Ling Xing finally endured until the end of the debate.

Although she endured hard work throughout the whole process, she did not lose her voice. When she was fighting against that invisible force, she won it again.

In this verbal battle, the strength of the two sides is equal, and it is difficult to tell the winner.

Originally, everyone was more optimistic about City No. [-] Middle School, but no one thought that F Gao's stamina would be so strong.

Although there is nothing outstanding in the first debate, it also makes people unable to pick out the problem.

In the second debate, Ling Xing and Zhang Wenhao faced two opponents with experience in debate, and they were still better in the debate, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

What's even more amazing is the three debates. The opponent's friend He Qin is famous in debates at a young age. How many classmates can win Dingding City No. [-] Middle School just because of him. They never expected that Su Qingluo, who was born out of thin air, would be so powerful .

Su Qingluo's sensitivity has always been extremely high. When He Qin found a topic to talk about 'talent', he listened carefully and quickly and keenly caught the loopholes in the other party's words.

Even if the hole is the size of a pinhead, it's still a hole.

He frequently raised questions and attacked that loophole. The pinpoint-sized loophole began to grow a little bit after being modified by various languages. He Qin probably didn't expect Su Qingluo to be so aggressive, and he subconsciously started to make some actions against this loophole. repair.

The words of mending were almost blurted out, and He Qin realized something was wrong after only half of a sentence. He should not explain that trivial loophole, but should find another better point of view to refute Su Qingluo.

Even if you are replying to a question at this time, do not act as if you are replying to a question.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

There are microphones on the table in front of the participating students. When He Qin speaks, he inevitably leans over to the microphone. Through the speaker, almost everyone at the scene heard the few words he said.

No one expected that He Tan, who is the most experienced in the debate competition, would make such a fatal mistake...

The four debate opponents are Pei Yan and Qiu Yilin. Qiu Yilin was obviously slowed down this time. No matter how perfect Pei Yan tried to make up for it, she couldn't cover up Qiu Yilin's deadpan in the debate.

A debating match was finally over, and almost all the contestants on the stage, regardless of the pros and cons, were sweating coldly on their backs in this cold winter weather.

Thrills come with thrills.

Just as the judges on the stage picked up the microphone, bursts of cheers rang out from below.

The cheers said whether it was big or small, and it didn't seem very obtrusive at this time.

Ling Xing noticed it. She followed the prestige and saw that the group of students who were cheering were the students of No. [-] Middle School in the city.

The result has yet to come out, and F Gao's performance just now is not inferior to City No. [-] Middle School. City No. [-] Middle School is... celebrating in advance?
Do you think the No. [-] High School in the city will definitely win this time?

It's very possible, after all, they have great hopes for He Tan, and He Tan does have that ability.

But the winner or loser has not yet been decided, it is too early to cheer and celebrate at this time.

As long as the result is pending, anyone can win the championship.

The judges scored each link. At this time, they showed the scoring board and gave a certain evaluation, with sharp and pertinent words.

They praise perfect performance and teach bad performance.

The attitude of the first judge is relatively mild, and he also pointed out the shortcomings.

The temper of the second and third judges was obviously not so mild, they expressed great dissatisfaction with Qiu Yilin's daze.

Yes, this is a game.

If you are out of shape, you can tell the teacher in advance, if you don’t talk, don’t talk, and your performance is so poor, who is holding you back?
After a few words, Qiu Yilin's head was almost buried under the table.

At the same time, everyone also discovered that the three judges deducted different points in the four debates.

No low, without exception.

In other words, Qiu Yilin, relying on her own strength, almost obliterated the efforts of all the participating students.

Because of her stupid mistake, the slightly higher scores given by the judges for the group of Ling Xing and Zhang Wenhao in the second debate seemed insignificant at this moment.

The only fortunate thing is that the scores of the second and third debates of the affirmative side are higher than those of the negative side.

It's not that the opposing side doesn't have pig teammates, and their four debates are also pig teammates, but they're not as stupid as Qiu Yilin.

Now I just hope that the total average score can be higher than the opponent.

Knowing that everyone was in a hurry, the judges didn't hold back, and the final result was announced soon.

Positive 8 negative 7.

F Gao actually won the preliminary round by one point.

At the moment when the result of the competition was announced, the two girls on the other side and He Tan showed disbelief on their faces, and even the teachers on the other side were stunned.

There are not a few large and small debate competitions led by their teachers, and this result is obviously beyond their expectations.

But winning or losing is the norm, the teachers quickly calmed down, and it was He Tan and the others who couldn't calm down.

After the results were announced, among the huge crowd of F Gao, few people cheered for joy, and even the disappointed sighs of No. [-] Middle School in the neighboring city were louder than F Gao's.

Both Lao Wu and the dean suppressed their wrinkled faces from laughing, and turned to look at the students in high school F below the stage.

They didn't know about the bet, and they wondered if the students hadn't recovered from the excitement?
In fact, the general reason for these contestants with high F can basically be guessed, it is nothing more than half of them, no, to be precise, it should be about nine out of ten that the city will win.

This result was a slap in the face to them.

After more than ten seconds of silence, the screams and cheers of several girls sounded out, which seemed extremely loud in this place that was silent because F Gao's cheers were not heard.

The contestants on the stage looked for their prestige, and at a glance they saw Zeng Zhile and Xia Nianchu who were leading the applause and shouting, and there were several girls standing behind them.

As their cheers fell, more and more girls stood up in front of them or behind them, and they joined the shouting team.

Just the combination of the girls' voices is astonishingly vast.

Seeing that the painting style has become like this, the boys couldn't sit still anymore. In front of individuals, of course collective honor is more important, and they also joined the team one after another.


After the debate.

Several students who participated in the debate went to the classroom where they took the debate class. This was requested by Teacher Su. After the debate, no matter whether they won or lost, they had to go to the classroom first. He had something to say.

Speaking of which, they were able to defeat the professional debaters and win the competition this time, thanks to Teacher Su's teaching.

Ling Xing and Su Qingluo walked side by side, Pei Yan and Zhang Wenhao walked in front of them, and Ji Yan and Qiu Yilin walked behind them.

The distance is not too far, it takes about ten minutes to walk.

The distance between several people is not far, if the people in front have a conversation, the people behind can basically hear it clearly.

Ling Xing quickly realized that this was a good opportunity.

The system is not online at this moment, if we don't provoke Qiu Yilin's relationship with it at this moment, when will we wait?

Do you still want to sit still and let Qiu Yilin complete the task, robbing her of luck or stumbling her?
No, Qiu Yilin and that system must not be given any more chances.

Now it's time for her to take the initiative.

There is no trust between Qiu Yilin and the system. They are mutual interests, and there are cracks in the relationship of interests. Ling Xing only needs to find a way to make the gap between them bigger, until it cannot be repaired.

But how to challenge it?
The itchiness in her throat hadn't completely disappeared, and looking at Su Qingluo, who knew a lot about her, Ling Xing had an idea.

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