This set is called Yuhuatian

Chapter 642 Why Are Things So Slow?

Word of mouth is very important for a company.

For example, if the prices of a century-old store and a newly opened one-year-old store are the same, which one would you go to buy?
This is word of mouth, is the brand.

But now, Huayi Brothers' signboard has been covered with a lot of dirty water.

This made the two brothers feel distressed. After all, it is not so easy to cultivate a signboard.

Seeing that Sihai Media was targeting them over such a trivial matter, the two of them became furious.

I also plan to find an opportunity to smear Four Seas Media!

It's just that the two brothers haven't found out yet, and they don't know when it will start. Their methods against Four Seas Media are only incompetent and furious.

After Sihai Media resolved this matter, it focused on next year's Olympic Games.

Although there are many artists in their company, there are few singers!

It is not easy for an artist to be produced in next year's Olympic Games, but it can be easier for a singer.

So the top priority is to push their company's big brother Jay Chou to the top!
Jay Chou is also working hard to create, he also knows how precious this opportunity is.

And Yuhuatian found Zhang Yimou, hoping that if there is a chance, he can help introduce other directors.

For such a small request, Director Zhang would naturally not refuse, after all, he is a director in the film and television industry.

But now, when it comes to the film and television industry, Yuhuatian is a hurdle that he can't get around.

How could he not give this kind of favor?

In this way, Yu Huatian met other directors in charge of the Olympic Games.

Have to admit, some of these people are really serious.

He turned a blind eye to Yuhuatian's suggestions and conditions, and even if it wasn't because of Yuhuatian's identity, he might have scolded him on the spot.

However, not everyone is like that.

Through these people, Yuhuatian's ultimate goal was achieved.

He stuffed anyone who could.

As for the result, no one can say for sure now, anyway, Yuhuatian won the opportunity for them.

And after all this tossing, Yuhuatian didn't spend less money.

Spending money like running water is nothing more than that.

"Boss, I have something to tell you."

"Something is obviously wrong with our company recently!"


In the office, Yu Huatian looked at Wu Shuangshuang curiously, not understanding what she meant by something wrong.

"The artistes of our company are not active anymore!"


Yuhuatian was a little curious, why wasn't his heart active?Every time he goes out, he can see them busy as hell.

"Since our company has been able to send people to Hollywood to film in the past two years, have you noticed that they are all lying flat now."

Yuhuatian simply shook his head. He felt that his employees were still working very hard.

Wu Shuangshuang thought for a while and said, "You are the boss, so they will naturally show off in front of you, but I don't think they have any ambitions like this."

"Then what do you think should be done?"

Yu Huatian directly pushed the question over, and Wu Shuangshuang obviously had already thought about how to deal with this question, and answered directly.

"My idea is to create a reward system."

"For example, there are too many people being sent to Hollywood nowadays. We should set a target, and only those who meet the target can go."

"Otherwise, those people don't know how to cherish it if they get it for nothing."

Yuhuatian shook his head and said: "Let's talk about this next year. It will definitely not work this year."

Wu Shuangshuang looked at Yuhuatian, and then listened to Yuhuatian continue.

"Do you know why I send a large number of people to Hollywood to film?"

Wu Shuangshuang shook her head. She had been focusing on the company in the past two years, so how could she have the energy to pay attention to other things.

Besides, even if she had the energy, it was impossible to tell her about such secret things.

"There may be some changes in Hollywood, and the specific things will not be seen until next year."

Wu Shuangshuang is a very smart person, and he guessed something after hearing the words.

"Then next year, but the system must be implemented this year, otherwise it will be difficult for them to get used to the current pace of life in the future."

Yu Huatian nodded after listening, with a somewhat perfunctory expression.

Not to mention that the company's employees are a little slack, even he himself is a little slack.

"The boss thinks, according to what indicators is good?"

"This kind of thing, you can deal with it."

Wu Shuangshuang didn't evade it either, and in fact, before asking these questions, she had already guessed that Yuhuatian would say that.

After all, she has known her hands-off shopkeeper for many years.

After the two decided to implement it, Wu Shuangshuang found Wang Jinghua again.

As the company's three giants, how can this kind of thing be done without telling her.

After Wang Jinghua heard the news, she was also very satisfied with Wu Shuangshuang's thoughts!
In fact, she was planning to do this even if Wu Shuangshuang didn't say anything.

The atmosphere is really important.

Just like the atmosphere of a dormitory, when the atmosphere of a dormitory is good, there are many examples of six people all attending key universities.

But if the atmosphere in the dormitory is not good, it will be completely different.

The same is true for the company's atmosphere. If the company's artists are used to being lazy and can spend a day at a time, it will indirectly affect other people.

The two of them discussed a plan within half an hour, planning to let the company choose artists according to this standard in the future.

Let the people below see hope, and then some people will be willing to work hard for it!

As for this kind of thing, two people are simply not too good at it.

In the evening, Yuhuatian packed up his things and prepared to go home.

Just as Kong Fanming drove the car out of the underground garage, Yuhuatian discovered that Wang Baoqiang was at the entrance of the company with a woman with a smirk on his face.

Yu Huatian recognized it immediately, this person was the former Beiping TV reporter, Ma Rong!

Yu Huatian couldn't help frowning, thinking what's going on with Liu Wan?How many days have passed, how can such a trivial matter not be done well?

But what Yu Huatian didn't know was that it was actually not easy for a person to see another person clearly, and he was still in love with him.

Because love can make people blind, the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When a man and a woman first fall in love, they can almost only see each other's strengths, but not their weaknesses.

Therefore, it is really not that easy for Wang Baoqiang to see the true face of this person.

Especially when the two of them had nothing to do, even if Wang Baoqiang saw Ma Rong with someone else, he would only feel that it was too late for him to know Ma Rong, not Ma Rong's problem.

That's why Liu Wancai laid out an overall situation, and this kind of situation takes time.

Hu Nan on the side noticed Yuhuatian's eyes and said softly.

"Isn't that Bao Qiang? Do you need to stop, bro?"

"go home."


Hu Nan agreed, and his eyes fell on Ma Rong. (end of this chapter)

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