This set is called Yuhuatian

Chapter 617 Three Plans Are Unfinished

When the video first started spreading on the Internet, everyone was still a little baffled.

After all, not everyone knows about Wang Jinghua, nor does everyone know about this fat man who drinks alcohol.

But the video disseminator thoughtfully added the identities of the two below, both Wang Ping and Wang Jinghua, which made the audience understand.

Good guy, this Wang Ping is actually the director of Mango TV!
And Wang Jinghua is Yuhuatian's manager, so what does this person mean?Said that Yuhuatian had an improper relationship with Wang Jinghua?

This time, the audience couldn't sit still.

Wang Jinghua and the others don't know each other, but Yuhuatian and the others do!

Good filming, good looks, lots of donations, and Hong Kong and Taiwan artists are not allowed to play big names in the mainland!

It can be said that in the current circle, Yuhuatian's audience recognition is second only to Liu Tianwang and Fang Long and others.

What's more, the reputation of Mango TV station was stink by Shi Feng. Comparing the two, the audience is naturally more inclined to Yuhuatian.

As a result, the scolding of Mango TV on the Internet became more intense. They didn't care whether Wang Ping was Wang Ping or not, they only knew that Wang Ping was also from Mango TV!
Since it's yours, it shouldn't be a problem for us to scold you, right?

In just one night, the news has fermented unbelievably, and the heat is so high!

It wasn't until the next day that Mango TV staff got to work that they found out about the news.

If they had discovered it from the beginning, they might be able to use some means to control it, but now, it's too late to say anything!

The head of the TV station found Wang Ping immediately, and they taught him a lesson.

It's okay to drink and complain in private.

But if you complain about being recorded and posted on the Internet, this is a big problem!

Isn't this discrediting the image of our TV station?
Wang Ping lowered his head, letting the leader insult him, but in his heart he wanted to tear up the group of people who drank with him!

Those who drank with him that day were all friends.

My heart is with you, you use your brains with me!

He clenched his fists tightly, thinking about who betrayed him.

He also watched the video in the morning, but the problem is that he didn't remember where to sit. Could it be that it was the hotel's surveillance?

The more Wang Ping thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. It is very likely that the people in the hotel saw so many people scolding Mango Channel recently, so they followed suit and posted the video!

Thinking of this, he almost exploded with anger.

But in the eyes of the leader, the look of clenched fists and an aura on his face is clearly dissatisfaction!

He couldn't help but sneer twice at the moment, since you are willing to take the place of the dead ghost, then don't blame me.

This time, Zhaocheng's influence was particularly bad, and even appeared on the news of many other TV stations.

But don't think that all TV stations are official, that is, friendly relations.

The so-called peers are enemies, they wish each other bad luck.

Especially since everyone is a local station, you've been doing a lot of business recently, and you're still following the 'creepy path', it's strange for them to be able to see the past!

Everyone stepped on the stage one after another, let this matter spread from the Internet to TV, and more people know about it!

Nowadays, many people still think that what is shown on TV is true!

As a result, many viewers are convinced of this matter, and feel that Wang Ping, who is called Mango TV, has gone too far.

After such a long period of fermentation, Four Seas Media finally responded.

'For this incident, our company will pursue Wang Ping's legal responsibility. '

'In view of the fact that Mango TV still has not issued an apology for this matter, our company will cancel all cooperation with Mango TV from now on. '

'Our company has notified the Supreme Court that Mango TV has used the copyright of our company's songs many times without notifying it. '

'From now on, all illegal works will be sealed and taken off the shelves. '

The announcement was not long, but it made the media go crazy. It was clearly aimed at the TV station!
This is the first time a media company has met a TV station so far!

The media reported one after another, and even some TV stations that were not afraid of things followed suit, earning a wave of popularity.

For a while, Mango TV was directly pushed to the forefront.

And everyone knew in their hearts that Mango TV would never apologize. This was doomed from the very beginning.

Not only Mango TV, but also other TV stations.

Doing something wrong, no compensation, no apology, this is the standard configuration!
On the other side, Yuhuatian is also not a person who keeps quiet after being bullied, so the final result must be that the two sides collide with each other!

Not long after that, the Xiangdong Group also publicly issued a statement that they also refused to cooperate with Mango TV!
This time, the impact is even greater.

Because the Xiangdong Group spans too many fields!

Medical, construction, logistics, networking.

Although they didn't have any cooperation with Mango TV in the first place, but now that they have expressed their attitude, the impact on Mango TV will undoubtedly be severe!
And following Xiangdong Group's statement, some companies that also have no business relationship with Mango TV have also expressed their position, and they also refuse to cooperate with Mango TV!
As more and more companies express their views, more and more companies gradually appeared to catch the heat.

Even some unknown small companies expressed their opinions one after another, and they also refused to cooperate with Mango TV.

The station leaders of Mango TV are almost cursing, why don't they cooperate with us?How much money you give us, we are not willing to cooperate with you!
Who knows you?Don't come here, okay?
And Mango TV also knew that it had to stand up.

Today, they have three options in total.

The first solution is to introduce a scapegoat, let him take the blame, and admit everything.

The advantage of doing this is that it can quell the 'public anger' in the shortest possible event.

The disadvantage is that it is embarrassing!
Even if they don't apologize, in some people's eyes, it's because they are cowardly.

Then the second option, tough!

This kind of plan will not lose face, they are still the big brothers, the disadvantage is that now the reputation of their TV station is not very good, and some viewers may be lost if they are tough.

The last option is to pretend that nothing happened and do what you should do.

Use time to let the audience forget!
To put it simply in one word, drag!

This method is not only used by TV stations, but also by many departments.

Belonging is the most common means.

And the TV station didn't think much about it, and had already selected a plan, the first one!
Yes, Wang Ping was directly pushed out as a scapegoat.

Wang Ping was stunned. He never expected that such a big TV station would choose to 'sacrifice' himself to calm the situation!
But what's the use of resisting the decision made by the superior?
So, after a few days of events, the news about Wang Ping's formal dismissal from Mango TV was announced to the audience. (end of this chapter)

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