Traveler Major League

Chapter 232 The Battle between Ancient and Modern Times

Chapter 232 The Battle between Ancient and Modern Times ([-])

Sometimes, when human beings see shocking giants that they have never seen before, their psychology will often be affected by an indescribable impact. The same principle is the same for people in huge buildings and squares.

Staring blankly at the huge battleship in the sky and the dazzling light emitting from it, I felt both fear and awe in my heart!

Even modern people who are used to airplanes were shocked when they saw the huge airship for the first time, let alone the Ming people, who had never seen any man-made aircraft.
As the lights on the airship shone into the Ming army camp, what followed was a dense rain of bullets flying from the sky. It was the masterpiece of the grenade launchers and heavy machine guns set up on the airship.

As expected, the Ming army outside Ximen, which was the main force attacking Xi'an, completely collapsed.

The originally closed city gate burst open, and the people's army that had been prepared began to pursue. The first to leave the city were the cavalry troops. Amidst the sound of explosions and gunfire, the hot-blooded cavalry shouted "Kill!", as if A long green line formed one geometric team after another in the open space outside the city.

Then these green dots plunged into the chaos of the Ming army one after another. Accompanied by shouts like a tide, they stabbed the half-dead opponents with knives again and again like military thorns. "Those who surrender will avoid death. Roadside Kneel down!" Shouts came from the people's army cavalry passing quickly, and the louder sound came from the loudspeaker on the behemoth in the sky.

Taking away cheap lives one by one from the battlefield, some people in the Ming army went completely crazy. They panicked and ran away with hysterical roars. They ran into the cavalry queues that were passing by like headless flies and were harvested by sabers and rifles.

The Ming army at the front was completely defeated. Like a flood, it rushed towards the rear army far away from the front line, and spread the chaos like dominos. Their formation collapsed, and the people's military formation also dispersed. , the infantry chasing behind them had no interest in these Ming army soldiers who had lost resistance, and left them all to the troops at the rear, all for the purpose of annihilating the main force of the Ming army.

The Ming army was in chaos everywhere. Before Cao Tong could recover from the explosion just now, the Zhongjun Biao Camp where Du Wenhuan was located was defeated by the explosion, and the core central generals were also beaten to pieces. Originally, the flag of the Chinese Army was just a hundred feet behind him, covered in gunpowder smoke and body parts. Fortunately, he saved his life because the tank was also sent out.

"Sir!" Cao Tong shouted, but no one responded. The chaotic Ming army lost their formation and all fled back.

Just when Cao Tong turned to look at where Du Wenhuan was, a burst of fire suddenly emitted from the tank, like an angry hedgehog. The 75mm caliber gun and parallel machine gun fired at the same time. The Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers watching the excitement above the trench felt as if they were hit by a big hammer. It hit and fell off the earth wall.

Near the tank, one-third of the soldiers who were holding flags for advocacy were caught off guard and died.

This sudden change, as well as the panic caused by a round of shelling by the People's Army, caused the Ming sergeants in the trench to flee in all directions. In a blink of an eye, only more than 100 trusted servants commanded by Cao Tong were left.

Cao Tong opened his mouth wide, anger and fear bursting out from his chest.

He couldn't breathe anymore, raised his head, and saw his own soldiers comforting the frightened mount, grabbing the reins of his horse, and running to the west with the others regardless of it, and kept shouting : "Run quickly! Escape for your life!"

In fact, when the banner of Du Wenhuan's central army was blown down, the entire Ming army was defeated.When the People's Army attacked, these panicked soldiers were like children who had been stabbed in a hornet's nest, fleeing towards the rear.

"It's over, run away!" This was Cao Tong's only thought. "When the country is about to perish, there must be monsters!" This is also the thought of most of the knowledgeable officers in the Ming army camp.

On top of the city wall, Liu Ze pointed to the high-altitude battlefield images on his tablet and said to the senior officials of the People's Army: "The Ming army is finished. The front and middle armies have been defeated. The remaining troops are defeated and there is nothing to worry about."

"The most important thing below is to recruit surrender and rebels. The most important thing is not the force of the Ming army, but the aftermath."

Yang Zeming laughed and bowed his fist to Liu Ze: "Please rest assured, Chairman, everything will go according to plan. Victory is inevitable. The only difference is time and loss."

Liu Ze nodded and continued to comment on the various Ming armies on the tablet.

Yang Zeming looked back at the front. The collapse of the Ming army's front army caused a huge chain reaction. Under the pressure of the various pursuing troops, it formed an unparalleled torrent, but it also made him feel a huge pressure. It is full of self-doubt that they ask themselves. Their own abilities are not the reason for this victory. Under the same conditions, a different group of people can still win. If Fei Shujie from the third world is replaced, they may even win. more beautiful.

If it weren't for Liu Ze's deliberate suppression, these so-called indigenous ancients would have been eliminated in all walks of life. Yang Zeming shook his head and said secretly, "This is our home, and we must never let the chairman down."

The main purpose of luring the Ming army to besiege Xi'an this time was to eliminate the main field force of the Ming army and destroy the Ming army's mobile forces in the entire northwest region, so as to quickly establish the strategic advantage of the people's army, which would become more and more intense in the next ten years. Under the pressure of bad weather, end the unification war as soon as possible, and then expand southward to reduce food dependence on the second and third worlds.

Taking into account the response speed of the imperial court center and the speed of troop deployment, as long as the transportation hubs of various regions are quickly cut off and the Ming army's heavy military groups are annihilated, in principle, most cities do not need to attack city by city, as long as the recruitment and surrender are done well Just accept the job as a rebel and stabilize the job of suppressing bandits in the local area.

According to the military geography pattern, the current Great Tomorrow is like a chessboard, with Guanzhong, Hebei, Southeast, and Sichuan as the four corners, Shanxi, Shandong, Hubei, and Hanzhong as the four sides, and the Central Plains as the central hinterland.

Although China is large and has a vast territory, these nine regions have been decisive in winning or losing in all the wars since ancient times. Gains and losses are related to the rise and fall of the entire regime, and directly affect whether the world is unified or one region is peaceful.

There are actually not many so-called strategic locations similar to these nine regions. In short, they need to have both mountainous terrain to rely on and rivers and waterways to circulate.

And Guanzhong is the god-given place where the Popular Alliance is now rising!

(End of this chapter)

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