Tian Xiao'e was usually taciturn, but she saw clearly on this matter.

"Master, think about it, if we take the initiative to deliver Xiao Yu to her mother, her mother will accept the favor no matter what. Maybe the five hundred thousand will not be pursued, and she will give us extra money! "

Song Hui subconsciously wanted to fart!

When the words came to his lips, there was silence for a moment.

Seeing that there was something going on, Tian Xiao'e continued to persuade: "Even if you don't give me anything, I have figured it out! There is a high probability that Xiao Yu's match will match Hua'er. If her own mother finds out about Xiao Yu, she takes her back by force. Well, we will never see anyone from a wealthy family in our lifetime..."

"We take the initiative to send her back. At least we have contact with her family, and we will beg them to complete the matching. If she refuses, we will kneel on the ground and beg her, or make a fuss online? This kind of people want face most, anyway. The person surnamed Song went in and no one told her what was going on. We will kill the person named Song who insisted on giving the child to us. After all, we have raised her for so many years. We should repay the kindness of raising her, right? "

Song Hui gave Tian Xiao'e a rare high look: "I didn't expect you to be so smart today?"

"I'm also thinking about the baby." Tian Xiao'e lowered her head, "Hua'er's illness... is it possible that you really want Xiaoye to match? What should Hua'er do if she doesn't match?"

Song Hui nodded: "Okay, this matter is up to you. I will find a way to contact the Du family."

They made their wishful thinking come true, but they didn't know that at this moment, the fire on the Internet had already reached the Du family.

Song Qinglong and Jin Kai were arrested one after another, and the artists of Bright Culture became nervous!

There are big dealers like Jin Kai in the company who have worked with them for many years. Even if they want to say that they are innocent, no one will believe them!

Unless artists take drug tests voluntarily.

However, if Bright Culture had not organized everyone in the company to undergo drug testing like Zhongxing, they would be sinners if they went on their own!

When Jin Kai was arrested, all his artists were arranged by the police to take samples for investigation. The others were not taken away and were waiting for news in the company.

As a result, except for Zhong Hao, all the artists under Jin Kai were wiped out.

Nowadays, if anyone rushes to take a drug test to prove his innocence, netizens will say: Look, everyone dares to take a drug test, why doesn’t your idol do it?

In addition, the last live broadcast of the drug test by the stars gave everyone a clear understanding of the process, unlike the usual random reports to fool people.

There are many popular artists who have long had rumors that they may have touched that thing. If they are forced by fans to provide evidence, how will they deal with it?

When that time comes, the first person to stand up and take a drug test to prove his innocence will become a gun-headed bird.

However, the more silent they are, the more anxious their fans become!

In particular, fans of several popular artists from Bright Culture are usually at loggerheads with their rivals. Now that the real owner is silent, they have no choice but to follow Jin Kai's lead and dig into history, hoping to prove that their idols are Kincaid has no connection at all.

The ability of fans is sometimes comparable to that of enthusiastic people in Chaoyang, and they can always pick out some details.

Someone suddenly revealed the in-law relationship between Song Qinglong and the Du family.

Soon, the Du family was pushed to the baking sheet by some idol fans.

"Don't just focus on our idols, look at those rich people. These people are the instigators, okay?"

"The Du family? Sounds familiar."

"Do you know Du Mansheng? The last time she participated in a reality show, everyone said she was kind-hearted, but she turned out to be Song Qinglong's wife?" (End of Chapter)

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