Chapter 551

Wang Baoqiang rubbed his head and got up on the bed in a daze.

After washing his face with cold water to refresh himself, he began to punch in the room.

These days he has been acting with Liang Guanhua in plays, and now he can finally play some small roles.

Even though most of them are anonymous characters, it still makes him very happy.

But from today onwards, he will not be able to rehearse dramas for a while, which makes Wang Baoqiang feel a little empty for no reason.

He is a little distracted when he is punching, which is very rare for him.

After waiting for punching, he looked at the time and hurriedly washed again.

He lives in the company's dormitory, but the company's dormitory is not in the company.

If he doesn't start now, he won't be able to catch up with the company's breakfast.

But this time, there was a little accident. He had just arrived at the company when he was stopped by the front desk.

"Wang Baoqiang!"

Wang Baoqiang turned his head in doubt, not understanding what the lady at the front desk asked him to do.

Even though he would give the little sister a smile every time he passed by, it wouldn't make her remember him.

How did she know her name?Is he already so famous now?

Wang Baoqiang doesn't have much self-confidence, and he even has a little low self-esteem.

Now being stopped by the beautiful lady at the front desk, I am still a little shy.

He scratched his head and said, "Excuse me, are you calling me?"

The receptionist waved with a smile, and waited for Wang Baoqiang to approach before he spoke.

"Yeah, why can't you get through your phone?"

After hearing this, Wang Baoqiang hurriedly looked for his mobile phone, only to find that his mobile phone had been turned off.

He was a little embarrassed, but the front desk smiled.

"The boss's office called before and asked you to go directly to the office and wait for the boss after you come."

"The boss wants to see me?"

"I do not know then."

The lady at the front desk shook her head, Wang Baoqiang asked after thinking about it.

"Is the boss here?"

The receptionist shook his head and said, "No, when did the boss come to the company so early?"

Wang Baoqiang hummed, and looked in the direction of the cafeteria reluctantly.

Since the boss asked me to wait for him, it seemed that the meal would not be available.

Wang Baoqiang honestly came to wait at the door of Yuhuatian's office, without any complaints in his heart.

Because he knew very well that it was Yuhuatian who changed his life!
And maybe the boss asked me to come this time, so what good opportunity would there be for me?

Yuhuatian didn't come to the company until almost ten o'clock, when Wang Baoqiang's hungry chest was pressed against his back.

After seeing Wang Baoqiang, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Bao Qiang, have you eaten yet?"

Wang Baoqiang just wanted to say that he had eaten, but his stomach growled at this moment.

The office area is quiet enough, so quiet that the sound of his stomach is particularly noticeable!

This made Wang Baoqiang somewhat embarrassed, but Yu Huatian smiled and waved.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

Wang Baoqiang hummed and followed Yuhuatian quietly.

Hu Nan and Wang Baoqiang have known each other for a long time, and said with a smile.

"Bao Qiang, what have you been up to lately?"

Wang Baoqiang scratched his head and said in embarrassment.

"It's just a play."

"Hey! It's not easy to play a good drama!"

Hu Nan is good at communicating, and chatted with Wang Baoqiang with a smile.

It's just that Wang Baoqiang still lacks self-confidence at the moment. Most of the time, Hu Nan is talking and he is listening.

A group of people got off the elevator and came to the cafeteria.

Hu Nan ran to order food from the master chef, while Yu Huatian sat face to face with Wang Baoqiang.

Wang Baoqiang was somewhat nervous when facing Yuhuatian. After all, Yuhuatian could completely affect his life direction in a certain way!
But at the same time, he also trusts Yuhuatian very much!
After all, it was Yuhuatian who brought him to his current position with a 'pay of two thousand', allowing him to give himself and his family a good life.

"Baoqiang, have you ever filmed a TV series?"


Wang Baoqiang was a little dazed, and then hurriedly said.


When he was a group performer before, why didn't he act in it?

Yu Huatian nodded after hearing this, and then said.

"Bao Qiang, director Kang came to our company yesterday and said that he plans to cooperate with Jianjun Film Studio to shoot a military-themed TV series."

"On the one hand, it is for publicity, and on the other hand, it is also for conscription."

"Our company has invested a lot, but I only have one request."

Hearing these words, Wang Baoqiang seemed to think of something, and felt his heart beating so fast.

Yu Huatian said in a calm voice, "You have to play the male lead!"

These words made Wang Baoqiang's eyes widen instantly, it was unbelievable, Yu Huatian said lightly.

"Bao Qiang, I can trust you."

Wang Baoqiang seemed to have lost his ability to speak at this moment, he just stared blankly at Yuhuatian, his eyes were slightly red.

"Brother, I, I, I, brother, I'm not worthy!"

At this moment, he stuttered a little.

After hearing this, Yu Huatian smiled and said, "You don't deserve it? You don't deserve it. Why should I sign you into the company?"

"Bao Qiang! I have always believed that you have potential!"

"I believe you will make a name for yourself in the show business circle in the future!"

"I can see your efforts! I can also see your pursuit!"

"Bao Qiang! Can I trust you?"

At this moment, Wang Baoqiang didn't know what to say. Back then, he had heard a saying that a scholar should die for his confidant.

At that time, he thought this was bullshit, how could one person be willing to die for another?
Besides, that person is neither his father nor his mother.

But now, he understands!
If a bandit with a knife appeared in front of him right now, then Wang Baoqiang would definitely rush forward to protect Yuhuatian regardless of his own safety.

Soon the food was served, and Yuhuatian invited Hu Nan and Kong Fanming to sit down and eat together.

As they ate and ate, they saw Wang Baoqiang's eye sockets flushed with naked eyes, and then big tears began to fall.

At this moment, he felt that all the hard work he had put in before had paid off.

At this moment, Yuhuatian didn't realize how much impact this TV series would have on their company in the future!

After waiting for a few people to finish their meal, Yu Huatian wiped his mouth and said.

"Can you understand the script?"

Wang Baoqiang was somewhat embarrassed after hearing this. As a person who has not finished elementary school, he can understand the script a little, but only a little.

Seeing this, Yu Huatian looked at Hu Nan and said, "You can read the script to Bao Qiang in a while, and ask him to prepare the roles first."


Wang Baoqiang asked with a smile: "Boss, what is the name of this TV series?"

Yu Huatian wiped his mouth gracefully and said, "Call, "Soldier Assault"!"

Yuhuatian and the others who had eaten had just stepped out of the elevator when they saw Wang Jinghua walking out with a thin Shamate.

Yuhuatian just glanced at the other party and narrowed his eyes.

Gu Shaotang!
(End of this chapter)

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