Her mental power is poisonous

Chapter 114 2 Difficult Situation

Chapter 114 Dilemma
The question asked by the bodyguard is also very reasonable.No matter whether it is the inspection headquarters of Area B, it is found out by itself, or it is shared by Benito Iraconza, it cannot change the same ending.

That was the whereabouts of Winston and the little girl, which had been discovered.If she is arbitrarily pressing these two people on her own territory.If someone finds out one day, she will only be involved in it.

Originally, District B Inspectorate had an inexplicable attitude towards Xu Fei and paid a lot of attention to him.At that time, jumping into the Yellow River will not be clean.

This made Xu Fei fall into a dilemma for a while.On the one hand, she didn't want Winston to be in danger again.Because according to his personality, if Jeresi's life was in danger, he would definitely volunteer to rush forward, fearing that even his own life would not be guaranteed at that time.

On the one hand, this is indeed a time bomb. At this moment, what she wants to do has not really started.And in order to ensure that he can escape from the inspector's sight smoothly in the future, he has signed an informant agreement with Ted.This agreement also unknowingly restricts her actions and makes her think about it before she acts. What is the impact?

What's more, this time, Ted is handling the case on the planet.It made her whereabouts even more traceable.In case Ted found out her identity and felt that this agreement was not binding enough on her.Will you regret it?

In this way, the back road she reserved for the future will be gone.Really think about this question.

The bodyguard knew that Xu Fei had deep feelings for Winston, so he was naturally unwilling to let him put his own life at risk and return to this melting pot that was about to explode.So standing by the side, he didn't speak too much.

In the end, Xu Fei thought, anyway, it has not yet reached the urgent stage, it is better to hold the person down first.If you can escape for a while, you can escape for a lifetime.

The bodyguard is also nearby, agreeing with this idea.Therefore, this issue will be exposed.

I worked overtime in the first two days, and there was no difference between day and night.Harvesting and sending away all the herbs in the vegetation field, the long-term task was completed in a short period of time, which led to Xu Fei's idleness.

He could only fix his eyes on the inspector headquarters in District B.But at this stage, the Supervision Headquarters in District B has fully taken over the local Supervision Bureau, and the personnel dispatched by them are directly under the jurisdiction.Many things, although some clues can be noticed at the very beginning, but as the people behind them gradually get used to it, the secrecy gradually increases.

It is no longer as easy to listen to news as before.Now it is only in their conversations, detentions, and transfers with hammers and hammers here and there, that they can smell exactly what steps they have taken.
The bodyguard had nothing to do, and often discussed with Xu Fei.The conclusion that can be drawn is that for .The man Jose Bustamante, his biography, his connections, and all his previous evil deeds have all been unearthed.

It can be said that in the eyes of District B Inspectorate.Jose Bustamante was not just a dead man, he was a dead man with no secrets.

This is completely understandable.If it was Xu Fei herself, she would probably dig out the person who was used as the fuse, the eighteenth generation of ancestors.Investigate from him to find out why it should be used as the fuse.And follow the clues to see if he can find any other clues about him.

Xu Fei racked her brains to think about what was on Jose Bustamante's body that could attract the attention of the District B Inspectorate.

After thinking about it for a long time, I just feel that in the past ten years, I know very little about all the news about this person.

No other clues could be found from Jose Bustamante, and the two of them turned their attention to Benito Iraconza.

This man was equally important in the case of the dock attack.From a certain point of view, he is more important than the reckless Jose Bustamante.

Xu Fei and the others could imagine that the Inspectorate of District B would definitely not let it go.As their investigation deepened, the bodyguard's eyeliner was also there. During the occasional surveillance, many people familiar with Benito Iraconza were found to be taken away.

Among the list that was taken away, the most eye-catching one was the staff of the space agency who helped them open the route privately.

The aerospace staff was taken away, which shows that the Inspectorate of District B has obtained enough evidence.I'm afraid that Benito Iraconza's collusion with criminals has already been found out by them.

Even if it is not found out now, there must be doubts.After all, the staff of the space agency are not professional spies, and they don’t have much ability to resist blows. It’s really not enough to just blow up a little bit. If you use a little harder method, I’m afraid they won’t last long. I know it’s just a matter of time.

In order to verify this guess, the bodyguards came to visit and bribed several local inspectors to inquire about the news.These inspectors are members of the team under Benito Iraconza.If something happened to him, people familiar with him would definitely notice.

Sure enough, although they experienced this incident, their vigilance has increased.But over the years, the lazy character has been developed, and it is difficult to change for a while.

Between the inside and the outside, the sense of caution revealed was also noticed by the bodyguards.Come back and tell Xu Fei that Benito Iraconza is definitely under control.

Because his home has been heavily guarded.His family has been brought into the Inspectorate.

Benito Iraconza was still alive, so he would naturally be treated more solemnly than the dead José Bustamante.

Although the Inspectorate has become more and more formal as time goes by.However, for the normal development of the case, some secret means are still reserved.But this time, it was the Federation who personally ordered to disclose the truth of the matter at all costs.I'm afraid that the means used will not be gentle, it's all about the length of time.

Now these peripheral personnel, there is only so much news that they can know.Now the Supervision Bureau under the jurisdiction of District B is like an iron bucket.If there is an idea to insert it, it is very difficult to implement it.

Might as well wait patiently.What are their next moves?It's like working hard, and finally attracting the attention of others, the gain outweighs the loss.

Thinking about it this way, Xu Fei and the bodyguard became even more idle.Every day is eating and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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