After being kicked out of a wealthy family, the fake daughter shocked the world

Chapter 603 603 Chi Yangzhi lost his memory on purpose

The second cobbler looked at Lin Wu quietly and pointed to the chair next to him for a moment.

Lin Wu sat down, his face as sinking as water.

The cobbler smiled instead, "Why do you think so?"

Lin Wu took the jade pendant out of his pocket and placed it on the table.

The second cobbler looked slightly calm.

Lin Wu lowered his gaze and slowly turned the silver ring on his finger. He was obviously a little stunned, but there was no abnormal fluctuation in his calm voice.

"I am very sure now that Bo Yuting and Jian Chong went to the dungeon with them."

"In other words, he knew what was in the underground city, what they were doing, and the Chi family's past."

"So he understands that he can't come back."

"But when did he know it? And why did he know it?"

The only opportunity Lin Wu could think of was the Black Bei Mountain in the northwest.

Before that, she, like Bo Yuting, knew nothing about the Chi family; after that, she got the answer in Killer City, and Bo Yuting left quietly during that period, obviously earlier than she knew.

In this regard, only the night when he encountered a sandstorm and entered the Black Bei Mountain, he could know about it in advance before she could.

But she believed that Bo Yuting would not lie to her. He must have met Bo Qingcheng in Black Bei Mountain.

But you won’t just meet Bo Qingcheng, there will be others.

Bo Yuting must have come into contact with this person recently, so he asked in shock "how could it be you" when he saw him.

And he must have learned everything from this extra second person.

"There are actually only a handful of people who know about Chi's family affairs, and they can be easily eliminated." Lin Wu raised his head, "Jian Chonghe and Lu Guichi were both in Lingnan at the time, and the city lord was unable to go out in Polar Killer City. In addition, there are The people who might know are either my mother, Chi Yangzhi, or Bo Qingcheng."

There couldn't be anyone else but them.

"My mother has lost her memory. I take it for granted that she is Bo Qingcheng who is still alive."

So Lin Wu didn't think much about it at that time.

"But now that I think about it, Bo Yuting wouldn't have reacted like that when he saw him. Bo Yuting wouldn't lie to me either. He must not have had much communication with Bo Qingcheng."

"Excluding Bo Qingcheng, I have been wondering for a long time who else would appear in Black Bei Mountain."

"Just when I couldn't figure it out, Lu Guichi reminded me of another possibility - what if my mother has regained her memory?"

If the memory is restored, everything will make sense.

Moreover, Chi Yangzhi does not have to go to Black Bei Mountain in person.

Lin Wu pointed at the jade pendant with his finger, "My mother still has contact with you in private and has never broken off. You are working for her. She can definitely tell you to go to Black Bei Mountain."

The only person who can meet all the conditions is the second cobbler.

"I think Bo Yuting saw you first after the sandstorm, and then met Bo Qingcheng, right?"

The second cobbler looked at Lin Wu steadily.

After a long time, he finally nodded.

Lin Wu's heart sank.

"However," the voice changed, the second cobbler said, "you are wrong about one thing. It was not Mrs. Gu who asked me to go to Black Bei Mountain, but Jian Chonghe. I went with Bo Qingcheng."

Lin Wu was slightly startled.

There was no need for Lin Wu to ask any more questions, as the cobbler explained spontaneously.

"I have known Jian Chonghe for a long time, eighteen years ago."

"At that time, the master's family was ruined and had nothing. He gambled for his life on the ghost street, but lost to a young man wearing a mask. He is the voice of the Huo family's contemporary foreign affairs."

Lin Wu heard the second cobbler say it, but she didn't quite understand why he suddenly mentioned it.

"Actually, the young man didn't want to let me go at that time. It was someone who was following him who spoke out, so I had to live and do things for them."

"That person is Jian Chonghe."

Lin Wu was stunned.

"He seemed to just do it casually and didn't care about saving my life. In the next ten years, I really didn't see him again. It wasn't until three years ago that he started to contact me and wanted to win me over. He does things.”

"He gave me a lot of benefits. But it's not necessary. I'm willing to help him because he saved me."

"And, three years ago was not the first time I helped him."

"I helped him secretly eighteen years ago."

Lin Wu quickly understood: "Is it my mother?"

The second cobbler nodded, "As a teacher, can I know about the ghost streets? How can I be an ordinary person? Before going to the ghost streets, I did a lot of things both overt and covert, and I also had my own news channels. At that time, a friend of mine in Beicheng I found Jian Chonghe and told me. He also said that he seemed to be in some trouble."

"So I rushed over at that time. But I didn't see Jian Chonghe, but I saw your mother Chi Yangzhi."

He paused, "Actually, it was me who helped your mother lure her pursuers away."

"Later, I didn't find Jian Chonghe. After escaping and erasing all traces, I returned to Beijing."

"Not long after, I met your mother. She was not in good mental and physical condition at the time. After seeing me, she expressed her gratitude to me and asked who I was working for." "I didn't answer, I just told her that I I helped her to repay Jian Chonghe's kindness. Then she was silent for a while and asked me to do her a favor. "

Lin Wu intuitively felt that this might be related to what he wanted to know.

She sat up straight and asked, "What are you busy with?"

The cobbler's eyes fell on the jade pendant on the table, and he said, "She said she wanted to lose her memory."

"What did you say?!"

Lin Wu looked at him in disbelief.

The second cobbler said: "You heard it right, she wants me to find someone to deeply hypnotize and brainwash her, so that she will forget what happened in Beicheng and everything related to it."

"I asked her why."

"She said she had a brother who didn't want her to get involved in some things, but she couldn't do it. So she wanted to forget, to reassure her brother, and then remember it at the right time and do it before her brother."


He looked at Lin Wu, "She said she lost a daughter, but she knew where her daughter was. She felt it because mother and daughter were connected."

Lin Wu's pupils shrank suddenly and he stood up in shock.

"But she didn't dare to find her back," said the cobbler. "She said that her brother had been driven crazy by hatred at that time. Once her daughter was found, her daughter would be taken away by her brother and she would die."

"So she wants amnesia and wants to forget everything."

Lin Wu felt like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, unbelievable.

The cobbler was silent for a moment before continuing.

"I was curious about her, but she didn't say much."

"Finally, I asked her if her brother was Jian Chonghe, and she said yes. I agreed and made an appointment with her to see her again. I found someone for her as promised."

"However, there is a very serious problem. Her condition at the time was too bad. Forced hypnosis and brainwashing would make her insane, and she may remain crazy."

"I told her the truth. She didn't hesitate."

"After it was completed, I arranged for someone to quietly send her back to the Gu family. She forgot about Jian Chonghe and her daughter, but she still remembered me a little, and I was the only one who saved her in Beicheng."

"In these years, I kept my agreement with her and never went to see her. I only occasionally heard that the Gu family treated her well and put a lot of effort into raising her, and she lived an ordinary life. I also paid attention to Jian Chong Jian Chong has not found any trace of her."

Lin Wu completely stayed where he was.

She forced out a hoarse voice: "My mother has never been well. She has serious mental problems. It turns turns out to be..."

"Of course she can't recover. This is artificial amnesia, and it's not foolproof. Sometimes she will remember a little bit, but it goes against her cognition, which will make her suffer."

The cobbler sighed with pity and told another earth-shattering news.

"I never knew who her lost daughter was. But when I first met you at the Ghost Street Casino two years ago, I had a vague guess because you looked a bit like her."

"So I went to check on you and found out that the Lin family who raised you had been favored by the Gu family in Beijing. But I don't think Gu Tangzhang and the others knew that."

"Who do you think it is?"

he asked Lin Wu.

" it my mother?" Lin Wu's eyes suddenly sore and he froze.

When taking over the Lin family, she discovered that the Gu family had helped the Lin family.

At that time, she was still wondering how the Lin family could be as good as the Gu family.

Later, when she learned about the relationship between the Gu family and her, this became something she cared about.

On the one hand, she was too busy with too many things to bother asking what was going on with the Gu family; on the other hand, she didn't dare to ask.

She didn't want to know facts such as "They actually knew she was in the Lin family for a long time, but they just ignored her, and now they were exposed, so they had to recognize her."

In this regard, Lin Wu's trust in his biological family is so weak that it will be shattered if pushed.

It's better to stay confused.

But now...

"If my guess is correct, when Chi Yangzhi was ill and thought of you, she should have secretly gone to Beicheng to see you. After her condition stabilized, she no longer remembered it. She didn't dare to remember it either." The second cobbler said slowly. .

Lin Wu opened his mouth, and it took him a while before he could speak.

" did my mother remember?"

The cobbler looked at her and said, "It's because of you."

Lin Wu was confused: "Me?"

"Chi Yangzhi came to see me not long ago."

"As soon as we met, she told me that she had regained her memory."

"She said that every time she saw you, she would think of something."

The cobbler sighed softly: "When she was hypnotized and brainwashed, the key to restoring her memory was her little daughter." (End of Chapter)

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