Chapter 266 The Eldest Princess in the Giant Pit ([-])

I thought that the women who woke up in the middle of the night to watch the excitement would delay today's teaching.

The truth is, Mrs. You took it for granted.

The newly-appointed leader of the Xian family, Mrs. Xian, went door-to-door to urge everyone before they finished eating.

There are many roads from the tribe to the virgin forest. Today, the wife of the patriarch led everyone to walk the farthest and most marginal road.

Not to mention, with a new leader, the way to go was unbelievably smooth.

Not even a few of the common jungle poisonous snakes were shot.

When the sun was shining, a group of people stopped at today's destination.

Amazing, amazing!
Mrs. You looked at dozens of big trees, which could only be embraced by two or three young ladies, and sighed at the gift of nature.

I saw clusters of figs hanging on these trees. The shape and color were very similar to figs, but the fruits were wild fruits the size of her little sister's head.

Strangely, their fruits do not end on the branches, but grow on the main trunk, which looks like "jumping" out of the bark of the trunk.

From the bottom to the top, it is densely packed, more red and younger, and the rustle is beautiful.

At a glance, each tree can bear at least thousands of fruits.

It's so productive!
The people under the tree stared at the fruit and swallowed their saliva.

The wife of the head of the Xian family was triumphant, pointing to these fruits and said to the young ladies: "Come on, the rag seeds brought back yesterday don't have much pulp to eat, let's pick the ripe Gudu fruits today!

Gudu fruit is a good thing. Its tender leaves are edible in spring, and its flesh is also delicious in autumn.I will teach you how to choose male and female. The male fruit cannot be eaten, but the female fruit can be eaten by postpartum women without milk. It is very good! "

It turns out that this kind of giant fig is called "Gudu fruit" here!
This is also one of the fruits that all the children in the "big pit" like to eat most in autumn.

However, be careful when eating it, as there are secrets hidden in its fruit.

Sure enough, when Cousin Nine picked a ripe Gudu fruit casually and cut it in two with her precious knife, a small bee emerged from the fruit in the blink of an eye.

Gudu fruit is the same as fig, it has no flowers and fruit, and the bees don't come out after getting into the fruit to pollinate.

I don't know if the honey it brews is the same variety as fruit honey.

If you are lucky, you will meet a bee, and if you are unlucky, you will be able to cut out a bunch of ants.

If you want to eat this honey, you have to endure the disgust of eating with various small insects in nature.

Mrs. You, of course, is fine.

Not only was she fine, there were twenty or so little ladies who buried their faces in the freshly picked Gudu fruit without raising their heads.

"suck yo"

"suck yo"

Take a sip of that jelly-like syrup, it is intoxicatingly sweet.

Thousands of small sesame-like fruits, after the collision of the tip of the tongue, bring an extremely rich taste feast.

It is indeed the best among wild fruits!

The women didn't care about eating it on the spot, and most of them were masters of tree climbing, leaving the short fruits for the little ladies to reach out and pick.

Five people have already climbed up by stepping on the branches.

In less than half an hour, the animal skins under the tree had already piled up Guduguo Hill.

Just as the picking was rising, a woman who climbed the highest suddenly let out a scream of "Aiyo!".

It made everyone look up at her.

The woman supported the tree trunk with one hand, pointed at the crowd with the other, and stomped on the branches of the tree angrily: "Who are you, hit me with fruit? Hurry up and admit my mistake, don't dare to do it or not!"

In addition to the severe pain, the Gudu fruit exploded, and the juice soaked her clothes.

Really annoyed, what the woman thought was that no matter who it was, it was impossible to forgive her easily.

None of the women came forward to take responsibility for this matter, and they also identified each other's previous status and position, showing that they were not the ones who did such boring things.

The little ladies under the tree looked at me and I looked at you, feeling at a loss.

When everyone was at a stalemate, several people who climbed as high as the woman who was smashed were also attacked one after another.


"Who hit me!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Mrs. Zhao snapped, "Come out? Who is it!"

Everyone has heard the sound of "sparse" in the jungle.

The people on the tree gestured to the people under the tree, and with a few strokes, they determined the direction of the fruit.

Following the direction of their fingers, Mrs. Zhao and the eldest aunt have already determined the next action in their eyebrows and eyes.

Unexpectedly, the other party was not afraid of their little No. 30 people at all, and before everyone could act, another round of fruit battles flew all over the sky, with great firepower!
The primary target, of course, is the person on the tree!
"Oh, it hurts so much!"

"My nose was bleeding and it hit my face!"

There were screams, and some people even fell from the tree in pain.

This really irritated everyone, and the little ladies who had just had a good time also entered a fighting state.

Mrs. You held the cold iron knife hammered by her father, and followed behind her mother.

My heart is like eating hot pot and rinsing my hairy belly, I am in a panic.

A group of people quietly approached the depths of the forest step by step.

After walking less than 50 meters away, suddenly, a long cry came from the jungle:

"Aw, ow, ow. Aw."

One after another, the voices are high pitched and long, and each is faster than the other.

Then, there were more "Ao Gu" voices responding in unison.

When Zhao Shi and others heard this voice, they let out a long breath.

"I thought there were people from other tribes coming into the forest, but it turned out to be apes."

"Aniang, are they the ones who hit us just now?"

"Isn't it? These guys are really strong."

As soon as the mother and daughter finished speaking, about fifteen or six gibbon monkeys, either yellow-brown or pitch-black, jumped out from the Guduzi tree in the distance.

A yellow-brown gibbon with a black crown on the head extending from the shoulders to the back and a fringe of white hair on the face.

Mrs. You quickly picked up the life picture of this gibbon from the memory of the animal world in the past.

It seems that in modern times, this species of ape is quite precious!
Country one or country two?

Before she could smile at the national treasure, they gave her a warm meeting gift.

I saw these guys swinging on the swings to pick the fruit, and the long arms swung the fruit and smashed it towards the crowd. The movement was so smooth!
The little ladies under the tree were also targeted.

One counts as one, and everyone was smashed seven or eight times.

The attack was so violent that everyone squatted down with their heads in their hands.

The old face of the wife of the head of the Xian family turned into a pig's liver. She finally made up her mind to contribute this secret base.

The fruit forest that was supposed to be used to give her a face, but who would have thought that it would have strayed into the territory of the apes.

These evil beasts are smarter than children, and they hold grudges quite well.

(End of this chapter)

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