Chapter 161 Cao Gang's Choice
The three of them took off their boots and got on the kang. The charcoal in the copper pot was burning very hot. After Jia Dongxu sat on the kang for a while, his body became hot and he started talking.

Jia Dongxu said: "I have now been promoted to the deputy director of the city bureau, and I will not be in the urban branch after the New Year."

Cao Gang picked up the wine bowl and said, "Then this bowl is for Director Jia Gao Sheng!"

The four touched each other, and Jia Dongxu took a sip and said, "Thank you! But my promotion may not be a good thing for you, so come here and discuss it with a few brothers."

Cao Gang was surprised and said, "How come Director Jia's high promotion is not a good thing to us? If Director Jia has any request, just take care of it?"

"Brother Cao misunderstood. I didn't come here to make demands. I'm a petty boy, and you guys are very particular about what you do, so I'll tell you the truth. A new director of the Commerce Bureau may target me. I'm afraid I'll hurt you guys. So come and remind me."

Cao Gang said apologetically, "That's a misunderstanding of Mr. Jia, brother, I'll punish you with a bowl!"

Jia Dongxu saw that it was Cao Gang who was answering all the time, it seemed that he was in charge.

"I'm always called Director Jia, which seems to be born out of place. Guangtian is called Brother Dongxu, and you can call me Brother Dongxu as well. If the business can't be done in the future, we should still be brothers and friends!"

Liu Guangtian said: "Yes! Brother Dongxu, I respect you a bowl!"

Jia Dongxu took a sip, and then said: "I'm afraid that you will be careless in selling your goods. If others want to mess with me, they will definitely stare at your goods. Then you will not be able to tell clearly."

Cao Gang said: "I'm from a gangster, and what I'm talking about is loyalty. Brother Dongxu is a fastidious person, I'm sure you are my friend!"

Cao Gang was actually in a cold sweat. If he checked his own goods, it would be a trivial matter to lose money, and if he was not careful, he would be thrown into jail.

"Don't be nervous, the matter hasn't reached that point yet, just come here to take precautions in advance. Don't sell the goods in Guangtian in the future. Brother Cao will sell the goods by himself, it's not a big problem."

Cao Gang said: "Understood, from now on, I will rest at home in broad daylight and do a good job in logistics."

Liu Guangtian felt uncomfortable, this lucrative income was gone, and he had to serve others.

"The material department can't sell the goods. I can let you sell the rolling mill, but the price of the rolling mill is not as good as the material department. You can also go back to the pigeon market to sell, it's up to you to decide."

"What's the price at the rolling mill?"

"I don't know about this. You want to sell the rolling mill. I'm going to talk to you."

Liu Guangtian said: "I can sell rolling mills, I can find Yan Xie, he is the buyer."

Liu Guangtian didn't want to lose the opportunity of easy profit, so he took the initiative to grab the talk.

Jia Dongxu said: "You can find him yourself. I just came to tell you that the material department can't do it for the time being. It will be smoothed out in the future. We are talking."

Cao Gang didn't expect Liu Guangtian to answer the words so quickly, he was a little unhappy.This brother-in-law is short-sighted and changes his face too quickly.Worried that Jia Dongxu would make money from it, he said to go to Yan Jiecheng.

I never thought that Jia Dongxu would be the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau at such a young age. If he becomes the chief of the bureau in the future and he is looking for someone else, no one will care about you.It's really a waste that doesn't do enough and has more than nothing to do. No wonder it was used by people and kicked out of the rolling mill.

The egg channel is in the hands of the Cao brothers, Cao Gang doesn't want to play with Liu Guangtian anymore.It's not that he doesn't talk about family affection, it's that he is worried about his bad things. With such a face, he will sell himself clean if he is caught.

The next few people started to shabu-shabu to eat, not talking about eggs.

Jia Dongxu just came to wrap things up, and he had already finished speaking.In the future, I will not do business for the time being. They can sell their eggs whatever they want, and it has nothing to do with me.

After eating and drinking enough, Jia Dongxu bid farewell and left.

Cao Gang stopped Liu Guangtian and said, "Guangtian and Cao Qiang, it's cold outside, you guys help clean up the sweet-scented osmanthus at home, and I'll see Brother Dongxu off."

Liu Guangtian didn't think much, and replied: "Brother Dongxu, walk slowly, I won't go out, my brother will see you off."

Cao Gang sent Jia Dongxu to the entrance of the alley.

"Brother Dongxu, I still want to work with you. I will do whatever you say. The sky is useless. I will let him do other things in the future and not participate in this business."

Jia Dongxu looked at Cao Gang with admiration, he had some brains, which was worth cultivating.

"Since Brother Cao thinks highly of me, let's discuss together after the new year."

"Okay! Thank you Brother Dongxu for your face, I will find you after the New Year!"

Jia Dongxu lacks people with brains. There are too many businesses that can be done in the future. If he is busy alone, he will be exhausted.What age is the most important talent, this trip is worth it.

There is a huge demand for eggs during the New Year, so Qin Jingru reported to the material section chief.

"Section chief! The egg merchants said that the demand for eggs during the New Year is high, and their eggs cannot be supplied, so they decided not to supply us for the time being."

"How could it not be supplied? This is a lot of money. Although the materials department earns money, it is all earned by the public, and the money earned by this batch of eggs will go into our department's small treasury. Jingru, you should think of a way to get the eggs Purchased to".

"Section chief, it's not that I don't want to purchase, the new director has changed, and others have scruples. So..."

The material section chief thought for a moment, "Jingru, you are right in thinking, what if the new bureau chief behaves differently from the old bureau chief. We will all be unlucky, let's wait and see for a while."

The material section chief figured out that Qin Jingru was a novice, and he thought of stopping so far because of Jia Dongxu's guidance.Even Jia Dongxu is so cautious, the new chief may not be easy to get along with.

The end of the year is closed, and the abundance of supplies makes the capital peaceful.Jia Dongxu is already in a state of salty fish, and he wants to step down anyway.I don't want to struggle too much for the time being, let the heads of the various merchants deal with it.

Xu Qing is going back to celebrate the New Year, and the two will not be able to see each other for a while. Jia Dongxu used the excuse to check his work, but in fact Jia Dongxu was hiding in Luohua Alley, hanging out with Xu Qing.

Xu Qing said: "Dongxu, I found a teacher who knows yoga. She introduced me to the magic of yoga. I have already apprenticed to a teacher and I plan to start learning after the New Year."

Jia Dongxu smiled secretly, "Well! This must be learned, and you will know the beauty of it in the future."

Xu Qing felt something was wrong, "Are you hiding some bad thoughts?"

"What can I think badly about you?"

These words were said in passing, but Xu Qing heard something else.

"Okay! You Jia Dongxu, I knew what yoga you asked me to look for? What bad idea did you hide? It turned out to be a dirty mind."

Jia Dongxu hugged Xu Qing, "How can the love between two people be considered dirty? This is a fun game between lovers."

Xu Qing thought of how many sets of movements the teacher made for her that day, and the more she thought about it, the more embarrassing she became.

"Playing a fart, learn it yourself!"

"Don't mind, the game is just one of the pleasures. Yoga really keeps you in shape, which is related to our happy life in the future. I won't lie to you."

"I know you didn't lie to me, you just want to beat you up!"

When the two were fighting, they changed places to fight.

Xiao Pa Cai was overwhelmed, and began to swear to practice yoga to strengthen her physique. Women are so inconsistent.

(End of this chapter)

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