The soft white moonlight of the paranoid gangster at 80

Chapter 305: Extra 2: Strangers in the next life, everyone is well

Returning home was also part of the honeymoon, so Ruan Qingqing deliberately slowed down the pace and stayed in the capital for a few more days with Jiang Chen.

The two of them climbed the Great Wall, watched the flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square, visited the Forbidden City, watched the most beautiful sunrise at Lingshan Mountain, and tasted the famous roast duck and mutton-boiled mutton.

After that, I set foot on the road back to Chengdu with great satisfaction.

The first time he got home, Ruan Qingqing went to see Lin Ronghua and served Lin Ronghua tea according to wedding tradition.

The change fee given by Lin Ronghua was very substantial. In addition to ten thousand and one yuan in cash, there was also a four-piece set of gold jewelry.

Jiang Chen and Zhang Chunxi usually paid these money to honor her during New Years and holidays.

Three hundred today and five hundred tomorrow, over the past few years, he has actually saved a huge sum, and now it all falls into Ruan Qingqing's hands.

After seeing Lin Ronghua, Ruan Qingqing and Jiang Chen went to the Su family and the Ruan family's relatives one after another to send wedding candies and announce the marriage.

It was not until the night before returning to his hometown in the countryside that Ruan Qingqing learned about Ruan Xiuxiu's death.

At that time, Jiang Chen was taking Ruan Qingqing to visit the new home of the villa.

The overall hard decoration of the villa has been completed, leaving only the soft decoration. Jiang Chen arranged everything according to Ruan Qingqing's preferences, including furniture style, curtain color, carpet material, decoration, bedding, lamps, etc.

On the way back from the villa, Jiang Chen talked about Ruan Xiuxiu's death.

That night, Ruan Qingqing had some insomnia.

It's not that I feel sad or pity, I just feel emotional and even feel a little empty.

The effect of force is mutual. She once had deep disgust and hatred for Ruan Xiuxiu, but now that Ruan Xiuxiu is dead and has disappeared from this world, she will never see him again in this life, but she cannot be happy.

After visiting the Ruan family's relatives, Ruan Qingqing went to Ruan Xiuxiu's grave.

It was an inconspicuous dirt bag, covered by grass about half a man's height due to neglect. If it weren't for the gray stone tablet standing in front of the tomb, it would be impossible to tell that there was a tomb here.

In such a comparison, her ending in her previous life was better.

Jiang Chen buried her and Ruan Dahai in a cemetery. The father and daughter might still meet each other under Jiuquan.

Ruan Qingqing came to see Ruan Xiuxiu not to pay homage, but to settle matters.

Ruan Xiuxiu, we are clear about our past and present lives.

I hope that in the next life, you and I will be strangers and be well.


After visiting relatives, Ruan Qingqing went to visit her mentor Xu Jingmei, carrying gifts.As soon as they met, Xu Jingmei praised her "Dream Song". Later, after seeing her works over the past year, she also gave her high recognition and evaluation.

"Qing Qing, your trip abroad was not in vain. You have made great progress. Soon it will be time to audition for the new Youth Fashion Design Competition. How about it? Do you want to give it a try?"

Of course Ruan Qingqing knew that she had improved a lot compared to the past, but she had not thought about participating in the youth fashion competition.

The pain of the last disastrous defeat was still before her eyes, making her feel timid and withdrawn.

"Teacher Xu, I'll think about it."

Xu Jingmei didn't force herself, she answered with a smile, and then showed concern about her study and life in London.

After learning that she and Jiang Chen had held their wedding in London, Xu Jingmei gave her a painting.

It is a pomegranate picture made by Xu Jingmei’s teacher previously.

Xu Jingmei's teacher was a famous oil painter in modern history. He passed away ten years ago, and his paintings have become extinct. Any one of them can be sold for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

"Teacher Xu, this is too expensive."

Ruan Qing was flattered and subconsciously declined.

Xu Jingmei just looked at her with a smile, "It's just a painting. Even if it's not given to you, it will be given to others. Good things must be passed down."

Hearing this, Ruan Qingqing had no choice but to accept it, "Teacher, I will treasure it well."

Xu Jingmei said: "It's not necessary. When the teacher drew this picture, he wanted the work to be appreciated and liked by more people. It has been in the dust here for almost 20 years, and it is time to see it again."

On the way back, Ruan Qingqing went to the art gallery to order a picture frame, intending to hang the pomegranate picture in the living room of the villa.

With Jiang Chen's encouragement, Ruan Qingqing decided to participate in this year's youth fashion design competition.

This time she still used elements of ancient Chinese style and chose the curved skirt style that was very popular in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

In that dynasty, deep-curved garments could be worn by both men and women. However, the hem of the men's garments was wider, making it easier to walk, while the women's garments were tight, narrow, and subtle.

Ruan Qingqing used these elements to design a wedding dress with a curved skirt. The skirt of the wedding dress followed the curved skirt style and was made into the shape of a morning glory. It also imitated the characteristics of Western-style wedding dresses and made it more than half a meter long. small tail.

On the day the design was finished, Ruan Qingqing was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

Whether her work wins awards is no longer important to her. She only knows that this is the wedding dress she wants.

She and Jiang Chen had agreed that the domestic wedding would be held in Chinese style, and she would wear this wedding dress then. (End of chapter)

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