Chapter 832
"I'm going to apologize to her? Go dreaming!"

For Cheng Hong's request, Huihui couldn't bear to apologize.I had a fight with my dad, but I didn't give in. It's impossible to apologize.

Cheng Hong said: "Don't be so twisted, if Zhu Ling says something bad about me in front of your father, how can I marry you?"

Huihui said: "I want to marry you, no one can stop me. Don't be afraid of her, no matter how much she dares to provoke, I have plenty of ways to punish her."

"You still want to fix her?"

"Can't she fix it?"

Cheng Hong was speechless, she didn't dare to provoke Hui Hui anymore, she really wanted to provoke Zhu Ling, the unlucky one was herself.I didn't see the conflict between the two, and in the end only my producer position was taken down, and there was nothing wrong with the two of them.

The undercurrent in the capital began to surge, and the storm was about to come. Jia Dongxu couldn't stand the depressing atmosphere, so he decided to go south to make money.

"Rose, make an appointment with Harada, and I'm going to repay the long-term bank loan."Jia Dongxu said.

Rose said, "What big plans do you have?"

Jia Dongxu said: "The Japanese economy will accelerate its growth in the past two years, and the purchasing power of the yen will be very strong. We will exchange it for Japanese currency to purchase assets."

"It seems that I heard that many Japanese are buying real estate in the United States."Rose said.

Jia Dongxu said: "Real estate will always rise. This concept has penetrated into the thinking of every Japanese. So they all invest in the real estate industry in the United States."

Rose said: "Then shall we also go to the United States to buy real estate?"

"If I don't buy real estate, I plan to use the Bank of East Asia as an investment bank."Jia Dongxu said.

The future economic trend, which industries will become hot spots, Jia Dongxu's fragmented information and knowledge, all have memories.Not to mention anything else, just investing in the two sectors of the technology sector and the Internet wave will allow Jia Dongxu to earn enough money for several lifetimes.

Moreover, these emerging technology companies were not valued by traditional chaebols in the early stage, so they can just avoid the battle with traditional chaebols.These chaebols have hundreds of thousands of years of precipitation, and they have penetrated into every class. It is not something Jia Dongxu can fight alone.

A big client like Jia Dongxu suddenly wanted to pay back the money, and Harada was very disappointed.Said: "Mr. Chang has to feel that if there is any problem with our service, he can bring it up and I will help you solve it."

Jia Dongxu said: "I am satisfied with Mr. Harada's service. The value of my Japanese real estate has doubled now, and the original loan amount is still the same. It is a disadvantage for me."

Harada said: "If it's just the loan amount, it's fine. I'll help you apply for the highest loan amount right away."

"On the interest rate?"

"I'll help you adjust to the lowest interest rate."

"This time I want to borrow Japanese yen."

Harada said: "If you borrow Japanese yen, the amount will be even higher."

Jia Dongxu asked: "Look at my real estate here on Hong Kong Island. If I want to borrow Japanese yen, can I get it?"

Harada said: "Of course, real estate on Hong Kong Island is still very valuable. It is just that a part of the loan amount has to be discounted, and it cannot be given such a high amount like Japanese real estate."

Jia Dongxu was overjoyed. Although he didn't need so much money now, he could borrow it first, even if he didn't make any investment, and exchanged yen for dollars.Waiting for the American routine, raising interest rates to pierce the bubble of the yen and harvest the Japanese economy.

Just buy U.S. Treasury bonds and wait for the high yields brought by U.S. debt.Coupled with the benefits brought about by the depreciation of the yen, Jia Dongxu's assets can be multiplied several times.A few years later, the yen has fallen to paper. At that time, Jia Dongxu will be able to harvest Japanese real companies with a huge amount of funds.

Daisy got off the boat and landed, and Hu Tianwen's voice came from behind. "I'll send you here, and you act according to the plan I gave you. Don't think about what you shouldn't. Whether your son lives in heaven or hell depends entirely on your performance."

"If my son makes even the slightest mistake, I won't let you go."Daisy said.

Daisy returned home, called Feilong's brother, and said, "Abao, I'm back."

"Sister Feilong, you're back so soon? There won't be any problem, right?"

"It's all right, it's all settled."

Abao said: "That's good, I'll bring my brothers to see you. Let's discuss how to get it back to the entrance of Tsim Sha Tsui."

Daisy said: "You don't need to come here, you help me to meet Mr. Jiang. You go out by the way and say that I am back. See the reactions of other talkers."

Abao said: "Okay, the speaker meeting has agreed, you will be the speaker in Tsim Sha Tsui when you come back. If Mr. Jiang dares to go back on his word, no one will obey him."

Jiang Tiansheng was indeed very big-headed. He didn't expect Daisy to come back so soon, and he couldn't ignore what he said before.Sister Feilong not only has prestige in the society, but also is respected by young and Dangerous people on the road.

Daisy was unanimously approved at the meeting at the entrance of the Hung Hing Society, and took the position of speaker in Tsim Sha Tsui.Even Gan Zitai, the acting spokesperson, respected Daisy and expressed his full support for her.

"Your sister-in-law Feilong is now popular in the Hong Kong Island community, and she will be in charge today, so why don't you go and support her?" Rose teased.

Jia Dongxu was a little confused and asked, "Is she back?"

Rose said: "Don't pretend, will she notify you when she comes back? Without your card, would she dare to come back to meet the court?"

Jia Dongxu said: "I really don't know, I have been busy with the loan for the past two days, and I can't be idle for a moment."

Rose said: "Then this woman has some skills, at least she has courage. It's not easy for a woman to join a club, and I really appreciate her."

Jia Dongxu said: "Just to clarify, I have nothing to do with her. The favor has already been paid back. Her affairs are none of my business in the future. If you want to take care of it, don't bring it to me."

Rose said: "It's rare to find a female talker in the club. If it's convenient, I'd better give her some convenience. I want to see how far this Daisy can go in the club."

Daisy came back to join the club, that was Daisy's choice, it had nothing to do with Jia Dongxu.Just like when Daisy married Feilong and didn't want to be like Jia Dongxu.Whether the path he chooses is good or bad is up to him, it has nothing to do with Jia Dongxu.

Wen Yuan was the happiest when Daisy came back, and he could return to the previous treatment.You earn a lot of money, and you don't need to pay too much.

"Wen Yuan, are you interested in helping me?" Daisy asked.

Wen Yuan said: "I can't do club work. I'll go back to the mainland when I earn enough money."

"Hong Kong Island is no better than the mainland, why do you go back?" Daisy said.

Wen Yuan said: "I am going to marry after all, who will marry me here? I also miss my family."

Daisy said: "Follow me, and you don't have to socialize with these men. If you have a serious job, you can be like Master Wei in the future, traveling between the mainland and Hong Kong Island, without delaying anything."

"What serious job do you have here?"

"Finance Company!"

"Loan usury?"

Daisy said: "You don't need to do it, you just sit in the office and take care of the accounts."

Seeing that Wen Yuan was still hesitant, Daisy continued: "Don't worry, your salary is not bad, it's definitely enough for you to be chic in the Mainland."

(End of this chapter)

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