Chapter 102

Li Shuigen showed a lot of kindness to Li Huaide in his work in the factory after receiving the leadership's guidance.It turned out that it was black and white. As long as Li Huaide denied it in advance, it can be discussed and negotiated now.

This made Li Huaide a little surprised. This kid finally recognized the reality and moved closer to me?Li Huaide invited Li Shuigen twice, but Li Shuigen did not agree to him.Li Huaide understood that Li Shuigen was staying neutral, and it was good to be neutral, and Lao Yang's space was further compressed.

Jia Dongxu took Qin Jingru to report to the Materials Division of the Municipal Bureau, and the Human Resources Division joked: "Such a juicy girl goes to work in the Commercial Bureau, and these unmarried young people in the Municipal Bureau may have to fight for their heads."

Jia Dongxu replied: "It depends on which kid is lucky? I only ask for one thing, fair competition."

It didn't take long for Qin Jingru's good looks to spread throughout the city's commercial bureaus, causing the aunts and matchmaker genes in several bureaus to be ready to move.

Jia Dongxu took Qin Jingru to the materials department and finished the report, saying: "Jingru, just go to work, talk less and do more in the department, ask if you don't understand. If you encounter something that can't be solved, just tell me, and you get used to it as soon as possible."

Qin Jingru said obediently: "Understood, brother-in-law!"

Qin Jingru had just been assigned a seat, and just sat down after cleaning, a middle-aged woman came over to chat next to her and said, "Your name is Qin Jingru, right? My name is Zhang Guilan. You can call me Aunt Zhang. We work together."

Qin Jingru replied in a pretty voice: "Hello, Aunt Zhang, I hope Aunt Zhang can give me more guidance on what I don't understand."Jia Dongxu has already popularized some basic workplace rules with her.

"Director Jia sent you to report, what is your relationship with Director Jia?"

"He is my brother-in-law."

"That's no wonder you can enter our materials department."

"I don't know either. My brother-in-law asked me to work here. I haven't told me otherwise. Is it difficult?"

"Of course it is difficult. Our department is the most difficult to enter in the Commercial Bureau, and the salary and benefits are the best. You will know in the future."

"In the future, Aunt Zhang will have to teach me a lot. Let me do any work you have. I am very diligent at home. You can teach me the work, so don't worry."

"Xiao Qin, you don't have to be too polite. With your brother-in-law here, no one in the Commercial Bureau dares to bully you. Just do your job well."

"I can't rely on my brother-in-law for everything, I have to work hard myself."

"You girl is so nice, do you have a date?"

"not yet?"

"Aunt Zhang needs to have a good chat with you. I have..." Qin Jingru was speechless. This person didn't talk about work on the first day we met, so how did he get to talk to me? That's how he works in the Commercial Bureau?

After Jia Dongxu sent Qin Jingru off, he came to the director's office, "Director! Thank you for your help, and arranged my sister-in-law to the supplies department."

"I heard that the reputation of your sister-in-law has spread in the bureau. I heard unmarried young people talking about it all the way."

"If there is no advantage, I would not dare to put people in the bureau. Qin Jingru's arrival will improve the overall appearance of our bureau. In the future, she will be the face of our bureau."

"You really know how to go up the ladder, what the hell is the facade?"

"Director, we are the Bureau of Commerce. We say that we manage state-owned enterprises. After all, we also engage in service guarantee. Considerate and thoughtful service is the magic weapon for us to improve work efficiency. Qin Jingru's facade is a service with a smile. When others enter the door, they see a Doesn’t it make you feel a lot better when the beautiful woman greets you with a smile?”

"You have a lot of unreasonable things. From then on, Qin Jingru will be the face of the Commercial Bureau. You train and train me. I think this face's service with a smile is so good."

"Damn! I'll withdraw first!"

Jia Dongxu took advantage of the platform of the Commercial Bureau to train talents for Jia Dongxu without having to pay training fees himself, but also to receive the salary and benefits of the Commercial Bureau.After ten years of training, Qin Jingru has been cultivated no matter what. After changing it, she can stand alone by pulling it out. Jia Dongxu is happy just thinking about it.

Qin Huairu heard Jia Dongxu say: "Jingru, I have arranged to work in the Materials Division of the Commercial Bureau."

Qin Huairu was surprised: "Such a good job? How much favor did you spend?"

"It didn't take any favors. It just happened that the bureau transferred a group of people. The bureau gave me an indicator to recruit people. It happened that Jingru was going to work, so I let her go."

This job is better than Qin Huairu's current job. What is most lacking now is supplies, the department that coordinates supplies in the city's state-owned stores. Qin Huairu is jealous of the benefits and social status.

Qin Huairu was a little annoyed and said: "Such a good job, why should I consider my brother first, Jingru is a girl, just have an ordinary job, can you change it?"

Already predicted your thoughts. "Then why don't you say it earlier, I've already done the job entry for Jingru. Jingru is also your sister, and it's not the same as leaving it to outsiders. In the future, if there are good ones, let your brother come."

Qin Huairu couldn't help it, "In the future, if you have a job opportunity, you have to tell me first, you can handle this matter, and I won't be blamed to death by my mother and sister-in-law when I go back."

"You don't need to tell them, you and Jingru don't tell, they don't know, they just say that Jingru is still helping us with the baby, anyway, you are not pregnant? This is over, you have to ask for another one."

When Qin Jingru came back, Qin Huairu said to her: "Your brother-in-law found such a good job for you. You should tell your family first, and then say that you are still taking care of the children with me. If you want to tell it, my sister-in-law will probably go to your house." ".

Qin Jingru said: "I know, I won't say it."Of course she knew what such a job opportunity meant when she grew up in the countryside, so she dared to be good to Jia Dongxu behind Qin Huairu's back. She felt that Jia Dongxu was too kind to her, and the only thing she could repay was her own body.

Jia Dongxu used an excuse to talk to Qin Jingru at night, what should be paid attention to in the office.Jia Dongxu went to the courtyard house to give Qin Jingru some business training, Qin Jingru just listened and looked at Jia Dongxu silently.It seemed unnatural to Jia Dongxu, "Jingru, you are training, why do you keep watching me?"

"I just like to watch my brother-in-law."

"Then do you still train or not? If you don't train, I will go back to sleep."

Qin Jingru smiled ambiguously, "I want my brother-in-law to help me train some other knowledge."

Jia Dongxu hit base for the second time.

"Then do you like me or sister?"

"Everyone has different tastes"

"I want to give myself to my brother-in-law" as she said, she was about to take off.

Jia Dongxu stopped her and said, "Don't stay in the courtyard house. I'll buy a yard outside, and you can move there to live in the future."Qin Jingru nodded happily, "Yeah!"

(End of this chapter)

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