In that instant, Lin Wu's heart almost skipped a beat.

But before she could react, the burning heat on her shoulders woke her up instantly.

It's a tattoo!

Lin Wu pulled away his hand, causing the corpse fluid to slosh and overflow into a large area.

Everyone else heard it and immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Wu opened her mouth, but the scene in front of her already answered them for her!

——The coffin lid was suddenly knocked open with great force and fell to one side.

With a "crash", the thing inside raised his hand to support the edge of the coffin, and stood up directly, exposing his whole body!

He was about the size of a child, wearing tattered and pale robes, but because of the sticky corpse liquid stained on his body, the exposed skin on his body was festering black and purple, and he also had a pungent rotten smell.

Lin Wu could see more clearly. The terrifying blood-colored eyes on its face were covered with a layer of darkness, as if there was a cold meaning that made people feel chilled all over!

"What the fuck?!!"

Bo Wu's exclamation and Zhao Fang's scream suddenly sounded, accompanied by a loud bang!

The Yin Tong inside the sarcophagus that Zhao Fang was looking for also woke up and stood up! Just as Bo Wu was about to open the coffin, the lid of the coffin was knocked open in front of him.

The incident happened so suddenly that they didn't react at all. More movements appeared, and the coffin lids were opened one after another!

This confused several people.

In the flash of lightning, the Yin Tong in front of Lin Wu suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Lin Wu!

Without thinking, Lin Wu used a crowbar to knock the opponent down.

The Yin boy was accidentally hit and fell down in the coffin. More corpse liquid splashed out, inevitably splashing on Lin Wu's body. The putrid smell that hit his face made Lin Wu almost vomit.

"What are you doing standing there, hurry up and find something quickly! If they attack, push them off the stone platform!" Lin Wu said.

Her move was like a signal, and the Yin children who had come out moved one after another to attack the people standing in front of the sarcophagus!

You Yuan was the first to react. He grabbed the rope on the ground and wrapped it around Yin Tong's reaching hand and tied it tightly. Before the other party could react, he yanked it out, dragged it out with it, and threw it outside the stone platform!

The rope still needs to be used, so You Yuan draws his knife and cuts the rope neatly.

The Yintong just fell from a height of several meters.

You Yuan didn't have the heart to see what happened to it, and he couldn't care less about mysophobia. He put his hand into the corpse liquid and groped around randomly.

Others also took action quickly.

What I didn't expect was that this Yin boy was quite agile, he could dodge quickly and attack hard.

Lin Wu was almost scratched by it. He endured nausea and grabbed its arm, pulled it out of the sarcophagus, kicked it off the stone platform, and quickly looked at what he got in his hands.

It's a ram's horn seal.

According to the "Book of Changes", the representative of sheep in the heavenly stems and earthly branches is Wei, which belongs to the position of exchange and is located in the fire palace, which is the position of the sun.

Lin Wu immediately found the compass and tried to deduce other locations based on the direction and the two known places.

However, most of the Yin children in other sarcophagi woke up.

There was one diagonally above Lin Wu's head, and it actually jumped down! The distance was not high, and Yin Tong fell into the sarcophagus, splashing a lot of corpse liquid.

Lin Wu retched and knocked it down with a stick when it was about to come out.

Anyway, I have already encountered it once, and I don’t care about the second time.

Lin Wu broke its neck with his hands, but it was still able to move. Lin Wu had no choice but to kick it off the stone platform several times and told the others that breaking its neck was useless.

"What does the bronze bull statue belong to?!" You Yuan said.

Lin Wu turned around and saw that he had already taken something out of the sarcophagus. He was no longer staying there, and was coming towards her while dealing with the Yin Tong.

She calculated, "It's the Shaoyang position! I still need at least two talents..."

"Here is a candlestick with a bust of a jade girl!" Zhao Fang's nervous voice suddenly sounded from below.

"It's Taiyin!" Lin Wu looked around, "Who else has found it?!"

However, the situation of the other three people is not so good. Zheng Yuan was in the most troublesome position. He was very close to the surrounding stone platform. Three or four Yin boys were attacking him at the same time, making it impossible for him to concentrate on searching.

Bo Wu was also forced to the edge of the stone platform by two Yin boys. Their attacks were so fast that Bo Wu had no time to think about himself, and he didn't dare to get close to them for fear of being injured and infected with corpse poison, so he was a little passive.

Another young man named Chen Qin was even worse. The stone platform he was on was very small and difficult to unfold. The crowbar he was holding was accidentally knocked down by the Yin boy, so he had to fight two Yin boys at close range. , but a few more people jumped down from above. They were so close that he was even more dizzy from the corpse liquid in the coffin.

"Go help them!" Lin Wu said, dragging the rope to swing to the stone platform on the other side, kicking Yin Tong over, retracting the flying tiger claw and moving forward to find Chen Qin who was nearby.

You Yuan also turned around and headed straight for Zheng Yuan.

Zhao Fang went straight to Bo Wu above, but he had to deal with the Yin Tong on the way up to prevent the rope from being broken halfway up, so the climb was quite difficult.

In desperation, he drew his gun.

With a "bang" sound, the bullet penetrated the body of the Yintong, but it only made it move slowly. It was not fatally injured, and it was even worse!

As if being stimulated by something, the yin boy's blood-colored eyes twitched, and the skin on his face trembled, producing a hoarse buzzing sound, which was very harsh.

It was obviously not very big, but when Zhao Fang heard it, he suddenly had a splitting headache, lost strength, and almost fell off because of the force in his hands!

The other yin children seemed to be stimulated by the sound and made the same sound.

After Lin Wu heard this, his head felt like needle pricks. When he looked into Yin Tong's eyes, his vision blurred again, as if he couldn't see clearly, and he stumbled and fell down.

Yintong took the opportunity to attack Lin Wu.

Lin Wu felt weak for some reason and couldn't get up at all.

Seeing that she was about to be hurt, she felt her heart pounding and used all her strength to roll to the side and fall to the stone platform below!

Everyone else is experiencing the same situation!

"There's something wrong with this monster. It turns out that its attack is nothing. The real danger is here!" Bo Wu reluctantly hid, unable to find anything in the sarcophagus.

He subconsciously called Lin Wu: "Miss Lin, this is too evil! Aren't you a mysterious master? Is there any magic that can be used? They are like this now... It's useless for us to do anything!"

"Not even with a gun!" Zhao Fang said quickly.

You Yuan and Zheng Yuan first asked how Lin Wu was doing.

Lin Wu resisted saying that it was okay and scratched his arm with a knife to temporarily wake up.

There was a Yin Tong coming down to attack, but Lin Wu sided to avoid it, leaned back along with the inertia, and kicked the opponent down when it got close.

She tried her best, but she had no clue.

It turned out to be her first time encountering this kind of thing. Even the Jiushan transverse technique was taught by Mo Chuanxian, let alone using the technique to deal with it!

Is it possible that we are looking for Mo Chuan? That's not OK.

Mo Chuan was injured, so she couldn't take action without saying anything. She hadn't even gone deep into the Black Bei Mountain yet, so she came to him, and she couldn't be ridiculed to death! Moreover, Hikaru Makawa gave her the hair string, but he didn’t teach her how to activate the hair string!

After much thought, Lin Wu could only say: "Find another sarcophagus! At least find something else, and I should be able to find a way out! Who else can find it?!"

Hearing this, several people's hearts froze.

Zheng Yuan, who was still in the best of circumstances, suddenly jumped away from the approaching Yintong, threw himself in front of the sarcophagus, and groped inside.

The Yintong from behind immediately attacked.

Zheng Yuan ignored them and was hit on the back. The pain made his face change slightly, but he became more awake because of the sting.

Then there was no attack as expected, but instead a sound.

When Chen Qin and Bo Wu were close to him, they both gave up looking for the sarcophagus and drew their guns to hit the Yin Tong who attacked him. Although they could not kill them, they could temporarily prevent them from getting close to Zheng Yuan.

You Yuan, who was not far away, saw this and endured the discomfort and continued to pass.

Fortunately, after a while, Zheng Yuanzhen found something and quickly took it out to look at.

"Master, here are copper coins with Kaiyuan Tonghua written on them!"

When Lin Wu heard this, his thoughts were spinning rapidly.

It's Shaoyin!

Lin Wu looked at the compass and calculated.

At this time, a strong force suddenly struck from behind!

In the pain of shock, his mind was confused and he was really powerless and uncomfortable. Lin Wu staggered, stepped on the air and fell down!

(End of this chapter)

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