of the five elements, although the high temperature still came, it was still within a controllable range, and there were no large-scale deaths from heat stroke.

Prices skyrocketed, but there was no social chaos.

Earthquakes around the world are also thunderous and rainy.Netizens joked that this is Lu Yunxing's mother "singing" a lullaby to them again.

Even netizens are looking forward to it, that day it will be their city's turn.The frightening earthquake has just become the material of entertainment for people all over the world.

However, in Panshui Village, the whole village has been relocated.

Seeing the green light ball collide with the gold, red, yellow, and blue four-color light clusters, and merged in an instant, everyone's heart beat wildly, and a sense of despair spread.

It's over, it's over... Lu Yunxing is finally over now.

"Haha——" an old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, and the moment the light clusters merged, a black shadow passed by and flew towards the light clusters.

"Green Cloud Star is finally in the old man's pocket—" The unpleasant voice stopped abruptly, "Ah—" The black shadow disappeared into a golden light without struggling.

A golden figure approached against the light, and the flickering light made everyone close their eyes.

The moment Luo Xiaoxiao closed her eyes, a familiar figure suddenly flashed in her mind, it seemed to be Ye Zhiqiu?No, I must be delusional, how could it be Ye Zhiqiu?
She is an ordinary person.

She wanted to open her eyes to see clearly, but her eyelids seemed to be glued together, let alone opening her eyes, she couldn't even move them.

By the way, Jin Yuanbao, help me to see!
"Gold ingot?"

"Gold ingot?"

Luo Xiaoxiao panicked, by the way, who was that black shadow just now?He seemed to come out of himself.

Standing in mid-air, Shi Jia glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao, who had abnormal mood swings, and looked away. Some things should be borne, and he couldn't run away.

Shi Jia looked at the white ball of light in the air, and made a formula with both hands. A formation with a diameter of about a kilometer appeared out of thin air. Although the light was dim, it tightly wrapped the ball of light.

The ball of light moved slowly in the package of the formation, and soon reached the center of the formation, "swipe" the ground, and the dim formation brightened up.

Seeing this, Shi Jia cast a spell, white light flickered, and in an instant, everyone including her was moved a thousand meters away.

Seeing the formation in the distance gradually sinking and merging into the ground, Shi Jia breathed a sigh of relief, the dimension-raising test of Green Cloud Star was considered complete, and now all he needed to do was wait for the new rules to appear and everything would be fine.

"1234, tell me, what rules will Green Cloud Star evolve?" Shi Jia thought that the small system should have some experience, so he asked.

"Well, host, I don't know. It mainly depends on the world consciousness and the direction you choose." In the system database, there are very few records about world advancement, and he has never done similar tasks before.

Well, not in his existing data.

This extra bit of knowledge was obtained from 021's standby database.

"It's okay, I'll just ask casually." Shi Jia waved her hand, she didn't ask what the world consciousness meant, the matter was over, and she decided to take care of herself in the next time.

"Oh, okay, host, can I come back now?"

"Come back? Oh, come back, you don't need to monitor Luo Xiaoxiao anymore." Shi Jia waved his hand.

"Okay~" Xiao Guangtuan rushed towards Shi Jia like a cannonball, and successfully braked the moment he was about to hit her, he rubbed the host's face affectionately.Delighted.

Shi Jia was dumbfounded by his series of actions, "You are a system after all, why are you so cat-like?"

"Host, don't you like cats?"

"I like it. I plan to build a house in the valley, raise a cat and a dog, grow flowers and vegetables, shoot videos, and become a small internet celebrity. What do you think?"

"Well, is it okay to raise a mechanical cat?"

"I like fluffy."

"Who said mechanical cats can't be fluffy?"

"I haven't seen that before."

"The host is waiting, I'll design one for you right now!"

The leisurely life Shi Jia wanted to grow vegetables and flowers failed to come true after all, and after only staying for a year, Shi Jia was forced to return to the capital by Ye's parents and Ye's mother urging her to marry her.

"Qiuqiu, do you really not consider finding a husband?" Su Zhilan had persuaded her countless times. "Now you feel that it doesn't matter if you don't have a husband. When you get old, your children grow up, and there is no one around you. How desolate it is."

"Mom, don't persuade me anymore. It's not that I don't want to look for it, but that the boy who can make my heart move has not yet been born. It's better to live with a person who doesn't feel like a ninja, just to be old and not lonely for ten years. Choose now and live your life.”

"Besides, the fertility rate is lower now, and the country also supports single parents with babies." Shi Jia lovingly touched her belly. Although her belly is flat now, she just went to the hospital for an examination and the embryo is developing well.

In nine months, she will have two more family members.

Yes, Shi Jia chose the latter between marriage and having a baby.

This is the result of nearly a year of struggle between her and the two old men.

Of course, she can also choose not to marry or conceive like in the previous world.But after thinking for a long time, Shi Jia still felt like trying a new life.

She can't adapt to her husband's presence all at once, but she can try to raise two children.

For a long time, she has been thinking about the meaning of her time travel. She once thought that saving the world was the meaning of her time travel, but Ye Zhiqiu's words made her think about this issue again.

She traveled through time with her memories, and she was already set high by others, just like in this life, she easily completed the work that Ye Zhiqiu had to complete in the night battle with lights on.

After realizing this, she was somewhat proud and complacent, and began to reflect, is it interesting to be like this all the time?Isn't it amazing to have the ability to reach the sky?

Shi Jia naturally knew that this world, this universe, was unfair.It would definitely make people laugh at her idea, but Shi Jia, who is somewhat idealistic, wanted to try it.

However, now that he is in the world, it is impossible to seal his memory, so he can only start from an area he is not familiar with.

Childbirth - a field that Shijia has never stepped into. (end of this chapter)

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