start with a pet store

Chapter 595 Melanoma

Chapter 595 Melanoma

Xi Wenxin, who had been sitting on the sofa, didn't say a word the whole time, just watching everything that happened silently.

When the girl and her boyfriend walked out of the store, he jumped up. Lu Jingxing, who was sitting at his desk looking at data, was so frightened that he jumped: "Huh? What's wrong? Oh, it's okay. Let's go back..." Lu Jingxing quickly put it down. Xi Wenxin said nothing while holding the document in his hand. He had almost forgotten about this big living person.

"Oh my God, does anyone really love cats so much? And when did you learn to be a veterinarian? I also saw the banners you posted outside. Many of them were thank you. Oh my god, what did I miss?" Xi Wenxin exaggerated fuss.

Lu Jingxing laughed: "There are so many questions, I don't even know how to answer them."

Xi Wenxin looked in disbelief: "The most important thing is, when did you learn to be a veterinarian? How can this doctor have such high skills in a few years? Where did you study."

Lu Jingxing couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, you really hit the nail on the head and got the point right, but I'm really sorry, I really can't answer your question.

He laughed and said, "I learned it from a senior. I have been studying hard in the past two years. I can't say how advanced my skills are. I just learned a little bit. I can answer your question of "Does anyone really love cats so much?" I’ll give you a satisfactory answer, there really are, and there are many.”

Xi Wenxin didn't believe that he was just scratching the surface. Looking at the entire banner and the comments on the Internet, he was so humble.

Lu Jingxing knew that he didn't believe it, but he couldn't say it clearly, so he had to yell again: "Okay, you must be tired all the way here, forget it, we are all drunk and can't drive, so we might as well sleep upstairs for the night. Let’s go home tomorrow night.”

For Xi Wenxin, it didn't matter where he slept. He was very interested in Lu Jingxing's career. He secretly made up his mind to observe his buddy's work these days.

Lu Jingxing took Xi Wenxin upstairs. In fact, the room upstairs was tidied up and was almost the same as at home. It had everything it needed. After they washed up, they lay down.

The next morning, Lu Jingxing got up very early. Xi Wenxin was used to sleeping in, so when he got up, Lu Jingxing was nowhere to be seen.

When they saw him coming downstairs, the employees all stared blankly. They didn't know why there was someone upstairs. Xi Wenxin went directly to Lu Jingxing's office.

When Lu Jingxing saw him coming, he stood up with a smile: "You really know how to sleep. I'll wait for you to have breakfast together. I'm almost starving to death waiting for you. Have you washed up? After that, we can go out to eat together?"

Xi Wenxin smiled sheepishly: "I'm really not used to getting up early. I've finished everything, let's go..."

Seeing the two of them coming out of Lu Jingxing's office together, everyone knew who this person was.

After finishing breakfast, Lu Jingxing took Xi Wenxin and walked to the park. He said he wanted to go to see if he could go there that day. He just finished breakfast and was almost at the front door, so the two of them walked there together.

Entering the paradise, Xi Wenxin was shocked again: "Brother, how big a scene have you caused..."

The park is coming to an end. The master in charge of decoration is the master in charge of the backyard of the store this time. When he saw Lu Jingxing coming, he immediately came over: "Mr. Lu, did the workers not go there today? I'll call and ask. Can you please call me?" It’s just a phone call, why come here in person?”

Lu Jingxing coughed lightly: "Um, no, the workers entered the site this morning. I told them everything. I was passing by with my friend and came in to take a look."

The decorator nodded quickly to Xi Wenxin, took out the cigarette case, and handed one to each of them: "Oh, that's okay. Do you want me to take you around? According to the construction period, it will be completed in about one and a half months, but Most of it is fine.”

Lu Jingxing glanced at Xi Wenxin and said, "No, go ahead and do your work. Let's take a look around."

The decorator didn't force it, he said hello and went about his business.

As long as no one else is around, Xi Wenxin behaves like he did when he was studying in front of Lu Jingxing, being carefree and saying whatever he wants.

Therefore, Lu Jingxing felt very relaxed chatting with him. Apart from the introduction, he basically answered whatever he asked. The morning passed quickly as the two of them walked around.

Just as he was about to walk back, Lu Jingxing received a call from the store: "Brother Lu, a dog is here for emergency treatment. It stood in the lobby and shook its head and threw out blood clots."

Lu Jingxing answered the phone and hurried to the store.

Xi Wenxin joked on the way: "It seems like we can't live without you in this store..."

Lu Jingxing expressed helplessness: "It's really difficult to train a doctor, and the main reason is that I like to deal with little ones. Every time I rescue a cat or dog, I feel a special sense of accomplishment."

Xi Wenxin nodded. He looked at Lu Jingxing who was busy all day long and felt a little envious in his heart. He had lived too comfortably in the past few years, but he was still so young. He felt like he was really living an old life. Is this what he wanted? Want the life you want?

The two of them quickly came to the store.

Xiao Sun had already brought the dog and its owner to Lu Jingxing's office.

Seeing Lu Jingxing coming in, the owner immediately stood up: "Doctor..."

Lu Jingxing nodded: "What's going on? I heard that a blood clot was thrown out. What's the reason?"

In front of him was a yellow long-haired cocker spaniel, whose owner said his name was Coke.

Lu Jingxing stepped forward to caress Coke and took out his stethoscope: "Is he panting like this all the time?" Coke was panting heavily and looked really uncomfortable. After listening to the heartbeat, I felt its lymph nodes.

The owner was holding Coke on the other side: "It is afraid, so it is shaking violently."

"Yesterday when I came home from get off work, it raised its head to say hello to me. When it raised its head, its ears were pushed back. Its face was so swollen that I was scared to see it. Then when I touched it, I found that this area was still very hard. I remembered that a dog I used to raise had tumors in old age, so I quickly brought it over to have a look, but I also felt that there was something wrong with its teeth." The owner said to Lu Jingxing while holding a Coke in his arms.

"Yeah, let me take a sample first." Lu Jingxing took a cotton swab and took a sample from Coke's mouth.

The little guy struggled a little. Lu Jingxing asked his owner to continue holding him. He used a little force to scrape it with a cotton swab. When the cotton swab came out, the head was actually black.

"What's this black thing about?" The owner saw that Lu Jingxing's expression was a little solemn.

"I'm more worried that this is melanoma." He took two more cotton swabs and tried them again. Both came out black.

"I'm going to do a test." He felt that the situation was not good, so after saying that, he went straight into the laboratory.

After coming out, Lu Jingxing called the Coke owner into the office.

"The condition of Coke is not optimistic. I think it is malignant melanoma." He showed the test video to Coke's owner: "Look, it is all over the place. So I just asked you if it is very serious at home." Panting, can’t breathe.”

When the owner heard the news, his hands trembled a little: "Then..."

"I'm just doing a preliminary test now. If we want to be more prepared, we need to do a live test, which is to go in from its mouth and cut a small piece for testing to see whether it is malignant or benign..." After that, the two of them didn't speak for a long time. Lu Jingxing waited quietly for his master to make a decision.

The master nodded: "Let's do it..."

Xiao Liu cooperated with Lu Jingxing and brought Coke into the operating room for biopsy sampling.

Xi Wenxin also followed him: "I can go in and take a look together." Lu Jingxing nodded: "Let's change into surgical clothes together."

Arriving at the operating room, he said, "Here, take pictures of its mouth first." Lu Jingxing directed Xiao Liu, "Look, this is a tumor." Xiao Liu took multiple photos according to Lu Jingxing's instructions.

Seeing that Coke's mental condition was okay, Lu Jingxing immediately gave him an anesthetic, took an oral biopsy, and took another tumor sample.

While taking samples, Xiao Liu sighed beside him: "Wow, it's so dark..."

After taking a small piece each, Lu Jingxing immediately sewed it up.

Seeing Lu Jingxing's skillful movements, Xi Wenxin was filled with admiration again, but in order not to disturb the two of them's work, he didn't say a word from beginning to end, just watched quietly.

After collecting the samples, Lu Jingxing hurriedly tested the slices again.

The result came out soon, just as Lu Jingxing expected, it was melanoma.

Lu Jingxing returned to the office again, and the owner immediately followed him: "It's almost what I expected. Judging from this result, it should be the third period, and it is definitely malignant..."

"Is the operation still possible?" The owner is a man about fifty years old. Although he looks relatively calm on the surface, if you look closely, you can still hear the trembling ending in his voice.

Lu Jingxing lowered his head and thought for a while: "Surgery can be done, but I can't guarantee that it will be completely clean. What I'm thinking of is another way, which is to use a drug to inhibit the growth of the tumor. Maybe this is not good for it at the moment. Say it’s the most appropriate.”

Cola seems to be quite old: "Is Cola ten years old?" Lu Jingxing asked.

"Yes, eleven years old." The man looked down at his pet dog. He had once given away a dog that he had raised by himself, so he seemed extremely uncomfortable when faced with such a problem again.

"Because it is so old, surgery will have a great impact on its future eating and other aspects." Lu Jingxing was also helpless. He was confident in any operation, but for such an older dog or Cats will also feel helpless like now. This was what made him most uncomfortable.

The operation is not uncertain, but its swallowing function will definitely be greatly affected after the operation, and it will also be very painful for Coke.

"Then how long can it live with conservative treatment?" the owner asked.

"Well, I estimate that if nothing is done, it will last about two to three months. If it is controlled with medication, I can also give it acupuncture. In this way, as long as the malignant growth of the tumor is controlled, It should be no problem in one and a half to two years." Lu Jingxing is still very confident in his acupuncture.

"You mean, can acupuncture be used?" This is the first time the owner has heard that dogs can be treated with acupuncture.

(End of this chapter)

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