Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 162: Cultivating Immortal Quest

The space collapsed so fast that Shi Jia didn't even have time to take out the formation disk in the Qiankun Ring and send Dong Zhixing and the others away in the next second.She just watched her body being torn to pieces by the space storm.

Before she could even feel the pain, her body was gone.

She looked dumbfounded at the shattered body, which was swept away by the space storm and disappeared in front of her.There was no trace, not a single drop of blood left for her.

Not only that, but her Qiankun Ring didn't hold on for a second in the space storm, it turned into powder, and all the items inside were also torn into pieces by the storm, and it was unknown where it was involved.

"That's it, it's gone?" What about living in this world for more than 100 years as promised?Even if she is not allowed to stay for so long, at least give her a few more years, the energy of the small system has not been collected yet.

After being stunned for a long time, Shi Jia suddenly realized a problem. "Huh? My soul hasn't been hurt at all?"

Shi Jia looked down, and found that she was wearing a complicated gauze skirt and a crystal hair crown again.She wasn't too surprised by this.

She doubts, no, yes!This is what she really looks like.

But she was surprised that it was intact in the space storm. After all, from the knowledge of the world of cultivating immortals she has come into contact with so far, things like space storms can tear even the soul.

Suddenly, another space storm hit, and Shi Jia subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the storm came very quickly and whizzed past in an instant, Shi Jia only felt a gust of strong wind coming out, and the hair on both sides of his cheeks was blown away, Crystal tassels sway in the "wind".

Shi Jia was a little taken aback, "That's it? Wind?" No, the space here has collapsed, where is the wind?

After several more "strong winds", Shi Jia was finally convinced that he was immune to space storms.

"Could it be that I'm the goddess of the Space Clan?" Shi Jia held his chin and approved of his guess.She didn't realize that when she said this sentence, the golden and silver light in her spiritual sea flickered non-stop.

"It's just that I, a 'Goddess', is too useless." Shi Jia frowned, and made an attacking movement with both hands, but nothing happened.

"Where's the space blade? Where's the exclusive portable space?" After talking, Shi Jia suddenly thought of the missing space in his home.Even if it is short-lived, there are still flowers to prove that she once existed.

Her space is just like the body just now, nothing is left behind.

Silently complained, and then left the matter behind.

Feeling that the storm seemed to have stopped, Shi Jia looked around, and there was light coming through from the outside, as if a black bag had been cut several times, and the light came in through those knife edges.

With a thought in Shi Jia's mind, his body flew towards the source of the light.Standing in front of the light-transmitting opening and looking at it, there is a vast expanse of whiteness, which is not dazzling, but you can't see what is inside, "Go through it and have a look?"

She stretched out a hand tentatively and poked it cautiously into the light, but nothing happened.So I stretched it in a little more, and still nothing happened.

A little more, a little more, the light hole gradually grew bigger, first the arms, then the feet, half of the body went in, and the head also passed through. After a while, Shi Jia's figure disappeared into the dark space.

"Huh? This totem was not crushed by the collapse of space?" Shi Jia was surprised. The huge stone tablet standing in the bare ruins turned out to be the wall of the palace.

At this time, on the huge stone tablet, the totem was shining brightly, and abundant spiritual power was released, and there were especially many gold and silver particles wrapped in it.

Shi Jia slowly approached the totem, and the familiar breath, like a mother's embrace, came over his face.

“So comfortable~”

Shi Jia closed his eyes unconsciously, and instinctively approached the totem with his body.Strangely, she didn't feel any hindrance, and she slipped in unconsciously.

"Huh? Where is this?" Shi Jia looked at the world in front of him in surprise, the whole world was very softly lit, and there were many colorful light clusters floating in the sky.

Those clusters of light kept flickering, some of them made Shi Jia feel kind, and some of them didn't feel anything to me.

The ground is covered with golden gravel, and upon closer inspection there are quite a few silvery gravel mixed in.

Shi Jia squatted down in surprise, "Isn't this the golden and silver particles in the air? So it's the sand here?"

"To be honest, it's really a bit like the golden and silver light in the mist of my spiritual sea." Shi Jia picked up a few gravels and brought them to his eyes. A gray mist faintly emerged from the crystal-clear gravels.

"Huh?" Shi Jia looked carefully, but "saw" the breath of death and decay.A sour feeling welled up in my heart, and tears rolled down from the corners of my eyes uncontrollably.

Shi Jia tried his best to raise his head, tears rolled down his cheeks, fell onto his collar, turned into a pale golden gemstone, and was inlaid on the collar.

And this scene happened so silently that Shi Jia, who was trying to raise her head, didn't notice at all that she was being attracted by the colorful light clusters in the sky at this moment.

time memory!

When Shi Jia saw the flashing image in the light cluster, these words appeared in his mind.

She stared at the ball of light for a long time with an inexplicable expression, and finally stretched out her hand to probe the ball of light, and a short picture was read by her. It was a very strange picture, it was a stone in an unknown deep sea.

Shi Jia didn't know why, so he turned his attention to other light groups.

She walked quickly to a ball of light, reached out to touch it, and a picture flooded into her mind——

A pretty girl is weaving a futon, her eyes are smiling, and the corners of her mouth are curled up enough to make people let go of their dignity and offer their sincerity to her.

It's just that this girl, she knew, was the dead Yu Qianqian, no, it should be Yu Qian.

When the screen turned, it was a ruined building, but the architectural pattern was somewhat familiar to Shi Jia, and the screen became very fast, and finally landed on a plaque half inserted into the soil, and the word "Qingxu" appeared in front of him impressively.

"Is this the memory of time in parallel time and space?" It turns out that in parallel time and space, Qingxu Sect has been destroyed?No, looking at the sorrowful atmosphere floating in this space, I am afraid that the parallel time and space will also be destroyed.

For a while, Shi Jia was a little annoyed, "This system is like a dodder flower. When it is weak, it hibernates in the dark and absorbs energy silently. When it grows strong, it can easily destroy a world."

"It's simply exposed early. If the system has been dormant, the consequences will be disastrous." Shi Jia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he thought of 1234, which had been split and merged by 021.

"I don't know if the brains of the upper level of the Qingxu Sect in the parallel world are out of order, and they don't check if the genius disciples are killed one after another." Shi Jia really couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it, and continued to read the space-time memory.

The next space-time memory left Shi Jia dumbfounded, it turned out to be a fragment of Qingxumen being wiped out by tricks.

"This... is this really the Qingxu Gate in my impression?" Being destroyed once is enough!With so many fragments, basically three or four fragments represent a parallel world.

Is the Qingxu Gate abolished?

This is one of the five sects of the Xuanying Realm! (end of this chapter)

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