Gu Liuzhang nodded, "There should be no mistakes."

Mu Yishang's eyes deepened, and she fell into deep thought.

"How did you find out?"

Gu Liushang said: "It's not important, although I'm just guessing right now, but I think... what's more important right now... we should find a way to make that person show his fox tail."

As soon as he said this, Gu Liushang immediately realized that he seemed to have made a mistake.

He hastily defended, "I'm not talking about Master, I'm talking about..." He was at a loss for words for a moment, unable to explain clearly.

Mu Yishang smiled helplessly, "I didn't think much about it, but you seem to be covering up."

The young man chuckled, Taohua blinked his eyes, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Master, I... I have been thinking about how Master's cultivation base was exhausted and transformed into a prototype in the Suoyao Pavilion. I don't know. ... I don't know if I still have a chance to see Master's real body again?"

Mu Yishang: "..."


Although Mu Yishang knew that her refusal had never been of any use to Gu Liushang, that kid was best at grinding hard and soft, and he would not give up until his heart softened.

Sure enough, the next second, the man began to hum.

Mu Yishang rubbed her temples, thinking about the possibility of avoiding this matter.

The end result is, basically nothing.

But Mu Yishang was very concerned about the fox's real body.

Her fox is too small and fragile, and she doesn't seem to have any deterrent power at all.

Therefore, she cares about this very much, and she really doesn't want to show her appearance in front of others.

Mu Yishang was even thinking about whether she should be tougher towards Ah Shang as Mrs. Zhang said.

"Master, please, I'll just hug you for a quarter of an hour, okay?" He raised a finger and acted like a baby to her.

Mu Yishang was not good at rejecting Gu Liushang at all, and after a long silence, she just said, "Don't force me, Azun."

The boy pouted his lips, "I'm not forcing you, I'm begging you, okay?"

As he spoke, he shook Mu Yishang's sleeves.

Mu Yishang was very embarrassed, she felt that this would only continue according to Gu Liushang's emotions, and in the end, nothing would change except for her compromise.

For the first time, she chose silence.

Gu Liushang was coquettish for a while, but was very disappointed to see that the master ignored him.

He let go of his hand, lowered his eyes in disappointment, "Master doesn't love me anymore."

As soon as Mu Yishang raised her eyes, she met the slightly red eyes of the young man, and her eyes tightened.

Maybe this matter touched the issue that Mu Yishang was very concerned about, and she didn't want to compromise him.

Mu Yishang could only look away again, not looking at him.

Even though her sight fell to a low place, she was quickly attracted by two teardrops falling from a high place.

Mu Yishang's eyes darkened, and he cried.

A man does not shed tears lightly, and Mu Yishang feels guilty every time Gu Liushang sheds tears.

She always felt that Gu Liushang should have been a normal boy in the first place, but it was because of her misunderstanding and misunderstanding that she raised him as a girl, and he became what he is now.

Therefore, Mu Yishang could not do anything about Gu Liushang's tears.

Mu Yishang pursed her lips, and murmured in a low voice: "Forget it, it's up to you, you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, she closed her eyes, leaned over on the couch, and immediately turned into a little white fox.

Gu Liushang wiped away tears indiscriminately, and immediately smiled.

He carefully held the little fox in his arms.

But after meeting those tightly closed fox eyes, Gu Liushang's heart suddenly turned cold.

Master is really reluctant.

The boy put her down again, bit his lip, and said, "I won't hug her anymore, Master, you can change back."

After a while, Mu Yishang returned to her human form, but she didn't say a word to Gu Liushang.

Gu Liushang carefully wrapped her in his arms, "Master, are you angry? I...I..."

As he spoke, his tears were about to fall again.

This time it was real, and in a hurry.

Mu Yishang said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I'm not angry with you, I just need some time to digest my own emotions, don't worry, don't cry."

Hearing her speak, the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

He said: "It's all because Master's real body is so cute, and I really, really like it so I want to hug Master. Don't be angry with me, Master. At worst, I just don't want to hug him. Master just like that, I am so scared."

With that said, Gu Liushang buried his whole head in Mu Yishang's neck, looking like a frightened puppy.

Mu Yishang patted his head comfortingly, and said: "It's my problem, it's the hurdle in my heart that I can't get over, it's not your fault, okay, don't be angry, okay?"

The boy obediently rubbed against her neck lightly, and hummed softly.

The two were bored for a while, and Mu Yishang reminded Gu Liushang that there was still serious work to do.

The young man reluctantly separated from her, if Mu Yishang hadn't been unhappy just now, Gu Liushang would have acted like a baby and cuddled Mu Yishang for a while anyway.

Before leaving the door, Gu Liushang held Mu Yishang's hand and reminded repeatedly: "Master, you must never forget what I said, you can't get carried away just because of the beauty of that life, and fall into the trap of that villain."

Mu Yishang was a little helpless, Jiang Yunsheng's face was also injured, so what beauty is there?

She coaxed him and said, "You are the most beautiful, how can others get into my eyes?"

These words reached Gu Liushang's heart, he nodded contentedly, and said: "Then I'm leaving, come back before dark, I put a barrier on Master's body, no one else can get close to Master's body , even so, Master still has to protect himself."

Mu Yishang smiled, "I'm not a three-year-old child."

As a teacher, she is like a little apprentice under his protection.

But Gu Liushang didn't care at all, and nagged and instructed several times, and then walked away at every step.

Seeing the figure of that person leaving, Mu Yishang couldn't help feeling a little lost.

This is not a good situation when he has just joined the Yaozu, and he is already being targeted.

After a long time, she withdrew her thoughts and entered the house.

She opened the door and entered Jiang Yunsheng's room.

Just before Gu Liushang left, he kindly used magic to dissipate the strange smell from Jiang Yunsheng's room, and he didn't forget to clean it up.

It wasn't any poison that Jiang Yunsheng took this morning, it was just that he saw that the man had deep thoughts and wanted to teach him a lesson in a different way.

That bowl of soup was also all the things that Gu Liushang bought at the foot of the mountain that he found extremely disgusting, and they were stewed and mixed together.

Although he had no intention of harming others, he was afraid that Master would feel like a small belly if he found out, so he cleaned up specially.

As soon as Mu Yishang entered the door, what she saw was Jiang Yunsheng lying half dead on the couch, gasping for breath.

For some reason, Mu Yishang had a feeling at this moment that this person's appearance was not just pretending.

She couldn't help but doubt whether what Ah Zhan just said was true.

It's not that she is suspicious of Gu Liushang, it's just that seeing is not believing. This is the truth she has always believed in for many years.

At this moment, she vaguely felt that things might be more complicated than she imagined.

Jiang Yunsheng looked very painful, and it took him a long time to notice that there was someone more in the room, and he was even slightly shocked by it.

Although the man concealed it very well, Mu Yishang still noticed it.

Mu Yishang moved a chair and sat down in front of the man's couch.

Jiang Yunsheng's face was so pale that he didn't even look bloody at all.

He said weakly, "Girl, why... are you here?"

Mu Yishang's attitude was much better than the cold one last night.

She said: "I heard from Azun that your situation seems to be getting worse, and I want to keep you here for a few more days, so I came here to check on your situation."

Jiang Yunsheng pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty, and made a smile that was uglier than crying.

He really thanked that kid, the reason why he became like this was all caused by that guy.

Thinking of this, there was a wave of anger in his heart that he had nowhere to vent.

Jiang Yunsheng deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "Then... ah... where did Mr. Azun go?"

Mu Yishang was silent for a moment, and said, "He went down the mountain to buy ingredients for dinner."

These words made Jiang Yunsheng's face completely dark.

He looked at Mu Yishang in horror, and said: "No... I don't need to eat... eat, I... I'm not hungry, really... not at all."

Mu Yishang was a little taken aback by what Jiang Yunsheng said. Did she just say that it was for him to eat?
Seeing his reaction, why did he still look very afraid.

Mu Yishang thought to herself: Could this person not be able to eat?
After much deliberation, Mu Yishang couldn't come to a conclusion, she could only say: "Azan's cooking skills are not bad, you are still hurt, it's better to eat something."

Jiang Yunsheng immediately shook his head like a rattle, "No, no, no, I don't need to eat it, I don't need it, I really don't need it."

After hearing Mu Yishang's words, the way he looked at Mu Yishang changed a little.

He didn't expect that there would be people who thought the food made by that kid was edible?He even described it as 'good cooking', which shattered his three views.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Gu Liushang's absence and secretly complain to Mu Yishang, but after hearing what she said, he couldn't say what he had been brewing for a long time.

But in the next second, Mu Yishang suddenly said: "I thought we would just meet by chance, but now it seems that you are going to live here for a while, so let's get to know each other."

This made Jiang Yunsheng a little surprised. He was here to inquire about the situation. After hearing Mu Yishang's words, he naturally nodded happily.

Mu Yishang said: "My surname is Gu, and my name is Yishang. The person with me is my disciple, named Liushang."

After introducing herself and Gu Liushang, she asked bluntly, "Why were you chased by wolves yesterday?"

Jiang Yunsheng said: "My name is Jiang Yunsheng. I mentioned it yesterday. As for... As for the matter of the wolves, it's because... the mountain here... was occupied by wolf monsters. At night, there are... wolves everywhere. Crowds come and go."

He will avoid the seriousness and take the lightest.

Mu Yishang said: "I see your appearance and clothes, you don't look like an ordinary little demon, why did you appear on the mountain in the middle of the night?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yunsheng scolded himself for not living up to expectations.

He originally planned to change into coarse linen clothes, but he was pampered and brought up, so he couldn't stand the pain, so he had no choice but to wear his original silk and satin clothes.

Well, now that someone questioned him on the spot, Jiang Yunsheng hasn't figured out how to make up this paragraph yet!

After a long silence, Jiang Yunsheng had no choice but to admit his identity to Mu Yishang's searching eyes.

"Actually, I'm from the Demon King's Palace. It's just that my brothers...the brothers in my family are arguing fiercely, fighting for power and wealth, and the quarrel is very unpleasant. I don't want to compete with the...brothers for parents. With that little family property, he ran away from home."

After all, Jiang Yunsheng did not forget to remind Mu Yishang, "This is my secret, please don't tell anyone about it, Miss Gu."

Mu Yishang nodded, "You must be able to see that I am not a member of the monster clan, and I have no acquaintances here. I will not tell anyone your secret."

Jiang Yunsheng seemed relieved, and nodded gratefully to Mu Yishang.

But Mu Yishang didn't buy it, and continued to ask: "Since you are a prince and aristocrat in the Demon King's Palace, why is your cultivation level so low that you can't even beat a few wild wolves?"

Jiang Yunsheng sighed helplessly, and said: "I am... the youngest child in my family. I was spoiled and spoiled since I was a child. I am lazy and never like to practice, so... I haven't cultivated well until now."

As soon as the words were finished, Mu Yishang put her fingers on Jiang Yunsheng's wrist.

This made Jiang Yunsheng's heart tighten, for fear that Mu Yishang, who was also a demon, would see something.

Mu Yishang pressed his pulse, and said: "Your roots are good, you should practice hard in the future, and you can be regarded as living up to the good roots that God bestowed on you."

Jiang Yunsheng was relieved to see that she was unaware of his cultivation.

In fact, he discovered last night that Mu Yishang has almost no spiritual power and cultivation level, so it is reasonable for her not to be able to detect her own cultivation level.

Although he was clear in his heart, Jiang Yunsheng still deliberately pretended to be stupid and asked: "Miss Gu...Since she is Ah Zan...Young Master's master, you must... have a high level of cultivation, right?"

Mu Yishang shook her head, "I was injured a little bit in the early years, and all my cultivation has been lost, and I can't recover for the rest of my life."

So it is!Jiang Yunsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

No wonder, he always wondered why Mu Yishang's spiritual power was almost invisible, but Gu Liushang's aura was very domineering.

Even if he hadn't checked it himself, Jiang Yunsheng could still feel the aura around that person, although Gu Liushang tried his best to suppress it, so as not to let people see that his body was bright red demonic aura.

But Jiang Yunsheng could feel that he couldn't resist that demonic energy. (end of this chapter)

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