The King of Quick Transmigration took the wrong cannon fodder script!

Chapter 208 The Pocket Sister of the School Belle

Secretary Wang of the Jiashi Municipal Party Committee, County Mayor Lu Zhiping, Director of the Municipal Education Bureau and others, because of Youyu's heavy New Year's gift, organized a delegation to participate in this year's group meeting of the Pea Group.

As soon as the group meeting started, they all came to the stage to speak, commending General Manager You:
"The body is disabled, the will is firm and courageous, and the love is boundless and not for oneself!"

"Great love and charitable deeds, donate a thousand dollars, and tree thousands of people!"

"Thank you, Mr. You, for your own efforts, so that all the students in Jiashi who may be forced to drop out of school due to family poverty have books to read!"


Hearing these kind words, all the people who participated in this gathering were shocked!
The boss, she donated hundreds of millions of charitable funds as soon as they said they would donate, not only donating this year, but also donating every year in the future.

In private, they all fried the pot:
"I won't accept anyone, but my big boss!"

"The Goddess of Wealth should be the number one virtuous person in Shangjiang County, a living Bodhisattva!"

"To tell you the truth, if I earn so much money, if you kill me, I will not be willing to donate so much money!"

"Our boss is not only kind-hearted, but also generous to our employees! Which company pays millions to tens of millions in dividends to the executives, and that brat You Qi heard that he has paid millions in dividends this year!"

"The little money he shared is not enough to look at in front of his wife"

The limelight of General Manager You's establishment of a bursary completely overwhelmed the lucky winner of fifty cars.

While everyone was toasting, they were still talking about the boss's big hand.

Grandpa You and Grandma You were toasted round after round by the leaders, with endless good things to say.

The top leaders in the city and county are all around them. What kind of treatment is this?
The old man was so dizzy that he still hadn't fully woken up on New Year's Eve!

On New Year's Eve, the freshly baked endives of Pea Group appear in the New Year's Eve dinners of major restaurants and hotels.

High-end, exquisite, high-grade!

Unique nutrients and efficacy, known as the "Prince of Vegetables" in ingredients,
Born in a noble family, it was once regarded as the "national dish" of Belgium.

It has been grown in a dark room environment for a long time and grown in hydroponics in a dark place. People also call it "golden vegetables in the dark"!
The world-recognized alkaline diet and health-care vegetable was announced by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Beautiful Country as one of the "Top Ten Nutritious Vegetables in the World".

It is one of the 101 "food and medicine from the same source" vegetables announced by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, and it is also a special dish for Olympic athletes designated by the International Olympic Committee!

Diabetics, eat it, can regulate blood sugar;
The frequent urination and urgency of the elderly can also be relieved by eating it!

This wave of publicity, let’s just say it’s bullshit or not, right?
Anyway, I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or something, as long as the local tyrants who have eaten this dish on New Year’s Eve, they can’t help but want to eat it again.

Chicory, after more than a year of tossing, finally became famous overnight in the catering industry!

No matter how urgent the order is, the plant factory can only cultivate 12 catties a month, and the existing fleshy roots can only be supplied for ten months at most.

County Magistrate Lu waited for this moment of feedback for a long time, and You Yu's call only rang once, and he picked it up impatiently.

Hearing the report in Yuyu Balabala, Magistrate Lu laughed heartily:
"Hahaha, good! good! good! Such a good dish, anyone who is not short of money will definitely be willing to eat it! With so many orders, is your cultivation factory still busy?"

"Leader, good things are more precious when they are in short supply!"

"Hey, you still understand the market. How many acres of land can be planted with chicory next year? Can you grow more than 200 seeds per gram by yourself?"

"Cultivation of chicory seeds is in progress. The current plan is that the 7 mu of sandy land in Maobahe Village will be used to plant chicory for us in July, and the output can be tripled from this year's level!"

Lu Zhiping only came back from the mountains in the middle of the night to give his condolences. He was so happy that he took his wife for a drink, and kept muttering:
"This is just a chicory, and it can earn hundreds of millions a year, and it can also drive the villagers of two villages to become rich!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Our Lvda county magistrate is wise!"

"It's not wise, I'm discerning, I think back when I first came to visit.
Let’s just say that those greenhouses that were destroyed by the rainstorm last July, just relied on this season of winter vegetables to fight a beautiful turnaround!

When the GDP statistics for 09 come out, our Jiang County should be ranked No. 1 among the city’s four districts and six counties.”

Mrs. Lu is of course happy for her husband. A person who has lived in the capital for decades in a pampered and pampered place suddenly came to such a small county. Why not for his official career?
Of course, the political achievements closely related to her husband must be recorded in his file, but I don't know which city will be transferred to the next stop?

However, because of such a good relationship with the Goddess of Wealth, no matter where you are promoted in the future, you will have the opportunity to cooperate, right?
Cooperating with this little girl, the magistrate's wife expressed her reassurance!

You Yu, who was considered a safe card by the wife of the county magistrate, after reporting the letter to the leader, gathered relatives and went to the staff cafeteria to have a New Year's Eve dinner together.

During the Chinese New Year, the group still has dozens of employees on duty, and the staff cafeteria is still open, which is very lively!

There are only seven days of overtime work during the Spring Festival, and the boss allocated 10 yuan for food expenses to the old chef at one time.

The table is well arranged, the friends who work overtime take pictures every day and post pictures in the work QQ group, but the employees who are at home for the Spring Festival are very angry.

It seems that the ten dishes and eight dishes of homemade dishes are not as delicious as the ones in the staff cafeteria!

For 100 yuan a catty of chicory, the boss is willing to let the cafeteria cook several meals!

Boss You ate and drank every day during the Chinese New Year. He either went to his uncle's house, his uncle's grandpa's house, or his aunt's grandma's house in Houerling to pay New Year's greetings.

Anyway, no matter where she goes, she and her grandparents are relatives, the most respected guests!

However, the comfortable days passed until nine o'clock in the morning on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

At that time, You Yu was still sleeping late, and was woken up by the phone ringing one after another.

Worrying Bara, which guy is so blind?
He pressed the answer button angrily, and on the other end of the phone, You Qi spoke in a hurry: "Madam Yu, Madam Yu, Uncle Da You is beating his son violently at home, no one can stop him, he almost beat a pole broken."

"It's Chinese New Year, why did You Dayou beat his son?" You Yu was very impatient.

It's none of her business that I want to spank my son, and I haven't slept enough, so I'm very upset!
You Qi reported to his boss in detail: "It is said that Brother You Hu was dragged out by a group of friends to fry gold flowers on the eve of the New Year's Eve, and he only came back at noon today. It seems that the money he brought was laundered To put it bluntly, I borrowed usury at the casino."

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