Chapter 327 Dinner and Homecoming

From a certain point of view, the Yu family's family style is still good.

Pornography, gambling and drugs, his family members are not contaminated.

But the reason why I want to talk about a certain aspect is that although his family has no family members, they run casinos and coal mines.

For some things, you have given indicators, but the people below may not necessarily do so.

Just like coal mines, how many are actually operated according to safety indicators?
Compared with the amount of coal produced, how much is a human life at this moment?
Why is it difficult for ordinary people to make a lot of money?

The reason is actually very simple, because their money is clean!

It's all hard-earned money accumulated bit by bit, and how much hard-earned money do you have to exchange for money?
The vast majority of people are like this, they exchange their lives for money in the first half of their lives, and exchange their lives for money in the second half of their lives.

A very small number of people, those whose family background is particularly bad, will give up their own life immediately, and use his meager money to marry their son a wife, repeating the cycle.

And what about capital money?

Their usual method is to make money with other people's money.

Are they afraid of losing money if they buy and sell without capital?

A small saw pulls a big tree, even if the saw teeth are worn out, it may not be able to pull the big tree.

But what about a chainsaw?
Capital is to use other people's money to buy chainsaws to pull trees!

And when ordinary people use small saws to pull trees, they still wonder whether this will destroy the ecological balance or cause soil erosion.

Everything will make them feel uneasy.

But capital, they will only consider two issues.

First, how to get more trees!

Second, how to get more chainsaws!


How do you make your business bigger with a conscience?

Just like the current enterprise of my uncle's family, D City!
Here, many people go bankrupt every day.

But there will be more, all kinds of people who come to play with the dream of getting rich overnight.

And more are brought in by intermediaries.

In fact, more than 50.00% of the income of City D is from big clients brought in by intermediaries.

They may be real estate owners or business tycoons, but no matter what their identities are, they all have one thing in common.


The intermediary finds this kind of big boss who likes to play all over the world, reimburses them for air tickets, arranges visas and passports, in order to let them come to the D field to play.

And every time someone is introduced, the intermediary can get a lot of income, and now it has become a profession.

The most famous of them earned enough money to arm a small country.

Zhang Qingming took Yuhuatian around the casino, and the people he met didn't seem to know him, they just treated him as an ordinary guest, which is also one of Zhang Qinghe's strengths.

His identity was well hidden to prevent kidnapping.

After all, if a person has money, he will face some risks.

In Xiangjiang in the early years, there were many such big cases. It is only with the development of the times and the popularity of cameras that such cases are relatively less, but the number is still scary!
Turning around in the D field, life is full of vicissitudes.

But Yuhuatian was not interested in these things, and felt bored after walking around, so he followed Zhang Qingming to the office.

"A few female stars are playing here today, do you need it?"

Yu Huatian waved his hand directly. What he needs most is female stars.


Just like that, Yuhuatian stayed in City D for two days.

On the third day, Uncle Zhang Qinghe took Yuhuatian to a dinner.

There were seven people at the dinner, three whites, three blacks, and one yellow.

Counting Yuhuatian and Zhang Qingming, there are nine people in total, three yellow, three white, and three black!
This meal was not bad, because Zhang Qingming was in charge from the beginning to the end.

It can be seen that although everyone is in a cooperative relationship, they are all in awe of Zhang Qingming.

There is only one central idea of ​​the dinner, my nephew is coming to Hollywood soon!At that time, a film company will be established, you guys can figure it out!
And he is an actor, if you have a good project in your hand, the role can be figured out!
The few people naturally listened clearly, and they would not reject Zhang Qingming over such a trivial matter.

Zhang Qingming's face, here, still has to be given.

When a few people heard that Yu Huatian came here to audition for a movie directed by Doug, one of the black people laughed.

"I was one of the investors. We wanted to find Pete to play this role at the beginning."

"After all, Pitt plus Jolie, I can't think of a point where I might lose money."

"Since Mr. Yu has come from afar, then this role should be regarded as a gift from me to you."

After hearing this, Zhang Qinghe raised his wine glass with a smile and said.

"Although I don't know much about movies, I also know that movies can't be successful just because of stars, otherwise there would be no movies that lose money in this world."

Zhang Qinghe's subtext is, just give a role, don't think that you have given any great favor.

The black man was not embarrassed when he heard it, he raised his glass with a smile and said.

"Mr. Zhang is right."

After he finished speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number. Within 5 minutes, Yu Huatian received a call from Director Doug.

Director Doug said that the hero belongs to Yuhuatian!
In order to win over Yu Huatian as the male lead, he has gone to great lengths.

Yuhuatian just smiled lightly at this, and asking for credit is also one of human nature.

Then director Doug gave him time to go home again, and they had to talk about the contract and the script.

Naturally, Yuhuatian did not refuse, and hung up the phone after agreeing on a time.

After this incident, other people at the dinner table also said that when Yuhuatian came to Hollywood in the future, it would be right to hang out with them!

Waiting for the wine party to end, Zhang Qingming said slowly after sending a few people away.

"These are people who are not profitable and can't afford it early. You can use it, but you can't trust it."


Yuhuatian readily agreed, he is not stupid, how could he really believe what these people said.

It is natural for the two parties to cooperate and get what they need.

But as long as time goes by, it is inevitable that one party will feel that they have fought for less before and want more!

Coincidentally, Yuhuatian is such a person!
What he is best at is annexation!


Two days later, Yu Huatian returned to Hollywood with a group of people and signed a contract with Director Doug.

In fact, Director Doug is also very curious, why investors would suddenly agree to use such a Chinese actor.

However, since seeing Yuhuatian's kung fu, Director Doug is not disgusted with it. Instead, he thanked the investors for helping him make a choice, otherwise he was really entangled.

Now, both the male and female protagonists have been decided, and the movie has finally started to be formally approved, and the crew, venue and props can be prepared.

And Yuhuatian has already brought people back to Huaxia.

On the plane, Yuhuatian thought secretly, wondering if he would be busy next year.

(End of this chapter)

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