Chapter 331 I care about wine, get it.

Because of Weibo, many wealthy fans have changed their couple cars one after another, and they specified Zhou Mochen's two models.

The people in the marketing department of Qinfeng Group were confused when they received calls from branches and directly-operated stores.Then reported it.Not many people knew about these two cars, and Li Dingbang didn't even think about using them for advertising. Who knew that Zhou Mochen would reciprocate.

He was waiting for wine and tea in the office, but before he got there, he waited for the news of the vehicle order. After checking, he found out that it was Zhou Mochen who caused it.I couldn't laugh or cry immediately.At this moment, I also feel emotional about Zhou Mochen's pattern.And a business mind.He is indeed the man who made Qinghe Yipin Catering Company bigger.

With a wave of his hand, Li Dingbang arranged for people from the marketing department to deal with it.Everyone is handing over their wallets, so there is no reason not to accept them.

After Zhou Mochen sent the message, he stopped paying attention.Lie on the sofa drinking tea and reading a book.After a while, Fifth Jinchuan finished his lunch, and he got up.

After the meal is still personal teaching time.Seeing that Fifth Jinchuan had solidified his foundation, Zhou Mochen accelerated the speed of teaching.Fifth Jinchuan is also learning while recording.I study in the restaurant during the day, and take notes at home at night, reviewing in my mind.It is completely the way of learning during the college entrance examination.

Coupled with his outstanding talent, Fifth Jinchuan's ability to absorb knowledge has greatly increased.

"Lawyer Luo, we're here."

On the plane, a neatly dressed lady patted Luo Xiang who was still sleeping.

"Huh? Have you arrived in Sioux City? Then get off the plane."

After Luo Xiang woke up and was patted awake, he looked around in a daze. They were all people getting up to take their suitcases.I also know it has stopped.Stayed up late again last night.So I was sleepy after getting on the plane.

Being a lawyer is a very demanding profession.This is especially true for a lawyer as capable as Luo Xiang.

After getting off the plane, I gathered with my colleagues from the law firm and went to the hotel by car to arrange accommodation.Several senior partners knew that Luo Xiang was invited, and they shamelessly accompanied him.Yesterday, I rushed to work to deal with today's matter, and settled it in the morning, so I flew directly to Sioux City.

Lunch is still eaten on the plane.Luo Xiang felt helpless for a while.I had no choice but to agree.A bunch of people still plausibly said that they would not be lawyers because of shame.

After putting away my luggage, I hailed the hotel's car, and went directly to the private restaurant.After getting out of the car and entering the yard, the environment slowly relaxed several people who had been busy with work and life for a long time.

The few people also became a little more relaxed, and strolled around the yard.Just walked to the main hall.

Luo Xiang's eyesight is very good, and he saw Zhou Mochen who was reading at a glance, and walked over with a smile.

"Huh? Lawyer Luo? Haha, Lawyer Luo is here, welcome."

Zhou Mochen heard footsteps and turned to see Luo Xiang.Immediately stood up with a smile, and hastened to meet him.Reach out your hand and say hello to Luo Xiang.

"Hello Boss Zhou. It's better to meet people than to be famous. For you, rumors are 100% believable."

Luo Xiang looked at Zhou Mochen carefully. He has a good eye and is very accurate in seeing people. Because there are too many people watching, he can tell that Zhou Mochen is a righteous person.And the character is very direct.The phase of opening and closing.I have a better impression of Zhou Mochen in my heart.

"Teacher Luo is polite, just call Xiaochen. If you don't see anyone else, I'll call you Brother Xiang. Thank you so much for my sister's matter. Brother Xiang is the professional. The matter will be settled easily."

Zhou Mochen responded with a smile.He is contradictory to lawyers, but he likes to respect Luo Xiang.IQ absolutely crushes many others.

"Haha, Xiaochen is overrated. If it wasn't for the timely delivery of your stuff, I would have wasted a lot of effort."

No man doesn't like being praised, and Luo Xiang is no exception.

"Don't stand still, let's go, Brother Xiang, I'll take you to the box. I've prepared refreshments and fruits for you. How about some tea from me?"

Then Zhou Mochen led a few people in.He also called the tea art master to come and make tea quickly.

"Xiaochen, your environment here is quite comfortable. We are usually too tense, but suddenly we come here to relax. The environment is well arranged."

After Luo Xiang and the others entered the box, they were attracted by the layout of the box and felt very comfortable, so they couldn't help being surprised.

"Hehe, for dinner, of course you need a comfortable environment. My friend specially designed it here. I found the materials myself. Brother Xiang can come here often if he likes it. I reserve this box for friends. If you need it, call me one day in advance and I'll keep it for you, so you don't need to rush to book online."

Zhou Mochen explained with a smile.

"Haha, I'm really honored. Thank you, Xiaochen. I will definitely contact you in the future."

Then he introduced several of his colleagues to Zhou Mochen one by one, all of whom were well-known lawyers.The direction of responsibility is different.The relationship is quite good, there is no intrigue like in the TV series.

Zhou Mochen also gave a lot of respect to these legal guards.They greeted each other with a smile and chatted.After the tea master finished making the tea, Zhou Mochen found an excuse to go out.

"This kid is interesting. His eyes are very sincere. Very straightforward."

"He is indeed a very interesting person. Hmm. This tea smells so good. Not bad, not bad."

"Huh, this tea is amazing. The whole person has become more transparent."

"Lawyer Luo, would you like some fruit and tea? This is very delicious."

The assistant lawyer's originally serious expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised.Only now is it like a girl.rather than female warriors.

"Hey, I'll try it, and it will change our little Li's expression, so it's not easy."

Several people joked about the assistant lawyer. After tasting the refreshments and fruits, they looked forward to Zhou Mochen's dishes even more.

Zhou Mochen knew that Luo Xiang was from Xiaoxiang.So I deliberately added two Hunan-style dishes to the feast.A plate duck with Hunan flavor sauce.A sauce of fragrant hoof flowers.

One can tell from the names that one is a duck and the other is a pig's trotter.The duck needs time to make, and Zhou Mochen also prepared it in advance.

Clean the duck, add salt, cooking wine, and dark soy sauce and marinate for 15 minutes.Spread the marinade evenly on the processed duck meat.

Put the marinated duck into the oil pan and fry it slightly.When the duck body turns brown, take it out and drain the oil.

Put the pot on the fire, pour in an appropriate amount of water, add the remaining salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, add aniseed, cinnamon, cloves, pepper, amomum and other five spices, bring to a boil on high heat; add duck meat, and bring to a boil again , marinate on low heat for an hour, then take out the duck meat.

Brush the duck body with sesame oil.Cut the duck body into strips and put on a plate.

And hoof flower is much simpler.

Clean the pork trotters, blanch them, and prepare some special marinade in a large bowl for later use.Put the pot on the fire, pour in an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, put in the trotters, and add some marinade.

The marinated pork trotters are sliced ​​and placed on a plate.Put the pot on the fire, pour in an appropriate amount of oil and heat it up, add the fermented soybeans and fry until fragrant.Add chopped red pepper, yellow pepper, celery and stir fry.

Put the sautéed vegetables into a pot, add red oil and salt, mix well, and taste.The vegetables are poured over the sliced ​​meat, sprinkled with sesame seeds and chopped green onion.

Immediately after finishing, the meal bell was patted.Zhou Mochen didn't bother the guests to eat today, although the guests didn't mind.After cooking, the kitchen was handed over to Wu Jinchuan.Sit in the hall and drink tea by yourself.

"I've always thought that eating is enough to eat, now I finally understand why so many people like Xiaochen's dishes."

"Haha, what you eat here is not food, it's a work of art. There's nothing like good food and wine."

"Today we took all of Lao Luo's light, come, let's toast Lao Luo."

"Tsk tsk, this life, gods don't change it. It's comfortable, it hasn't been so comfortable for a long time. This environment, this wine, this dish, this tea."

"I propose, come here once a month in the future. Take turns to treat guests. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is worth the money. It can also relax the spirit."

"Haha, you can have this. But Lao Luo, this meal is not yours. It was invited by Ren Xiaochen, and it is not yours."

"I said it too much. Why is it not mine? It is the fruit of my labor, okay?"

"Tch, don't think I don't know. You don't want other people's legal fees. They specially found someone to send them to you. This is still a gift from them."

"Ahem. Destroy me!"

"That's the deal, I'll come here once a month from now on. Hey, by the way, where did the legal counsel of Xiaochen Company go? You can change to our place. It's easier to handle things if you are all acquaintances."

"Okay, go back and ask him, I think you guys are drunk and don't care about drinking."

"Why don't you drink anymore, you just care about wine. Got it."

Luo Xiang immediately covered his face.These shameless people.What a shame to be with him.

After a few people had eaten and drank enough, the tea master made black tea for them.Served with fruit after dinner.After a leisurely and relaxing time, the lawyers who stayed in the company were as tired as dogs, and they were still working overtime to make contracts.

When he was leaving, Luo Xiang told Zhou Mochen about the legal counsel.Zhou Mochen agreed without saying a word. Just kidding, the No. [-] law firm in the imperial capital is a company that even wants to cooperate with.Straightforwardly ask the person in charge of the company to contact Luo Xiang tomorrow.Thanks a lot, I sent several lawyers out of the house.

Checking the time, I didn't care if Li Yi had a rest, and called directly.

"Old Zhou, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer now, I'll go to the store tomorrow to smoke you, don't you know you can't make random phone calls at this time?"

Li Yi was at Su Qian's home, the young couple was about to do some happy things, when they were interrupted by a phone call as soon as they got emotional.Seeing Li Yiyou's resentful expression, Su Qian laughed heartlessly.

"Cough, what, there is a good thing, isn't it just disturbing your sleep? I will sleep again later. Huh? There is a woman's voice, you boy will not mess around, you can't be sorry for my sister Su Qian. Hurry up and go home! "

Zhou Mochen vaguely heard a woman's laughter inside, and immediately became vigilant. Li Yi is his friend, and Su Qian is also his friend. He can't watch them have problems.

"Haha, brat, this sentence saved you, do you know? I'm at Su Qian's house. Am I a messy person?"

"Zhou Mochen, I'm Su Qian, and Yizi is with me. He doesn't dare to mess around, or Xinxin will beat him."

Su Qian also came out to speak in a hurry, thinking that this friend is not the same.The two looked at each other and laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know, what, what I want to say, yes, yes, good thing, it's the matter of lawyers and consultants, isn't it always the lawyers of Yizi's company? I found it We cooperate with a law firm, which is the law firm where Mr. Luo Xiang works. He came to dinner today, and we got along pretty well, so he directly invited us."

Zhou Mochen was a little incoherent in embarrassment.Then he explained clearly what happened.

"Luo Xiang? Is it true or not? I just said last time how could he help you to fight a lawsuit. It's amazing, Lao Zhou. It's not easy to find them as legal consultants. Haha, you are so awesome. At that time, our family The company also applied, but people politely refused, and many companies couldn't even get in."

Li Yi suddenly regained his spirits, how could someone who has been in business for a long time not know.

(End of this chapter)

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