Fengqi Jingshi

Chapter 205 The World Knows

There are still some old friends in the past, maybe I can take them in for a while for the sake of money, and when the limelight passes, I will find a way to hide them in a proper place.

Anyway, the money in my hand will never be used up in a few lifetimes.

The two made their plans and went out while it was dark.

Unexpectedly, after fleeing less than ten miles, he was captured by the nearby garrison and beheaded on the spot as a spy.

As soon as this incident happened, the prime minister's supporters felt a drum in their hearts. Not including Lin Shilang, even Yang Wanguang and Cao Wenyi, who donated so much money every year and were loyal to the prime minister, could be abandoned by the prime minister at any time.I don't know when, as long as I need it, I am afraid that I will become an unwanted piece on the prime minister's chessboard.

Jingzhou had no owner for a while, and the garrison took millions of taels of silver from the houses of Yang Wanguang and Cao Wenyi, and put them in wine jars and put them in the cellar.The garrison who received the order, except for keeping part of the silver for their own use, transported the rest to the north.

This is a later story.

The days went by day by day, and there was no light in the prison. If it wasn't for the fact that someone brought three meals a day, Mrs. Jiang could hardly tell when it was.

When she first arrived at the prison, she still insisted on her identity and refused to eat the unidentifiable food.She always felt that even if it was for the reputation of the Duke's Mansion and Shen Yu's future, the Shen family would not ignore her.

No matter how bad it was, there was Wuyang Marquis Mansion, she had come out of Marquis Mansion no matter what, and she had the status of the eldest daughter, so it was impossible for them to leave her alone.

Her life couldn't end like this.

She despised the female prisoners in other cells, thinking they were dirty, smelly, and crazy.But she waited and waited, and when she couldn't stand the hunger and had to gobble up the dark things, her tears flowed out.

After waiting day after day, I couldn't wait for someone to visit, and I didn't even wait for the arraignment.She found that she was starting to become as dirty and smelly as the female prisoners she despised!

As far back as she could remember, she had never taken care of herself. Food and drink were delivered to her by someone, and they were always the things that suited her appetite the most. Not to mention her clothes, she was served by someone to dress her when she got up early.

But in the prison, the food is probably not as good as pigs and dogs, and the clothes are not changed for a few days, and the smell is unbearable.What broke her even more was that she had to clean the stinky bucket by herself!

She eats, drinks and eats in one place, the bucket is not clean, and there are flies flying around in the summer, and there are waves of stench, which made her feel nauseous and vomited endlessly.

Even a huge mouse ran out while she was eating, and robbed her of food recklessly, causing her to scream loudly in fright, but it attracted a burst of laughter from the female prisoners in the next cell.

When had she ever suffered such hardship? In just a few days, she was tortured to the point of being unbearable.

One night, sleeping on a bed covered with straw, she suddenly felt something moving on the soles of her feet. In a daze, she thought that she had returned to the Duke's mansion. It was Mama Jia who was arranging the brocade quilts on the soles of her feet. Unexpectedly, after a while, a piercing pain came, she woke up suddenly, kicked over, and kicked a furry thing, the thing creaked, and a group of black shadows fled out.

Only then did she know that it was a courageous mouse who dared to bite people in the middle of the night.

At this time, she couldn't bear it anymore, looked at her bleeding foot, hugged her knees and cried.

There was only one bean-sized light in the cell, which was so weak that it could be ignored.There seemed to be ferocious beasts hidden in the darkness everywhere, ready to rush over at any moment, bite her neck, and devour her.

After crying for a while, she began to panic and fear, staring at every invisible corner, always on guard.

After a whole night like this, she didn't breathe a sigh of relief until the cell leader who delivered food opened the door the next day, a ray of sunlight suddenly shone in from outside, and the darkness was dispelled.

The prison boss handed her a bowl of millet porridge mixed with some wild vegetable leaves through the iron fence, and gave her a black steamed bun. He glanced at her, and saw that the old lady of the country was completely out of shape.

Her hair was loose, with a few straws hanging from it, and her eyes were red.He took the food she handed in and ate it bit by bit in a daze.

The prison boss didn't care at all.She has seen a lot of people like this, it's slow to go mad for the Duke's wife, and those who can't bear the prison, they will go crazy completely in two or three days.

Mrs. Jiang was biting the cornbread. The steamed bun had a musty smell, it was dry and hard, and it would stick to the neck of a person who choked. If there was not a bowl of vegetable soup, it would really choke to death.

It's just that at this moment, Mrs. Jiang doesn't have the heart to complain about this.She was full of despair. After all these days, it seemed that someone wanted her to die in the cell.

No, no, she is the royal wife of the country, she has been aloof all her life, she will not just end in such a hasty way!

With a bang, the door of the cell was closed again, and the cell leader went out to rest after delivering the food.With the closing of the prison door, the ray of light disappeared instantly, and everything returned to darkness, even darker than before.

The extremely weak light flickered a few times, but finally failed to withstand the wind rushing in from outside the door, and struggled to extinguish it.

The thick darkness swallowed everything, and there seemed to be a huge threat hidden in the invisible places.Madam Jiang suddenly panicked and kicked the black porcelain bowl in front of her with a bang. Even the sound startled her.

Relying on her memory, she crawled into the straw pile in the corner, shrunk inside, surrounded by straw, and felt a little safer.

Abusive sounds from other people sounded from the side, every word was rude and dirty, there were ups and downs of crying, and there were screams of two people fighting for a piece of cornbread.

At this time, she actually felt that these voices were so beautiful, at least they could prove that there were people around her, some living people.

She felt that the surroundings were getting hotter, she thought it was strange, this prison was not permeable to light and air, but it still couldn't block the heat wave outside.

I don't know when, a light appeared in front of my eyes, but the light was very weak, and there was the sound of drizzling water again.

Is it raining outside?

Mrs. Jiang stood up and pressed her ears to the wall, but moss suddenly grew on the wall, which was wet and slippery. She grabbed a handful, and it was cold and wet.

She was a little strange, and when she looked up again, she saw that the light in front of her was actually shining from the top of her head!

A round mass of light, even a starlight can be seen.

She suddenly realized that she was in the well!

Mrs. Jiang was startled, how could it be, how could it be in the well?She frantically grabbed around, turned around, and saw a pale and swollen face flashing in front of her, she screamed, and hurriedly backed away.

Behind her was the hard wall of the well, her back hit the wall of the well heavily, a smile suddenly appeared on that grimace, she brushed the wet hair with leaves hanging on her forehead, her scarlet mouth was full of white teeth!

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