Traditional Chinese medicine is very hard work. In ancient times, a doctor had to start as an apprentice and go through ten or eight years before he could save enough time and gradually obtain the qualifications to follow up and treat patients.

After that, it takes a long time to practice to gain the patients' trust in themselves.

Even if there are colleges of traditional Chinese medicine in later generations, it will not be that easy to cultivate a qualified inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Years ago, my family was caught in a dilemma between insisting on inheritance and changing careers. On the one hand, it was the crystallization of wisdom passed down by our ancestors; on the other hand, it was a dilemma where we could not even maintain food and clothing..."

He recounted that period of history calmly and indifferently, with a slight frown on his face, which made people feel distressed.

The barrage was filled with tears.

"I understand, I understand so well! The inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is really very difficult! When I was sick when I was a child, my mother would carry me to a traditional Chinese medicine clinic to get a few medicines and I would be able to be active. But now I can't feel better even if I catch a cold and take it for a week."

"I don't mean to say that Western medicine is bad, but Chinese medicine is more suitable for the constitution of Chinese babies! Now when you get sick, you can just go to the hospital and get a blood test and prescribe medicine for hundreds of dollars, but Chinese medicine can only cost you a few dozen dollars. ."

"Goodbye, the Chinese medicine clinics around us are all scammers. The medicines they prescribe are bitter and unpalatable, and you won't feel better after taking them."

"Well, don't overgeneralize. Another fact is that there are fewer and fewer good Chinese medicine clinics now. Since everyone is accustomed to going to the hospital for medical treatment, many old Chinese medicine doctors cannot open medical clinics and cannot find apprentices who have the patience to learn... …”

"Yeah, when their group of old men fade away, I don't know what will happen to this thousand-year-old inheritance."

For a while, everyone felt sad about this incident.

Chu Fengteng didn't read the barrage, and he probably guessed the netizen's comments. When the topic changed, his entire tone became high-spirited.

"However, our dilemma was solved after meeting Aunt Yueqing."

Zhu Na said on her behalf: "Did Brother Yue take action?"

"Yes." The dark clouds in Chu Fengteng's brows dispersed, "She invested generously and helped us get through that difficult period. It was also her suggestion that we transferred the concept of traditional Chinese medicine to basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. .”

"Food, clothing, housing and transportation?" Zhu Na was surprised, "I understand this 'food', but what does clothing, housing and transportation mean?"

"Clothing generally refers to clothing, such as adding traditional Chinese medicine products to clothes, making medicine bags, etc. to carry with you. Housing refers to household items, such as common medicine pillows... As for the line, we are still working with another company. The details of the cooperation will not be made public for the time being."

Zhu Na nodded repeatedly, like a qualified compliment: "It seems that Boss Chu has a big plan~clothing, food, housing, transportation... This is planned to penetrate into people's lives in all aspects~"

Chu Fengteng smiled gently, and his eyes did not have the ambition of an ordinary businessman. Instead, he had a kind of compassionate Buddha nature: "The food supplement workshop is just the first step, using different meals to regulate everyone's body. But it involves the entrance of things and materials. Naturally, it won’t be cheap, which is why Shibufang cannot be promoted to the public.”

The barrage was a bit unconvincing.

"Stop it! If you want to make money, just say so. How much does Chinese medicine cost?"

"Yes, yes, Shibufang sells high-end catering series, just like those omakase which are all gimmicks! It doesn't have much, but it's expensive!"

"I suggest that you don't just open your mouth. Traditional Chinese medicine is a mysterious and difficult science. Physicians must rely on their own knowledge and experience to find various preparations from nature and build a complex medical system based on them. . This is a line, and not a single medical center or hospital can determine the whole. In those years when traditional Chinese medicine declined, it also affected production and pharmaceuticals. There are fewer and fewer people cultivating it, and the price will naturally become higher and higher. High! And have you paid attention to the news not long ago? Many old pharmaceutical lines have been taken away by the capital of the Sun Country. Fortunately, we have big bosses in China to intervene, otherwise the medicinal materials will only become more and more expensive."

"Thanks for the popular science above. As a person from Imperial City, I would like to say that Shibufang's main store in Imperial City is located near my home. Although it is a high-end store, it has high-end ingredients and top-notch services. The prices are still not as high as those of others. Western food restaurants are expensive. In addition, Shibufang's store has a display screen, which clearly indicates the Chinese medicines that are consumed that day, and the prices. It really doesn't make you much money."

"Indeed! On the table that the anchor ate today, the ginseng chicken soup was made from Changbai Mountain ginseng, and the quality was very good! It's really not expensive to sell it for 199 a piece. Some people lick too much from foreign countries, and it's not good for us to make it ourselves High-end catering has been vilified in various ways.”

The discussion on the barrage was extremely lively. For those trumpets that were deliberately rhythmic, Assistant Zhu Na quickly banned them and kicked them out of the live broadcast room.

All in one go!
The atmosphere was immediately so good.

Chu Fengteng continued to introduce Chinese medicine drinks to everyone: "Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, it is the right way to cure diseases and save people! It is good to prescribe the right medicine after getting sick, but it is also necessary to take daily care and prevention to avoid aggravation of hidden diseases. .

Traditional Chinese medicine drinks and pastries are a new attempt that is gradually being promoted to everyone.I chose to cooperate with Wankang Futang because of its good reputation and large scope.Speaking of which, we still took advantage of Wankang Futang. "

His humble and courteous attitude greatly satisfied netizens.

In fact, Chu Fengteng has long had the idea to promote traditional Chinese medicine to all parts of the country.

But since they started running the food supplement shop, even if they continue to study medical skills, they still don't have as much experience as those in ordinary medical clinics.

Doctors grow up slowly through thousands of cases.

Chu Fengteng knew that opening a traditional Chinese medicine beverage store through Shibufang would not only require a large initial investment, but also would not be recognized by the public without building a reputation.

Wankang Futang is different.

It is the most extensive medical clinic among Mr. Bai's disciples.

Chain stores are open all over China, whether in bustling cities or street corners, you can see them.

Nowadays, when traditional Chinese medicine is in decline, to be able to have such a scale shows how hard we have worked.

By cooperating with them, patients are willing to try the so-called drinks and meals while seeing a doctor and taking medicine, which is more effective than opening a store and promoting it with great fanfare.

This is the prototype of an idea that Chu Fengteng and Mr. Bai had long ago, and it is also the result of recent discussions.

To be honest, if you want to promote, you won't be able to make too much money in the early stage, and you may even be losing money all the time.

Shibufang has made a lot of money in recent years, but if it is promoted to national chains, it will be a bottomless pit!

Wankang Futang's income in recent years has also been meager, and it cannot support such an ambitious plan.

It was Yan Yueqing's investment that once again gave everyone hope!

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