The vicious female supporting role is posted in the opposite direction by the cub

Chapter 468: Extinction is about to be the best subordinate in the future

Secondly, Xingyue is an entertainment company and its influence is much greater than that of ordinary companies.

The news of catching borers from Xingyue will soon spread widely on the Internet.

Netizens have always been quick to respond to gossip.

But if it is an ordinary company, or a company that is not very well-known in the industry, netizens can't even understand the nature of its business. Unless it is very high-end, how can they bother to pay attention to it?

It's easy to take advantage of others, but industry fields are often accompanied by the scope of information dissemination.

As Yan Yueqing's first battle, she will naturally choose a target that has a wide spread.

You must know that the Jiang family has so many properties. Going back in the future will bring many difficulties and obstacles.

Teacher Jiang assigned herself the task of inspecting the property left behind by her mother, just to let her try her hand at it.

If you can't even handle Hua's things well, how will you deal with yourself when you return to the Jiang family?

After all, China has sound laws, and many things, including many company executives, would be caught by her if they strayed from the edge of the law.

It's different when you go overseas. In many areas where there are no rules, the laws are set by the most powerful people there.

She was fully prepared before coming.


And win beautifully!

Let everyone clearly understand that she is not the Yan Yueqing on the Internet who only treats people gently, but also a person who can change the clouds at any time in the business world.

In order to deal with Xingyue's matter quickly, she even used her connections with the Jun family to figure out the twists and turns inside in advance.

It feels a bit like anti-aircraft guns shooting mosquitoes...

However, if there is good help, why not use it? Do you have to go through a detour for a long time, but in the end you still can't figure it out, and go back crying to bring in reinforcements?

Come on, it’s not some white-flowered novel.

In the conference room, everyone drank tea tacitly and chatted with Mr. Yue about Xingyue.

After signing the agreement to give away Zhongxing shares, everyone smiled more sincerely than before.

Especially the two small shareholders, who usually don't have a particularly big presence in the company. As soon as the meeting comes, Feng Long makes unilateral decisions. At most, Zhou Jue can be added to mix it up, which has nothing to do with them.

Do they not want to take sides today?

Even if they take sides, it’s very unlikely!

Who knew, after hesitating, he actually successfully boarded Mr. Yue’s ship!

This feeling is like pie in the sky!

Yan Yueqing drank tea leisurely, and after a long time, he gently put down the cup.

"Now that we've talked about the shares, let's talk to you about the development of Xingyue."

She asked Ouyang Long to distribute the pile of documents in front of her.

"I came in a hurry today, and I only had time to read half of the documents Mr. Ou prepared. At present, I only know a little bit about Xingyue's situation in the past two years. There are huge financial problems, not only the financial director's corruption, but also the handling of large amounts of money. None of the capital projects are clean.”

Zhou Jue's face turned cold: "I know a little bit, but the finance department has always been overseen by Mr. Feng... ahem, Feng Long. Even if I want to see the relevant reports, there are always clean documents brought up."

"Although Mr. Zhou came to the company the latest, he is the most upright person in the company." Yan Yueqing praised unceremoniously, "Mr. Zhou is a bit like a director friend I know. Now he is also a senior executive of the company. If If I have the chance, I would really like to introduce you two to get to know each other. We share the same views and will definitely have a lot to talk about."

Zhou Jue became interested: "Are you talking about director Tang Mie Tang? To be honest, he has always been my idol."

"Oh? Really?" Yan Yueqing smiled. (End of chapter)

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