Traveler Major League

Chapter 206 Power

Chapter 206 Power
In the early morning, Wang Zenglun was awakened by the sound of a suona horn. After a while, he remembered his location. The name: Zhanglou Village, Sanwan Township, Administrative No. 93, Bao No. 6, A No. 7 Household.

After washing up and having breakfast, the idle Wang Zenglun finally had time to visit this village in another world. In this small fortress-like place, a piece of inexplicably familiar things made him seem to return to the scene decades ago.

Slogans have been written in the blank spaces on various walls.

"Long live the Popular Union!"

"Long live the people!"

"Down with all superiors! Oppose exploitation and oppression!"

"Go back to Daming! Liberate all mankind!"

The black and white slogans remind everyone that this place is still under wartime control, and the so-called peace is only temporary. The sound of the militiamen's training came, and the village gradually became lively, and there was a burst of laughter. Dozens of children Groups of people ran past Wang Zenglun, and after a while they fell silent amidst the ringing of metal bells.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hearing the shouts of killing, Wang Zenglun finally turned to the training ground of the militia. Thirty young and strong men in civilian clothes stood in three rows, each holding a wooden stick like an old-fashioned rifle, practicing fighting. bayonet.

"There are not enough weapons. There are only six rifles in the first year of our village. We can only use wood as a substitute. After you are familiar with it, you can use it when the real guys get started in the team." I don't know when the village chief Li Kun stood up to Wang Zenglun. behind.

"Brother Li, their fighting moves are really fierce."

"That is, when we first came here last year, we fought a battle with the infiltrated red-haired man, and captured more than 20 people. None of us were injured." Li Kun patted his chest proudly.

Accompanied by Li Kun, Wang Zenglun has a better understanding of the situation here. This small village has a small population, only a few hundred people, but it occupies a large area. It is really sparsely populated, and it is comparable to modern society. Bi, the most important thing here is land, almost every family has hundreds of acres of land in theory, and the fertile soil is spread all over this plain, endless.

It seems to be in a green ocean, without any waves, only rivers and forests interspersed in it. Fortunately, there are a few donkeys in the village to travel, otherwise Wang Zenglun, a modern youth, would be exhausted just visiting this small village.

When talking about the hard training of the militia, Li Kun concluded: "Those boys all want to join the people's army."

"Why?" Wang Zenglun asked.

The young man who walked in front to lead the donkey for Wang Zenglun turned his head and said, "Because the People's Army taught us to read and write, taught us the truth, and helped the poor to stand up and be the masters."

He is from Yijun County. His parents starved to death on the way to flee famine. He was rescued by Liu Ze's team. His only regret is that he was too young and failed the literacy class, otherwise he would have joined the army Yes, in this world, as the number of soldiers joining the army is sufficient, there is no chance, and they can only join the militia when they are assigned to this village.

"The people's army helps the poor, and there are countless people alive. We fight to help the poor." Li Kun said.

"How can such a team not attract people?" Wang Zenglun nodded.

"Before the people's army came to our village, they distributed food and refined salt to us. They also said that Pingshu sang big plays. It was really lively and festive. Only the big gentry ran away." Li Kun recalled his previous experience, "Later, the land was divided I made some extra money, and then went to Xi’an with the team, but unfortunately, I was reluctant to part with the twelve mu of irrigated land allocated to my family, how did I know that when I ran to this land, every family had several hundred mu.”

"Doesn't that family have as many fields as the landlord?" Wang Zenglun said with a smile.

"That's not the same. We didn't oppress and exploit others here. We did it ourselves. What's that about landlords and riches? They did dirty things and cheated us of life-saving money." Li Kun said angrily with his eyes wide open.

Wang Zenglun quickly apologized, and it took him a long time to let Li Kun calm down, which gave him a long memory. This kind of joke can't be taken, and the guard named Fei Chuanjiang who was with him also talked about himself in front of everyone for the first time. Coincidentally, he also joined the army in Yijun County. At that time, the village was slaughtered by the army, and he was the only one left in the whole family. He has joined the People's Army without any worries.

Except for Wang Zenglun, almost everyone else, regardless of their age, had tragic experiences. Their previous lives were full of hunger, disease, and death. Just one incident of these experiences was enough to be tragic enough to be on the "Good Voice" program. .

But at this time, in Wang Zenglun's eyes, he couldn't feel their sadness at all. They talked and laughed just like the modern youths, and they were even happier. Rarely, it was a kind of optimistic light full of hope.

At the beginning, they were a little cautious because of the presence of strangers such as Wang Zenglun. Soon, when they left the village and walked in the fields, they started singing. The slightly dull guards were also affected by this atmosphere. No one was directing, maybe only one person started, and everyone sang along.

These songs are so familiar to Wang Zenglun. The almost identical tunes are just a few adaptations of the lyrics, which is a symbol of the years of burning passion.

The dull guard Fei Chuanjiang talked about his experience after joining the army, which aroused the envy of several other village militiamen, and made Wang Zenglun very curious. He only met Liu Ze twice after he came this time, and he didn't say a few words.

"To enroll in the army, you need to be between the ages of 16 and 28. Priority is given to passing basic literacy courses. You must be in good health and free from infectious diseases and bad habits." Fei Chuanjiang replied to the question that the militiamen were most interested in, "etc. Let’s go, the next military expansion is not far away.”

Life in this small village is not as plain as Wang Zenglun imagined, but full of various activities. For example, when they returned from abroad, they were notified that the mobile art team for the performance would come to the village tonight.

Two hours before dark, the high platform on the square in the village had already been set up. After dinner, people who had worked all day gathered here one after another. Men, women, old and young were moving benches and benches, which was very lively.

On the top of the high platform, a banner was pulled up to read "Publicity Alliance Propaganda Team", and there was a row of small characters on the side which were numerical serial numbers.

For Wang Zenglun, who has been baptized by modern entertainment, the performance props here are cheap and almost simple, the only difference is that they are full of vitality.

The total duration of the program is only a little over two hours, which is very promotional.

First there is the unicorn dance, which is similar to the lion dance. "This is a dance presented by the musicians of Prince Qin's Mansion. It is a dance of the Ming court. The chairman saw it was fresh, so he lined up for it. It is usually used for the opening ceremony." Fei Chuanjiang explained.

One person dances the unicorn head and the other dances the unicorn tail. When dancing, the two cooperate with each other tacitly, so as to vividly express the legendary unicorn's joy, anger, sorrow, joy, surprise, doubt, drunkenness and sleep.

Then there was the singing and dancing show. More than a dozen men and women took turns singing songs, attracting the audience to join in, and it was very lively.

The finale program is a skit, which tells the ordinary daily life of a man nicknamed "Fool" in an ordinary village under the Ming Dynasty. His clothes are torn and he has nothing else. There is a ten-year-old younger sister who works as a servant in Zhao Dahu's family. He does not have a regular job and also relies on doing short-term jobs for the big family. The presence.

The big family of Zhao celebrated his birthday, so he went to say an auspicious word, saying that he had the same surname as the big family, both surnamed Zhao, but he was beaten up. How could a "fool" deserve the surname Zhao?
Sure enough, speaking out is to offend people.

When the officers and soldiers came, they were pushed out by Zhao Dahu to be the master who carried the grain. After several twists and turns, he never thought that the officers and soldiers had suffered several defeats, and the soldiers had to borrow other people's heads for military exploits. .

After receiving half a bag of food from the People's Army, he just wanted to go home and live a good life. He never wanted to wait until he got home to find out that his sister had been raped by Zhao Dahu and hanged to death.

Then he became angry and joined the story of the People’s Army’s revenge. The performance of this kind of skit was still very novel at this time. The speech was humorous and interesting, and the Shaanxi dialect was used. "Fool"'s brutal personal story culminates in the suicide of his sister.

Someone shouted: "Back to Daming! Down with the superior!"

The audience also shouted. Seeing the excited faces of the militiamen around him, Wang Zenglun couldn't help but recall what Li Lichang had explained before, that this force was much stronger than they had imagined.

After the performance was over, people were still unsatisfied, and started to perform spontaneously, or some people sang and some danced. At this time, Wang Zenglun was free to find the person in charge of the propaganda team, a young captain surnamed Zhang.

"We have a total of ten propaganda teams, who take turns to perform in each village and unit. As long as there is an invitation to perform, we will go. I heard that we have now formed a film screening team. It is said that one person can show it. It is amazing and saves money. Very manpower." Captain Zhang smiled shyly, "I haven't seen it yet."

Seeing his shy expression, Wang Zenglun realized that Captain Zhang's age may only be a modern high school student.

"We are propagandists, dispelling the doubts of the public, disseminating the thoughts of the public, and winning the trust of the public."

"Why do you mix entertainment with ideological propaganda?" Wang Zenglun asked subconsciously.

Captain Zhang didn't understand. After Wang Zenglun's explanation, he immediately became angry and said: "If you don't break the truth and explain it to them, they will even complain about the landlord who lent them usury. If you don't publicize it, they will not understand themselves." Those who understand these principles, educate them, persuade them, let them truly awaken, and stand up is the most important thing.”

Wang Zenglun subconsciously ignored it. The foundation here is still the Ming society hundreds of years ago. It is just a subconscious dislike of political agitation, and he has forgotten the reality. In just one day, he has angered several people. Compared with their noble ideas Wang Zenglun couldn't help feeling ashamed.

This new energy is powerful.

Wang Zenglun couldn't help thinking that they had attracted the country's extremely strong attention in modern times, and perhaps the future conflicts would be more intense than he imagined.

A political force that has occupied two worlds, according to the current propaganda, even with a technological gap, the future is still not optimistic.

Looking up and looking at the dazzling light of the LED lights hanging in the sky, is the technology gap really big?
(End of this chapter)

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