start with a pet store

Chapter 565 Mom is gone, and so is the ball

Chapter 565 Mom is gone, and so is the ball

Lu Jingxing smiled and said, "It's okay, just scratch the skin." He put Alaska Chuan Chuan in the dog cage.

Let employees get off work when it is time to get off work.

The employees looked at the boss's calm demeanor and walked away knowing that nothing happened.

Yang Pei ran in from outside. When he saw Lu Jingxing, he immediately pulled him over and looked left and right: "Are you okay? Are you okay? I was scared to death when I saw the video."

"It's not that exaggerated. I'm fine. What can happen to me?" Lu Jingxing looked at the nervous Yang Pei and felt a little moved.

"I couldn't get through to you on the phone. I didn't know what was going on. I got off the operating table and Xiang Yu told me, so I came over quickly." Yang Pei has been doing surgery in the afternoon, otherwise he would have come here long ago.

"I'm really fine. I brought the dog back. Come and take a look." Lu Jingxing brought Yang Pei to the dog cage.

This guy is now lying in the cage, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"That's it? Doesn't it look like a vicious dog?" Yang Pei looked at Alaska Chuan Chuan. Most of it still looked like Alaska. It really didn't look like a vicious dog when it wasn't fierce.

When someone said it, it screamed "woof" twice.

"The problem is that it was responsible for what happened in the afternoon. Now the owner and the police have asked me to help take care of it. I want to know what happened to this dog. There must be something going on." Lu Jingxing said, "By the way. , you said my phone couldn’t be reached? My phone didn’t ring this afternoon.”

He picked up his cell phone and found that it was turned off.

"The phone was turned off. It may have been touched when I fell. I'm still wondering why it's so quiet today." He said with a smile.

After turning on the phone, the "Didi Didi" text messages kept ringing.

I was so dizzy that I missed more than a dozen calls.

Ji Ling beat countless people, as well as her aunt, Yang Pei, Liao Xiangyu, Song Yuan, and even Zhao Jingming.

He quickly called his aunt back to report that he was safe. Her aunt was so anxious that she burst into tears. She felt a little more at ease when she heard that everything was fine.

Then he asked Yang Pei to send a message to their WeChat group. Yang Pei rolled his eyes at him and said he had already sent it.

Only then did he call Ji Ling with peace of mind.

Ji Ling was about to cry when she received the call: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you answer the phone? I'm scared to death. If you don't answer the phone, I'll be ready to come back."

Lu Jingxing quickly comforted her: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my phone was turned off at some point. I didn't know until Yang Pei came over that I was fine."

"Are you really okay? We all saw the video, saw you saving the child, and saw you falling." Ji Ling cried.

"I'm really fine. I promise you. I just scratched a few skins on my hands and have already applied medicine. Be good and stop crying." Lu Jingxing avoided Yang Pei and hid in the backyard to comfort Ji Ling softly.

After hearing Lu Jingxing's assurance that everything was fine, Ji Ling hung up the phone and went to class with peace of mind.

Yang Pei also left, leaving only Lu Jingxing and one employee on duty in the store.

Lu Jingxing finished his meal, said hello to the staff on duty, and then walked to the inner room. He wanted to chat with the Alaskan skewer.

He put dog food for it, stood there waiting for it to finish, and then asked it in his heart: "Are you full?"

It stared at Lu Jingxing in surprise: "Wow... I'm full..."

Lu Jingxing sat down on the small stool opposite the cage, "Do you know you made a mistake today? Why did you bite the child?"

Alaska Chuan Chuan was stunned for a moment: "I didn't bite, I wanted to play with him... play with the ball... Mom's ball..."

Lu Jingxing's head turned over and over again, ball? What ball? It seems that the girl who recorded the video said that the mother was taking the child to play ball...

"That's a kid's ball. Do you want to grab it?"

"Woof woof...Mom's ball, the ball mom gave me..." It spun around in a hurry.

"Okay, okay, we are not in a hurry, please speak slowly..." Lu Jingxing was patient and could not make it anxious.

"Where's your mother?" Lu Jingxing slowly guided it to tell the whole story.

"Mom is gone. My mother played with me every day when I was a child, with that ball..." it said urgently, and slowly became quieter: "Mom threw it out and I found it. My mother played with me for a long time every day... …”

"and after?"

"Then..." it was a little confused. "Then, mom disappeared... they said mom was dead... everyone cried, and I never saw mom again..." There were a little tears in its eyes.

Lu Jingxing walked over slowly, patted its head gently, and said softly: "What next?"

It also sat down: "Later, my brother took me to a place I had never been to. I couldn't find my mother. If I shouted at home, my brother would beat me..." Lu Jingxing leaned on the edge of the cage: "Do you miss mom?"

"I missed my mother..." It was a little lonely: "Then my brother disappeared and he took me to another brother..." It was a little excited again. This brother should be a man with a general belly.

"Is this the brother who came to see you today?" Lu Jingxing prompted it.

"Woof's him. He's nice to me, but he doesn't allow me to go out to play. He has a yellow dog and a white dog at home. They don't like me. I don't like them either. I just want my mother..."

"Then how did you get out today?"

"My brother was asleep, and the yellow dog opened the door. They didn't go out, so I ran out on my own. I wanted to find my mother..." It pulled at the cage a few times with its two paws. It was so big that it made a lot of noise in the cage. .

The employee on duty outside heard the noise and ran over quickly, shouting outside the door: "Brother Lu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I can handle it, you are busy with your business." Lu Jingxing did not want to interrupt the question.

After waiting for a while, when there was no sound outside and Chuanchuan became quiet, Lu Jingxing touched its head again: "Did you see the little boy when you came out?"

"I wanted to run outside, and then I saw children playing with a ball. I also had that ball, but mine was gone, and so was my mother..." It kept repeating that mother was missing.

"Then you went to grab the ball? Then you bit the kid?" Lu Jingxing followed closely.

"I didn't grab the ball. I watched them play with the ball. They were leaving and wanted to take the ball away. I wanted to play with him. His mother hugged him and ran, so I chased him. I was like chasing the ball with my mother. My mother and I chased the ball like this, and the child started crying. I was scared, and I didn't dare to let go. I was afraid that if I let go, the ball would run away and disappear like my mother..." It was very sad.

Lu Jingxing could even feel its sadness.

After saying this, Lu Jingxing roughly understood the cause of the matter, but how could others believe it if he told it.

"You shouldn't bite the child, and now the child is sick because of your bite." Lu Jingxing shook his head unconsciously and said softly.

"I didn't bite the child. I won't bite. Mom said you can't bite..." It argued hurriedly. It wanted to be a good boy for its mother. If its mother said it couldn't do something, it would definitely not do it.

"I bit his pants. I didn't want him to leave..." It bit the iron cage lightly, telling Lu Jingxing that this was how I bit his pants.

Lu Jingxing didn't know what to say. This should be the whole story. A dog is like a child. How you teach it will lead to its growth. When it was young, it should have been well raised by its owner who called it mom. , but after his mother passed away, it came into the hands of his little master. The little master didn't have the patience as his mother did, and even abandoned him in the end.

After listening to what it said, Lu Jingxing felt extremely heavy. He could understand what the little animal said, but he felt like he couldn't do anything.

He stroked its back, and it lay down obediently, its tail making a snapping sound in the cage.

"Okay, you're full. You can rest and don't make trouble..." Lu Jingxing said softly again.

"Woof...woof..." It also nodded slightly.

Lu Jing walked out, really wanting to do something for it.

He changed his clothes, put some medicine on his hand, said hello to the staff on duty, thought about it, and went directly to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I found out the little boy's ward by asking around.

The little boy fell asleep. His parents were both there. They were slightly surprised to see him, but they immediately recognized him and stood up to greet him: "Doctor Lu, why are you here? Are you here to see a doctor?"

Mother knew that Lu Jingxing was injured while trying to save mother and son that afternoon.

He made a shushing motion and said softly, "Oh, no, I just have a little skin injury. I was passing by and came to see the baby. How is he?" The neighbor's aunt said that the baby was not bitten, but he still wanted to come. Look, seeing is believing.

The couple looked at their son who was sleeping soundly on the hospital bed at the same time. The child's mother said: "I just fell asleep. I have been a little restless in the afternoon. Now I am much better."

Lu Jingxing nodded slightly: "I heard from the neighbor's aunt that he was frightened. Was he seriously injured?" I can't say whether he was not bitten, right? This subjectivity is too strong and will make people disgusted.

"Hmm..." Because Lu Jingxing saved them, they were very friendly to Lu Jingxing: "The doctor did an examination. My son was just frightened. The dog tore his pants and did not bite him. We all felt very sad. It's amazing. The Bodhisattva is really sitting high and protecting my Zai Zai." The child's mother made a gesture of clasping her hands together.

"This is because you did a lot of good deeds in your previous life. You have protected your son. If you are not in trouble, you will be lucky in the future. Your child is a blessing." Lu Jingxing picked up the nice words and said.

"Thank you, thank you, Doctor Lu. Thank you very much this afternoon. If you hadn't come in time and helped us, we would have been bitten." The child's father patted Lu Jingxing excitedly, and the child's mother forced an apple into Lu Jingxing's hand. in hand.

Lu Jingxing was polite, not wanting to refute the child's parents' kindness, and took the apple in his hand.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Has the dog owner been here? Have you discussed it?"

The father of the child has no doubt that he is there: "I have been here, because the child is still in this state now, just very scared. We are saying that as long as the child is okay, we don't want anything. If the child is okay, they don't want to run away, but their attitude today is quite different. Very good, we said that they will be responsible no matter what we say. We are not unreasonable, we just wait and see what happens to our son in the next few days. As long as the child is fine, we can say anything."

Lu Jingxing nodded. It was indeed true. The child was the oldest, and it seemed that no one was talking about the dog. He is also in a bit of trouble, what should he do?

(End of this chapter)

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