Half an hour later, the system narrowed down the screening results to only 22 people.

This is a comprehensive judgment based on various dimensions. If the height error is reduced to 2CM, facial features, gait, etc. are greatly improved, it is estimated that the number can be reduced by half.

When Ward received the identification system, the scientific research director once boasted that as long as there is network monitoring, the capabilities of these equipment are more powerful than those shown in the movies "Alien" and "Terminator"!

Ward didn't know whether there was any bragging involved here, but he was quite satisfied with the screening results.

He made a list of 22 people, subdivided them according to their destinations, and then recruited psychic remote viewers to finally identify three men heading to Su Ni.

"The height difference does not exceed 3cm, the motivation for traveling is unclear, and the passport has been stolen or missing recently"

Ward's eyes swept over the three Chinese men, and he pondered for a moment to call his men for a meeting.

Felker, the leader of a small team who was on duty in Moscow, held the satellite phone and said nonchalantly:
"Are you sure the target is Su Ni? Search him out and I'll kill him directly!"

"If it were so easy to kill, I wouldn't have to go through so much trouble."

After experiencing so many things, Ward clearly regarded Du Sheng as an important threat and recognized the Blackwater organization's rating judgment.

They don't have many manpower available in Xiangjiang. This time the opponent leaves the base camp, so they have to seize the opportunity.

After listening to the brief explanation, Felker asked in surprise:

"Is this Asian man's strength really not inferior to that of a pseudo-S-rated soldier?"

Although Ward had no direct evidence, he could still connect all the clues and said calmly:
"Only strong but not weak."

Felker chuckled and said nothing more about killing the target.

He's still kind of self-aware.

Ward continued:
"If the intelligence judgment is correct, the target will kill four of our CIA agents + a tactical team.

Even Leo and the others who were sent to Xiangjiang to investigate last time, I suspect, died indirectly at the hands of this person. "

Felker was secretly speechless and stopped even making a sound.

He has cooperated with Leo's team before, and he knows very well how abnormal the other party is after turning into a beast.

As a result, the whole team was killed easily?
Deputy Director Bliver pondered for a moment and said:
“The target is powerful, its camouflage technology is top-notch in the industry, and it is extremely vigilant.

Unless we send out the newly developed third-generation beast warriors, even if we can win in a head-on confrontation, we will have to pay a heavy price. "

Ward nodded and said:
"The other party's motive for going to Moscow this time is unknown. In addition, there is a KGB headquarters there. All aspects are disadvantageous to us, so we must operate secretly."

Felker is currently in Moscow and finally found the opportunity to interject:
"We have internal agents in the KGB and the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs. It should be much easier for them to find the target than it is for us."

Ward recognized this, saying:
"Then contact Yormai. He has a lot of power and contributions in the KGB. Please keep it confidential."

Deputy Director Bliver thought for a while and then said:

"According to the intelligence provided by the Blackwater organization, the target loves money, but also loves women. I think these two aspects can be exploited."

Everyone shook their heads in silence:

"This is a good suggestion. Don't propose it next time."

As long as the aesthetic ability is online, which man doesn't like these two things?
Regardless of what everyone thought, Bliver continued:
“You all know how the Neon Yinggu headquarters was destroyed.

For the sake of a woman's sister, he dared to kill Neon single-handedly, and killed a large area of ​​Yinggu Group and Yamaguchi Group, which shows his character. "

Felker said:
"You decide, I'm here to support you at any time."

He no longer mentioned going to encircle and suppress Du Sheng, but only provided support.

Bliver had obviously made a draft a long time ago and said:
"The headquarters has developed the latest fluorine bait poison using evil bat saliva. It has a light and fragrant smell and can make the target lose themselves as long as it is exposed to the air for half a minute.

I will go to Moscow in person tonight and ask Jormai to provide intelligence support. Felker will lead the team to coordinate, and Sophie will use her own advantages to strike up a conversation. The success rate should be no less than [-]%. "

Ward thought about it and felt that this plan could be tried, so he said:

"Fluorine bait poison is available here. Sophie knows how to use it, right?"

Sophie, who has a charming appearance and slim figure, smiled sweetly:
"I have used something similar before. It should be applied to the private parts and used in conjunction with androgens."

Ward motioned to his assistant to hand over a bottle of genetic perfume and said:

"Under normal circumstances, it is non-toxic, but if the target is sexually aroused and inhales 2CC of fluorine bait, it will become a fatal poison."

Felker chuckled:
"Sophie, this time it's up to you. As long as we can succeed, we can easily complete an A+ level mission."

Sophie is a female agent specially trained by the CIA's "Tripstone Project". She is used to betraying her identity for a long time:
"I'll try my best to hope that the other person really loves the color as much as you said."

Deputy Director Bliver suddenly asked Ward:
"Director, what did the Blackwater organization say?"

"Ryan has promised to dispatch their three generations of soldiers, but they are still in Africa. It will take at least a few days to reach Su Ni."

Bulliver glanced at his watch, stood up and said:

"Then take action here first. We will fly there tonight. Jormai should be able to find clues about the target in the next two days."

Moscow, Lubyanka Square.

The KGB headquarters is located nearby, and not far away is the KGB palace.

As one of the world's leading secret service agencies, it is an existence that is superior to all departments of the Chen Zheng Army, and is only responsible to the Su Ni Remediation Bureau.

Although due to dual pressure from internal and external factors, optimization had to be reduced to reduce financial pressure, 20 general bureau departments such as foreign intelligence, domestic counterintelligence, military management, and border defense force management were still retained.


Even so, the KGB is still called by Europe as 'the world's largest spy agency that collects secret intelligence'.

The Third General Administration where Li Xinxin works is mainly responsible for stopping the destruction of Su Ni's armed forces by foreign secret services, and leading the work of the special service offices of relevant military departments and regiments.

There are about [-] personnel in the entire General Administration, and their job titles are the same as military ranks. They all adopt the style of soldiers and shepherds.

At present, the top person in charge of the Third General Administration is Major General Joseph, who is also the deputy chairman of the District Committee.

Li Xinxin's father was one of Joseph's close associates back then. Unfortunately, he died in the Shanren War ten years ago. In that year, insufficient intelligence and underestimation of the enemy were also an important watershed in Su Ni's transition from prosperity to decline.

Major General Joseph knew very well that this confidant died in the spy war without any bones, so he took good care of Li Xinxin.

In addition, Li Xinxin intercepted the information of the 'Diga Organization' last time, obtained the genetic research data of the 'Monkey King Project' after destroying its base, and destroyed an intelligence agency in Neon. Now she is a second lieutenant.

She came to the headquarters with her this time. In addition to conferring titles, she also sat in on the meeting.

After returning to the hotel after busy work, Li Xinxin had time to check the information.

When she saw Du Sheng's message and learned that he had arrived in Moscow, she maintained her cool appearance and inadvertently raised the corner of her mouth with a beautiful arc.

Since the last neon goodbye, the two sides haven't seen each other for more than a month.

The heat in my heart became more and more unstoppable.

But I still have some business to deal with tonight, so I have to rush back tomorrow.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw his superior, Major General Joseph, and Lieutenant Jormai discussing something there.

Speaking of which, the reason why Major General Joseph brought the two of them out was that in addition to their apparent status as the Third General Administration, they were also members of the 'Blood Rakshasa' organization.

This organization was formed by Joseph under the instructions of a certain senior leader.

The reason why he is alone in organizing groups is also related to the current growing calls for independence within Su Pan.

The 'Blood Rakshasa' organization is naturally biased towards the 'Rakshasa Kingdom', the largest country in the alliance.

Joseph used the information obtained from years of working in the KGB to continuously recruit outstanding internal personnel, allowing the 'Blood Rakshasa' to expand rapidly.

Just such a round of expansion requires huge funds to maintain the operation of the organization, which cannot be achieved by relying on KGB bounties and empty slogans alone.

Joseph was in dire need of funds.

However, Rakshasa is currently in trouble both domestically and internationally, and the senior leader is also in dire straits, and how can he have any money to give him.

He has been worried about this recently.

After listening to a few words, Li Xinxin remembered Du Sheng's purpose of coming to Moscow, so she went over to pull out the sofa chair and sit down.

Jormai smiled slightly and looked at her:
"Want something to drink?"

Li Xinxin maintained her cold image and shook her head:
"Just finished my tea, thank you."

She handed a document to Joseph and whispered:
"He can meet tomorrow morning."

Li Xinxin had mentioned Du Sheng's story a little bit before, but due to foreign factors between the two countries, Su Ni was still wary of the big eastern country, so she described Du Sheng as a Singaporean businessman.Nowadays, Singapore is an international upstart, one of the Four Little Dragons of Asia, and its foreign policy adheres to the four non-stick principles, and it is far away from Su Ni, so you can feel a little more at ease when buying and selling related things.

"I have no right or ability to have access to Su-35 fighter jets, aircraft carriers, electron collider, and nuclear-related items."

Joseph flipped through the documents, shook his head slightly and said:

“However, submarines, liquid hydrogen energy, computer programming, automobile transmission design, and even Kony-class frigates and Su-27 fighter jets can all be considered.

If he needs it, we can talk about it tomorrow or the day after. "

In order to maintain the organizational structure, Joseph could only learn from other soldiers and sell things other than KGB intelligence.

Currently, countless international businessmen are flocking to Su Yan, just like sharks smelling blood, he has long been accustomed to it.

The things just mentioned, including the Kony-class frigates and Su-27 specially developed for export, are all within the scope of national licensing.

Of course, these are all things from 20 years ago. If the other party really has ideas, they can sit down and talk.

It is true that the 'Blood Rakshasa' organization has been in arrears with wages for more than two months. If it continues to be delayed, some members will go crazy.

If it doesn't work well, some people will take risks even if the items are prohibited for sale.

As a high-level employee of Su Nizhong, Joseph knew more about the hidden dangers in the country than most people.

Under the shaky situation, many people have already had other thoughts and even started to find a way out.

Although he has not changed his mind, he has also used his personal property early to sell some antiques, jewelry, luxury watches, etc. to maintain his fortune.

But when changing international vendors, it takes some time.

Li Xinxin nodded slightly, asked some other questions, and then notified Du Sheng via text message.

Regarding these related transactions, Du Sheng is not in a hurry. After all, it is a buyer's market now.

He also knows that advanced weapons or important secrets cannot be delivered at once, so he can have a trial discussion or simply take the lead from others.

In addition, his current focus is still on the information related to the violent bear in the Ural Mountains.

After talking about business, Joseph left first, and Li Xinxin also returned to the room.

Jormai, on the other hand, put down his coffee cup thoughtfully and stood up.

He was able to join the "Blood Rakshasa" as the military intelligence commissioner of the Ermao Kingdom, and was also valued by Joseph. He was completely in tune with him and provided some secret information given by the CIA.

When he returned to the room, put on another card and read the message, Jormai's eyes changed uncertainly, as if he was considering the pros and cons.

Like some of his colleagues, he had secretly established a connection with the CIA for a sum of money.

Not long ago, the contact person there purchased a piece of information from him for 50 yen.

An intelligence and personnel information related to a Chinese man has been sent, saying that the target may disguise himself as a businessman from another country to purchase confidential items, allowing him to use KGB connections to lock him down.

Yormai had secretly used intelligence to investigate on the grounds of military intelligence, and the target happened to be somewhat consistent with the vendor information provided by Li Xinxin to Joseph.

They all flew directly from Xiangjiang to Vnukovo Airport today, using the identity of a Singaporean businessman, height and body characteristics, etc.
But when it comes to the deal with Joseph, this decision is a bit difficult to make.

Speaking of which, he joined the Blood Rakshasa because Joseph valued him and promised him a large sum of money.

But after such a long time, let alone any changes in positions, even the money promised was a blank check.

According to the current situation, I don’t know how long we will have to wait.

Yormai kept pacing in the room, constantly weighing the names of CIA, KGB, and Blood Rakshasa in his mind!
After much thought, he also concluded that Su Ni had no hope, and finally decided to bow to reality.

As long as you provide accurate information to the CIA, you will receive a large amount of money every time, which is much more generous than Joseph promised.

After the problem is solved, there will be bonuses in the future, and you can even immigrate to the lighthouse country where you yearn for freedom.
Jormai took out another mobile phone and inserted the card to send out coded information.

Not long after, Bulliver, who led the team to Moscow, received the message, which was a little exciting:
"The target may be on Vnukovo Street, Vnukovo District, everyone gather!"

Du Sheng changed to a hotel last night and became a Chinese businessman in Singapore.

The next morning, he was going to go shopping to see if he could find high-end products from the military dealers who sold armored vehicles and machine guns.

At this time, the phone rang, and Li Xinxin sent a message:
"I'm back and will be at your place soon."

Du Sheng sent the new address and put down his phone. As soon as he walked out of the hotel door, he saw a graceful, dark-haired and white-skinned woman standing anxiously next to a pink car, looking through her handbag. It seemed that her keys, mobile phone and other valuables were missing. .

This woman has beautiful facial features and looks like she is rich or noble at first glance. She is wearing a professional OL outfit. The V-neck of her shirt is a bit low, and when she lowers her head to look through it, she even reveals a hint of round white.

Although the other party was well-dressed and did not deliberately look attractive, his noble and gorgeous temperament made passers-by frequently look at him.

Du Sheng passed by and smelled a faint fragrance. Out of habit, he glanced at it like other people.

People are willing to appreciate beautiful and picturesque things.

Du Sheng did think about rescuing the damsel in distress in Moscow before he came, but this was obviously beyond his expectation. He took out his car keys and prepared to get into the rented vehicle.

When the foxy woman heard the footsteps, she turned her head and noticed the mobile phone in Du Sheng's hand, and said in authentic E dialect:
"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt you."

She pointed to the pink car, showed her empty handbag, and said with some annoyance:

"I was bumped into by someone just after I went out, and the contents of my handbag disappeared."

While speaking, she came slightly closer and looked at the mobile phone in Du Sheng's hand with some embarrassment:
"Can you borrow your phone? I'll ask a friend to come over and help with it."

Du Sheng calmly took half a step back, keeping a sufficient distance. At the same time, the sonar echo and Ming Jin's state were instinctively activated.

As the foxy woman approaches, the intoxicating fragrance becomes stronger and stronger, and there seems to be a charm of sinking and relaxation, which makes people can't help but agree.

Du Sheng possesses the "Indomitable Will" skill and is highly resistant to mental control and telepathy. Although he is a little uncontrollable and ready to act, he is not one of those bug-minded things. Instead, he is a little vigilant and holds his breath. .

"Sorry, I have something urgent to deal with."

Du Sheng could not judge anything for the time being. The sonar echo did not detect any abnormalities, and his mind and spirit were not alert. However, for the sake of safety, he still refused and pointed to the vicinity tactfully:

"You can ask the men or the hotel, I'm sure they'll be happy to help."

Sophie was startled, this situation was beyond her expectation.

Could it be that there is something wrong with my always good figure and appearance?

Or is the fluorine bait poison ineffective?Or maybe the Chinese man in front of me doesn't like his style?
But in the past, she had lured and killed many men from Anzhou with her outstanding appearance. Logically speaking, she shouldn't!

What's more, the impatient reactions of the men around me also prove that there is absolutely no problem with her figure and appearance.

After Du Sheng got into the car, he blew the fragrance off his nose and drove off.

Sophie politely declined the offer of help from the men who gathered around her. When she walked back, she brushed her hair with her hands, and Bulliver's voice sounded in her earbuds:

"You have aroused his suspicion, leave immediately!

Hurry up, I'll have people on the left front to take care of you. We'll talk about it later when we get back. "

As the deputy director of the CIA's Babylon area, Bulliver has extensive experience in dealing with crimes.

Although I don't know what went wrong yet, I feel something is abnormal.

Sophie seemed to be annoyed by the entanglement of those men, and with a bit of distress and annoyance, she stopped a taxi directly on the side of the road.

Du Sheng was not driving very fast. He looked behind him through the rearview mirror and took out his mobile phone to dial Li Xinxin:

"Do you have anyone near the Hotel Funu? Tracking an Audi car with the license plate number 'P435BO77'. The license plate is white with a tricolor flag on the right."

Li Xinxin happened to arrive near the hotel by car. She glanced around and happened to see a beautiful woman with black hair and fair skin getting into the car:
"Is there something wrong with that woman? Do you want to follow her here?"

After her father's accident, Joseph sent someone to take her to the KGB school at the age of 11 to receive special agent training. She joined the KGB at the age of 17. She already had rich judgment and experience and could detect abnormalities at a glance.

Du Sheng kept the vehicle moving as if nothing had happened and reminded Li Xinxin:

"Don't get too close. It's probably an agent from another country. I'll go around and get rid of my eyeliner and go coordinate with you."

Li Xinxin looked grim:

The Audi car drove away from the hotel and headed towards Buji Avenue.

Li Xinxin used several cars in front as cover and followed up slowly.

The Audi car suddenly stopped beside a shopping mall. Li Xinxin continued to drive forward and drove back again at the intersection a few hundred meters ahead. At the same time, she pressed the button and the license plate on the rear of the car was automatically overwritten and replaced.

After Du Sheng went around for a while, he also changed cars and hurried back.

(End of this chapter)

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