Chapter 185: Sashimi Butcher!

After the previous man finished, it was Zhou Mochen's turn.Zhou Mochen looked at the tuna in front of him, very curious. He had never eaten or handled it, so he just checked the video, but with Zhou Mochen's powerful memory, it was all right.

What's more, his own sword skills are not weak.Then he picked two knives among the knives, one for cutting and the other for stabbing.

Japanese people call kitchen knives "Pao Ding".This word means "chef" in Qin Wen, and it means both chef and cooking skills in Japanese.Japanese people evaluate a chef by looking at his knife skills first.And "paoding" is to chefs what samurai swords are to samurai. "Paoding" can be divided into more than 200 types according to the purpose, so that cooks can use it flexibly according to the taste they need to achieve.

Sashimi buns are called willow blade buns in Japan.It is mainly お sashimi with の baoding.Professional chefs’ knives and household knives are different. The size of the family is generally: 180mm ~ 240mm, while the size of professional chef’s knife is generally: 270mm ~ 300mm.Sashimi Baoding is a knife that can be understood by the name, and it is mainly used to make sashimi.

Among Japanese materials, sashimi is very particular about "shape". The sashimi must be very smooth and shiny to be considered qualified, and this must be done with a special sashimi knife.When cutting ingredients with inappropriate knives, the fibrous tissue of the ingredients will be destroyed, the cell walls of the ingredients will be squeezed, and the original taste of the ingredients will be destroyed.The sashimi buns in Kanto and Kansai are also slightly different. The head of the Kansai willow blade is pointed.The tip of the Kanto knife is angular.In addition, there are some more professional sashimi buns, such as cuttlefish knife, puffer fish knife and so on.

After Zhou Mochen picked out the knife, the boss raised his eyebrows, thinking that he had come to a professional, and his eyes were very professional in picking the knife.Then Zhou Mochen signaled that the timer could start.The boss also immediately pressed the timer.

Zhou Mochen knows that people who do business will pay attention to it. Since they want to take advantage of others, they must at least give them a good sign.The first cut is to open the abdomen first, which means a good start, and the first cut to a big belly means great wealth.Let's give the boss an explanation first.

The owner of the restaurant looked at it from ear to ear.Then the mouth began to open slowly, and the eyes were fixed on Zhou Mochen's movements.

The opening steps of tuna are basically to remove the fascia first, then remove the blood and flesh, then divide it according to the parts, and finally divide it into pieces for different cooking methods.

After Zhou Mochen finished the first cut, he cut the fish's pectoral fins and divided it along the fish's spine. In this way, he could not only get a whole fish, but also avoid fish bones.

Opening fish is not only a technical job, but also a labor job. Zhou Mochen's knife skills are excellent, and it only took a little time to divide the meat at the belly of the fish.The big fish is neatly divided, the cut surface is like annual rings, the texture is clear, and the oil is evenly distributed.There is a clear boundary between the big belly, the middle belly and the naked body, and the flesh is ruddy and exudes a charming luster.

Of course, it is not finished at this time. To do sashimi, you need to remove the skin of the fish, and then remove as much fish meat as possible under the premise of removing the skin. This is another technical task that tests the master's knife skills.

Zhou Mochen skillfully separated the skin and flesh of the fish.The first thing to serve is the belly, which is often called TORO. It is the fattest part of the whole tuna. The front and middle of the abdomen, the dark pink fat, melts in the mouth like ice cream, oily but not at all. Not greasy, the sense of satisfaction flows to the whole body with the tip of the tongue.

The slices are uniform in thickness, and there is also a diamond version of shiny fat. It tastes fresh and smooth, and has a strong unique fragrance. Because of the high fat content, the fish feels like it melts between the teeth. It is really the king of sashimi.

Compared with the belly of the fish, the back of the fish has the least fat content in the red body, the meat is thick and tender, and the taste is sweet and slightly sour.It is still the best in sashimi.

It was over here, and the boss also took a deep breath, 7 minutes, there is no way Zhou Mochen's knife skills are too good.

But at this time Zhou Mochen still didn't stop.He cut a piece of TORO from the fish that had just been solved with a sashimi butcher. The waiter next to him wanted to stop him, but was stopped by the shop owner and watched Zhou Mochen's operation with great interest.

I saw Zhou Mochen holding the sashimi chef Ding, with the knife perpendicular to the fish body, cutting in with the blade, cutting straight backwards and downwards, the cut fish fillets were not sent to the right, and continued to cut with a knife.

It may seem like a simple knife technique, but it's not.If you want to cut the fish smoothly, you should not use the strength of the wrist holding the knife, but use the weight of the knife itself to cut. This is the first condition.Gently place your index finger on the base of the back of the knife to face the fish and you can cut the knife naturally. The most important thing is to master the strength.

Zhou Mochen cut TORO very smoothly.The boss sent a plate here, and Zhou Mochen arranged the plate a little bit for decoration.When he stopped what he was doing, there was a round of warm applause around him.All people will worship the strong, no matter what aspect the strength is.

"Little brother, tell the boss, I will pay for this myself." Zhou Mochen pointed to the sashimi on the plate and said.Hearing that this part of the sashimi is unusual, Zhou Mochen couldn't help but want to try it.

"Okay, bro, you're so good. Haha!" The boy communicated with the boss after finishing speaking.

After the boy communicated, the boss immediately agreed, and then said that he would prepare 40 Japanese yen for Zhou Mochen, the best.At the same time, with the help of the translator and the boy, they communicated without barriers.

"Zhou Jun, are you a professional chef? Your knife skills are great! The best chef here can't compare to you."

"Thank you. I'm a chef from the state of Qin. I want to taste the special food here, and I want to communicate with some masters."

"Then you must be an amazing chef. We have many famous chefs here, and they are also very willing to come to exchange chefs from Qin State. I hope you have a pleasant trip this time. I will arrange a seat for you. Your big meal I'll deliver it later. This plate of dipping sauce for sashimi will be brought to you immediately."

"Thank you very much. Let's go, bring a few of your friends to follow." After speaking, he followed the waiter to a private room.

Zhou Mochen, who was used to the tables and chairs in the dining room of the Qin State, was obviously not used to the tables and chairs of the Wa State.

"Brother, what's your name? You're too good. I can't even keep up with the speed of that knife skill."

"Yeah, yeah, brother, you look like Hugo. You're so handsome. Are you here for a tour?"


"My name is Zhou Mochen. Seeing that you are not very old, you can just call me Brother Chen. Are you all overseas students?"

"Yes, Brother Chen. We are exchange students, not foreign students. The school sent some of us here, and we don't want to come here to study. The school in my Daqin country is not good, so I will suffer here. The place is too small. "

"Hey, you still hate it. Just study hard abroad. Just don't lose people from our Great Qin Kingdom. If you have any grievances, just go there. Qin Kingdom has the bottom line."

"Hey, I understand Brother Chen, but we still want to thank you for inviting us to dinner today."

"Hehe, you're being polite. It's not easy to meet fellow villagers outside, and besides, didn't you help me? You call it labor income."

"Ah. Brother Chen, you, you, you are too powerful." A cute little girl suddenly exclaimed.

"What's up, what's up. What do you see?"

"Go and check Weibo, Brother Chen's Weibo, it turns out that Brother Chen is still a celebrity, and his girlfriend is my favorite Mai Mai, so happy."

"Really? I'm going to check it out too. I like Mai Mai too." After talking, a few people started to look at their phones, and Zhou Mochen looked at a few boys and girls who could be regarded as boys and girls, dumbfounded.

After several people read the Weibo, their eyes on Zhou Mochen became more and more intense.

"What's the expression? I'm just an ordinary chef, but I have more fans."

"Brother Chen, are you a little bit? Are you a little bit of Versailles?"

"It's okay, I don't feel much. This can't hide the fact that I'm a chef."

During the chatting of several people, the food shop also sent food to reward Zhou Mochen.

"Wow, it's so rich, it took up Brother Chen's light today."

"Thank you, Brother Chen!" Several people shouted in unison.

"Haha, that's all right, let's have a good meal."

Zhou Mochen picked up a piece of TORO and put it in his mouth.Chew carefully.I can't fully adapt to the entrance and exit, but slowly the unique aroma of sashimi is mixed with the strong taste of the dipping sauce, forming a layered taste enjoyment.

In fact, there was also a saying about sashimi in the earliest period of Qin State, and sashimi was also a common fish dish in ancient Qin State.The state of Qin had records of eating sashimi (fish meat) as early as the Great Zhou Dynasty. It can be traced back to 823 BC. The inscription of the bronze "Xijiapan" was unearthed. .General Yin Jifu had a private banquet with Zhang Zhong and other friends. The main course was roasted soft-shelled turtle and raw carp slices.

There are a lot of various kinds of sashimi, and a lot of the most representative gourmet sushi of the Japanese country. Sushi is the "food representative" of the Japanese country, and it is also a business card for the Japanese country to go to the world.

Many domestic supermarkets and Japanese-style taverns now offer different kinds of sushi food.There are many kinds of sushi in Japan, usually made of rice and fish. It has a history of thousands of years.

Japanese sushi is mainly made of seaweed or seaweed rolled rice grains, sashimi, cucumber, meat floss, and scorched onions, served with wasabi, horseradish, soy sauce, and vinegar.Of course there are also some alternative sushi.

There are as many as 13 kinds of common sushi according to the classification of the roll method, and the schools are divided into two schools, one is the Edo school, nigiri sushi.The second is Kansai pie and box sushi. In contrast, nigiri sushi is more popular with everyone.Since no molds are used, it is all hand-made by the sushi master, which not only ensures the roundness of the rice grains, but also effectively maintains the mellow aroma of the rice.

The sushi on the restaurant is made of tuna.Used medium belly, big belly and scallion belly.The middle belly and big belly are the best parts, while the scallion belly is made of minced tuna belly meat and chopped green onion, with a mixed aroma of green onion and fish fat, and is made into thin rolls and warship rolls.

Zhou Mochen tasted a piece of all kinds of sashimi, sushi was no exception, then put down his chopsticks, and slowly tasted the sake.

Just try it once, no complaints, Zhou Mochen really doesn't like raw fish, although it is expensive enough and delicious.

"Brother Chen, what do you mean by comparing your cooking with the chefs here?"

"Don't you guys know the meaning of Chef Xiaozong?"

"I really don't know about this, I don't care much."

"Well, I am a little bit more skilled than the chefs here. According to their level, the chefs here have a senior professional title, and I have a master-level professional title."

"I'll go, my brother Chen, as expected of God Zhou, this is too awesome. You'll be a master at such a young age."

"It's okay. You are all very good, and the students who can be sent to exchange are among the best. To put it bluntly, you are probably the ones who teach them how to be human."

After that, the few people ate and chatted, very busy.After taking a photo with a few people before leaving, Zhou Mochen also went straight to the hotel to rest, lying on his back, and uploaded the photos, videos and other materials he took in the morning according to categories.

(End of this chapter)

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