Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 173 Watching Failure

The temperature is getting hotter and hotter. In recent days, there have been frequent reports of workers dying of heat stroke on the Internet.In order to reduce the occurrence of similar incidents, relevant departments also issued a notice prohibiting going out to work during high temperature periods.

The rise in temperature has also brought about problems such as crop death and rising prices. Taking the watermelon of Yejia as an example, it used to be 3.98 yuan per catty, but now it has risen to 9.98 yuan per catty.

The Ye family's crops were not damaged because Father Ye took good care of them and Shi Jia secretly arranged formations.

So the life of his family is quite comfortable.

If it weren't for the fact that every afternoon, the family would transport a cart of watermelons and vegetables to the city to sell, and feel the panic in the city every day, and their family would even have a feeling of tranquility.

"The weather is too hot, and I don't know when it will end. The vegetables in the fields haven't grown in the past two days. I don't think we will go to the city to sell vegetables today."

"I think it's the same. Pick the ones that are well stored first. We have cold storage at home, which can be stored for a long time."

That day, Shi Jia and Ye's father and Ye's mother had just returned from the fields, and they were sitting in the gazebo in the courtyard, all showing worried expressions.

"Besides, the weather is so hot now, and this winter must be very cold. When the temperature cools down a little, we must hurry up and plant."

Ye Qinghe pondered for a while, and said, "I'll go to the village committee later."

"What are you doing at the village committee?" Su Zhilan was puzzled.

"We contracted a few acres of land to grow grain. The weather is too hot. I'm afraid there won't be many fruit trees this year." Ye Qinghe took out his mobile phone and searched for drought-resistant and cold-resistant crops.The weather is getting worse, so he needs to make plans early.

Shi Jia listened silently, she has a lot of experience in planting, as long as the crops are in the right season, she is confident in planting.

Alas, it's just the power of the scorching sun~ Why is this person in the world of cultivating immortals so slow in doing things?It's been two months, and it's still not done?

Suddenly, Shi Jia suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky. In her line of sight, the power of the scorching sun in the sky expanded rapidly, and the surrounding temperature also reached its peak at this moment.

The rapidly expanding sun-burning power exploded like a balloon.

The sun-burning power was like fuel, almost completely burned.

"Pfft~" Father Ye and Mother Ye who were talking could only feel the surrounding air suddenly evaporated, and for a moment, the two of them felt unable to breathe.

"Huh~, what's going on?" The two gasped heavily, looked at Shi Jia nervously, and found that she was normal, just staring at the sky in a daze, and asked nervously, "Qiuqiu, did you see anything?"

Shi Jia shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that the temperature seems to have changed suddenly. Dad, Mom, are you all right?"

She was a little annoyed, she was too focused on watching the changes in the sun-burning power just now, and didn't notice the situation of her parents.Fortunately, she had already set up a formation at home.

"It's okay, but the air is suddenly a little stuffy, and it's much better now." Su Zhilan said quickly, for fear that her daughter would be worried, "Eh? Don't tell me, the temperature seems to have really changed, Lao Ye, can you feel it?"

Ye Qinghe heard the words, relaxed his tense spirit, and felt the temperature changes carefully, "That's right! Why did the temperature drop suddenly?"

"Maybe it's the state that took action to control the temperature. Look at the tragedies that are reported on the Internet every day. The authorities must be more concerned than us." Su Zhilan usually likes to swipe her phone, and the videos she pushes on weekdays are all about food, gossip, and square dancing.In the past month, either there was a disaster here, or there were deaths there. It can be seen that she has donated several times.

Shi Jia nodded, it seemed that someone had made a move, but he looked at the speed at which the power of the scorching sun disappeared.She felt that the strength of the person who made the attack was not very good, and the sudden increase in temperature had already made people panic. Now, maybe there will be another sudden drop in temperature, right?

Shi Jia was anxious in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face.

"Well, if it's true, it would be great." Ye Qinghe pointed twice, exited from the crops webpage, and entered the short video webpage, where the news spread the fastest.

Sure enough, he only watched two or three videos, and someone posted news that the temperature was suspected to be a general, and the comments were all @风食局, expressing doubts and admiration.

Next, there are several videos of the temperature falling.

It's just that so far, the Meteorological Bureau has not issued any statement.This makes people a little puzzled. If the country studies some methods of temperature control, wouldn't it be good to announce them?
The object of everyone's attention, the Meteorological Bureau, is holding a meeting.

"Has the report come out? Where and when was the initial temperature drop?" The leader of the Meteorological Bureau looked stern. He is in the leadership of the country, so he naturally knows that there are a group of so-called immortals hidden in this world.

He also responded to the relevant department at the first time when the abnormal low temperature appeared, but the answer from the other party was always unclear, whether it was caused by the "immortal", and even the top management of the "immortal" went out to search for the cause of the temperature change.

A few days ago, the relevant departments reported that it was confirmed that it was related to "immortals", but investigations are still underway.

The leader also listens with one ear and hears with the other, and has no expectations for the so-called "immortal".Instead of expecting them to help solve the problem, it is better to invest more in scientific research, and hope that scientists will develop a planetary climate controller as soon as possible.

"Report to the director, the time and location of the initial cooling down have been locked, on a small island on the equator." The staff immediately projected the coordinates on the screen.And quickly click to zoom in, and soon an active volcano appeared on the screen.

a volcano?
The people present looked puzzled. Is this to tell them that a volcanic eruption caused climate change?
The leader frowned, "Request the space agency to lock the satellite on the island, and take pictures of the climate monitoring drone to check the situation first."


"Fang Lan, Shan Yue, you organize a few people to go to the field to investigate the situation and set off immediately."

The instructions were issued one by one, and the people in the meeting room also acted quickly.

Suddenly, "Ring—" the phone rang, and everyone's expressions changed, and they fumbled for their pockets one after another.

The leader frowned, reached into his pocket, and took out the phone that was ringing non-stop. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

"Hello~ what's the matter?"

"Director Lu, I heard that you have locked the location."

The leader frowned and glanced sharply at the crowd. Everyone felt their scalps go numb and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"You have great powers, but you are so powerful, why didn't you solve the climate problem earlier?"

"Director Lu, you are joking, I am not a fairy."

"Yes, there are no gods in this world at all. If there is nothing wrong, I will die."

"Don't, don't, wait, Director Lu, where are those immortals wanting to ask?"

"Aren't they immortals? Do the math yourself." Chief Lu sneered, cut off the phone, and with a snap, the phone was thrown on the table.

He glanced at everyone, "Is the work done?"

"Immediately, Chief, wait a moment!"

"Huh!" (End of this chapter)

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