Chapter 403

Stick said: "No, everyone can get in. Are you going in or not?"

Li Bailing said: "I won't enter!"

Stick said: "Then I invite you to eat at the restaurant next door, the food is pretty good."

Li Bailing ignored the stick and stepped into the courtyard.Don't you want to get in if you get dizzy with stick stems?I don't understand.

"Bang, why didn't you come to see me?" Li Bailing asked.

Stick said: "It's not that you rejected me, the family was in a hurry, so I found a partner."

Li Bailing said: "Did I reject you? I mean think about it, it's a lifelong event, shouldn't I think about it carefully?"

Stick said: "Thinking about it for so many years, haven't you thought it through yet?"

"I have to think carefully, am I already married?" Li Bailing said.

Stick said: "Don't lie to yourself, I know you are waiting for dialect, if you don't see dialect, you won't give up."

"Who is waiting for this bastard! I swear I will never wait for this bastard!" Li Bailing said angrily.

Stick is speechless, if you don't like it, can you get so excited when you mention dialect?

Li Bailing suddenly held BangGong behind her and said, "BangGong don't leave me, I can't live without you!"

Sticking his face struggling, he opened Li Bailing's hand with both hands, and said: "Bai Ling, I have been waiting for you for so many years, and I don't want to wait any longer. I want to have a home, and Lin Dingding is my home."

Li Bailing shook off Bang Geng's hand, turned around and left, and said at the door, "Bang Geng, you will regret it!"

The fish in the pond are disobedient and are about to run away.In the low voice just now, Li Bailing felt that she had already put her self-esteem in front of the stick and stepped on it, but she still didn't want to save the stick.There is no point in staying, but the battle is not over yet, and Lin Dingding is talking when he comes.

Bang Geng's scalp is numb, so if he wants to be entangled like this, if Lin Dingding knows about it, there will definitely be more troubles, so he must avoid Li Bailing before getting married.

And the grandson of Feng Pants, who sold his buddies in just a few days.Let the grandson pay back the money, or he won't have a long memory.

Feng Pants hurried to the train station and was going to Yangcheng at night.Stopped by Bang, he said, "Feng Pants, you want to run away after selling Master Bang?"

Feng Pants said: "Master Bang, I didn't do it on purpose, I slipped my tongue the other day. Don't delay, I'm catching the train."

The stick said: "Catch the fart train, pay me back all my money, and then let you go."

Feng Pants almost knelt down and cried, "Master Bang, when I come back, I will definitely pay you back. Please do me a favor, treat me like a fart and let me go."

Stick said: "Let you go? Then who let me go? If Li Bailing's matter is not resolved, I can live in peace, but if I can't, then you don't want to live in peace."

Feng Trousers thought for a while and said, "Then why don't you go south with me and hide for a while. This way Li Bailing can recover and it will be fine."

It's a way, I can't provoke it, can I still hide it? "Okay, I'll go home, get some money and go."

What a surprise, "Hurry up, get more. Buy more with more capital."Feng trousers said.

Stick said: "It's none of my business for you to buy, I'm afraid that I won't have money when I go out, so I won't starve to death."

Feng Trousers said: "Are you really planning to stay for a long time? Come back after buying the goods!"

Stick said: "Get out, it's none of my business for you to buy your goods. I'm going to play with Zhuo Zhuo and the others. I haven't seen him for many years. My buddy misses him."

Stick stem didn't know how long he would have to stay, so he had to ask his father Jia Dongxu for more money. "Dad, I'm going to the south with my friends. I don't have any money. You can sponsor me."

Jia Dongxu said: "Okay, I'll get you some foreign exchange, it's more convenient. If you run out of money, go to the Yangcheng Railway Guest House and find your Uncle Wogua. He will go to Yangcheng with the train every month. You can ask him for emergency. Be careful out there."

Jia Dongxu is still at ease with the skills of stick stems, but the communication is too poor, if there is a problem, there is no way to help.

In order to avoid Li Bailing, Bang Geng and Feng Trousers went south to Yangcheng.Jia Dongxu is also waiting for news from Mary and Chen Shu. They will come back to discuss investment, and Jia Dongxu will also go south.

Waiting for news from Chen Shu, it turned out that she had returned to the capital.Jia Dongxu drove to the airport to pick him up, "Why did you go back to the capital?"

Chen Shudao: "My elder brother is going back to Beijing, let me come back."


Chen Shudao: "My dad stepped back, and the characters on the stage are supported by him."

Jia Dongxu said: "Is he coming back to set the rules?"

Chen Shudao: "It's possible, I don't want to get involved in the family affairs, let them make trouble."

"Are you going back to our house first, or to yours?"

Chen Shudao: "Go back to my house first, I'll go back to Yangcheng after talking about it, the things over there are still waiting for me!"

Chen Can felt that the sister-in-law was very familiar in the car.After turning around in the car, I remembered.Isn't this the car driven by the stick?
Jia Dongxu asked suspiciously: "Do you like this car?"

Chen Can looked at this little uncle in name.Asked: "Do you know sticks?"

Jia Dongxu said, "What do you mean? Are you friends with Sticky?"

Chen Can said: "Yes, he picked me up in this car that day."

"He is my son!"

Chen Can's head boomed, the story of Chen Shu was passed down in the family, and he was mentally prepared for his uncle in name.But when he heard that it was his father, Chen Can couldn't accept it.

Chen Can left without saying a word, full of contempt for Chen Shu in his heart, it doesn't matter if the sister-in-law is gone.Jia Dongxu, who had no awareness at all, even criticized: "This kid has no manners at all!"

Letting Chen Shu come back is not only to set the rules, but also to let Chen Shu hand over the channels to his elder brother's brother-in-law for management.Chen Shu must be completely excluded.Because they knew that Chen Shu had been blackmailed by the family, and if it wasn't for his contributions in the past few years, they would have been expelled from the family directly.

Chen Shu left Chen's house disheartened, "I won't go back in the future, I'm just a tool."

Jia Dongxu held Chen Shu in his arms and comforted him: "Losing you is the loss of the Chen family. They will never know what it means to lose you. They will regret it."

Chen Shu understood the meaning of Jia Dongxu's words, they lost Jia Dongxu's strategic vision.Only those who are close to Jia Dongxu can understand Jia Dongxu's readiness to grasp the future direction.Jia Dongxu's prediction has been confirmed time and time again.

The Chen family could have been like a tiger with wings added, but now they have abolished their martial arts.Decline is only a matter of time.This night, I used Chen Shu to ask for it crazily, to vent the sadness in my heart.

Help Xu Qing arrange the start of the publication.Jia Dongxu and Chen Shu went south to Yangcheng together.The two of them took the plane, while the stick rode in the hard seat.

Sticky, who has never traveled far, was quite happy at first, but after a day of wandering, his mood was not so beautiful. "Feng Pants, you will die if you buy a sleeper?"

Feng Trousers said: "Sleeping berths are not only difficult to buy, but also cost a lot of money, save the money to buy."

"You know what to buy every day, and you'll get dead goods!" Bang Geng said.

Feng Trousers said: "You are not short of money, you don't know the sadness of those of us who have no money."

After all, I wanted to wipe my tears again.

The stick said: "Cry ass, when you dock for a while, go down and buy roast chicken and wine, you can't sleep without drinking."

(End of this chapter)

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