start with a pet store

Chapter 558 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Chapter 558 Finding a Needle in a Haystack
  Liao Xiangyu was a little surprised to see Lu Jingxing when he arrived at the store. Lu Jingxing usually didn't come to the new store in the morning.

The two greeted each other with a smile. Liao Xiangyu asked the staff to feed the kittens, and Lu Jingxing gave them acupuncture again. The lives of the little guys were saved.

Lu Jingxing had no surgery scheduled this morning, so he was in no hurry to return to his old store.

Many backyard cats have been adopted.

Lu Jingxing wanted to sort the rest into categories so that the cat cafe could be started here.

You can choose the tamer cats from the remaining cats and raise them to the cat cafe.

Taking the information Liao Xiangyu gave him, he went around the backyard.

He selected a dozen that he thought were easier to communicate with and gave them lessons first.

We brought all ten cats in and brought them into the cat cafe. The cat cafe was all ready. However, because it had not been open for a long time and the rescue of the cats was delayed a bit, it has not been open to the public.

The ten he chose are all neutered and can be put to work immediately if they are well taught.

We need to communicate with each other first.

He picked up a stuffed animal in the first cage.

The little guy has a pair of big almond-shaped blue eyes, embedded in a dark and delicate baby face.

It has a small nose and a straight line between its muzzle and muzzle. The most special thing is the thick white scarf made of hair on its neck and four paws that look like black gloves.

The hair on the body is milk tea color, matching the hair on the face, neck and feet, it looks like pearl milk tea.

Lu Jingxing smiled and picked it up. The little guy had combed his hair very cleanly, and he didn't look like a stray at all.

It seemed that he had been lost not long ago, so Lu Jingxing felt a little strange that such a beautiful little guy was not adopted.

"You look like bubble milk tea, so I'll name you milk tea, okay? Little milk tea?" Lu Jingxing asked the little guy in a warm voice.

"Meow... my name is Bubu." The little guy understood Lu Jingxing's words, and it seemed that he was not surprised at all that Lu Jingxing could talk to him like this.

"Huh?" This moment made Lu Jingxing stunned. He has been talking to many kittens for so long, but this one seems to be the first one to express it so directly.

"Meow...I have a name. My mother used to call me Bubu." The little guy said again.

"Bubu, why are you separated from your mother?" This was really an unexpected surprise.

"Meow...wuwu..." The little guy immediately had tears in his eyes: "I don't know, my mother went out, and I followed my mother out."

"Woo... Mom is gone, I can't find her..." The little guy meowed intermittently.

Wouldn't this be so magical? Lu Jingxing really couldn't believe it. He always thought that his heart language only allowed him to have simple communication with animals. He never thought that he could talk to cats like this, and he never thought about whether it might be possible. In this way, these cats can find their original owners?

His mind was spinning all of a sudden, and it seemed like it was a little beyond his control.

"Bubu, do you want to find your mother?" he asked Bubu gently.

"Uuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I miss you mommy..." Bubu whined delicately.

Lu Jingxing looked at the cats in other cages. He was a little confused...

Then what he has to do next is to chat with each cat, take videos, send videos, and help them find their way home?

He put Bubu into the cat cage: "Bubu, I will try my best to help you find your mother..."

"Meow...Mom..." The little guy's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked like an elf.

In his heart, Lu Jingxing felt that the whole thing was full of feelings that he couldn't explain...

Lu Jingxing walked out and asked Liao Xiangyu: "Have the cat videos been sent out these days? How is the response?"

"They were posted every day. Gradually, there were no more ones coming from other places. Basically, they were all adopted from the local area." Liao Xiangyu felt that something was wrong with Lu Jingxing, but he couldn't explain it.

Lu Jingxing nodded, how should I discuss this matter?
  He only knew the name, as if he wanted to find his family, and there was no point in finding a needle in a haystack. He sighed slightly in his heart, and his high morale at the beginning turned into a little discouraged in an instant.

"What's wrong, Brother Lu?" Liao Xiangyu couldn't help but ask, seeing Lu Jingxing's brows tightening and relaxing.

"No, I just thought about how I could help these little guys find their original homes." Lu Jingxing looked at Liao Xiangyu and couldn't help but say it.

"Here, there is no other way. We can only post videos like this. We only have such a big influence. We can only rely on luck." Liao Xiangyu didn't expect Lu Jingxing's reason for this. He thought cats, as long as they are good to them, As for whether the original owner can be found, maybe it's not that important.

Lu Jingxing knew that Liao Xiangyu couldn't understand his current mood, and it would be useless to talk too much, so he nodded: "Please help me take more videos. Try to take care of every one. I want to think of another way."

Someone was looking for him outside, so Liao Xiangyu nodded and walked out.

Lu Jingxing thought for a while and returned to the Mao Cafe to see if he could find a more influential platform to broadcast it on.

But this matter has to be planned from scratch. Even chatting with every cat is an arduous task. After all, he was the only one who could speak. For the first time, he felt that this ability actually put him in a dilemma.

Liao Xiangyu came in after returning from his trip: "Brother Lu, we just got a call from our old store, saying that a dog came in for an emergency and asked you to go back and take a look."

Lu Jingxing had just sat down and was about to chat with the second cat. He immediately stood up and said, "Okay." He was about to walk out. When he reached the door, he stopped again and said to Liao Xiangyu who was standing in front of the cat cage: "Well, Xiangyu, keep the first one, yes, this one alone, and call it Bubu."

Liao Xiangyu looked at him, then at Bubu in the cage, and nodded: "Okay."

After explaining, Lu Jingxing strode out.

When he came to the store, Xiao Sun immediately greeted him: "Brother Lu, a grandma came with a little teddy. She said that the baby has been born for a long time and has not been born, so she is in a hurry."

"Well, where are you now?" Lu Jingxing asked as he responded.

"Waiting in your office." Xiao Sun followed Lu Jingxing and introduced the situation as they walked.

"Okay, I understand." Lu Jingxing walked quickly to the office.

Grandma and her family were waiting in the office. When they saw Lu Jingxing coming, they immediately stood up. Xiao Liu was also in the office.

"Hello, how are you?" Lu Jingxing said hello to his grandmother and family, then looked at Xiao Liu.

"We did a basic check-up. The baby's breathing was weak. According to grandma and the others, the delivery took a bit long." Xiao Liu turned sideways to let Lu Jingxing pass.

"Yeah." Lu Jingxing walked over and sat down.

Lu Jingxing took out his stethoscope, listened for a while, and then looked at his grandma: "Has the amniotic water broken?"

"No." Grandma looked at the family members next to her: "My daughter-in-law has been keeping an eye on Nini since last night. Her water has not broken, but she is still making movements and lying down." Grandma and her daughter-in-law nodded.

"When did you start lying down?" Lu Jingxing looked at his wife.

"It's... almost dawn." The daughter-in-law thought for a moment and said, "It hasn't had a good appetite since last night and hasn't eaten anything."

"Okay, let's arrange an ultrasound first to see what state the fetus's heart is in." Lu Jingxing opened the ultrasound order: "Come. I'll take you to the ultrasound room." He stood up and went out.

Grandma and daughter-in-law followed each other to the ultrasound room.

"Do you want to take off your clothes?" The little guy was wearing a small piece of clothing.

"Is your belly exposed?" Lu Jingxing held it up with his hand: "If your belly is exposed, it doesn't matter if you don't take it off."

"Come and grab its front legs." Lu Jingxing pointed to his wife and turned on the machine when the preparations were done.

The little guy is mini. Grandma said it only weighs 2 kilograms.

But the belly is huge.

"How many days has it been pregnant?" Lu Jingxing asked while scanning.

"It's been more than sixty days." Grandma also helped hold the two hind legs, and the little guy struggled a little.

"It's time to give birth." When the scan reached the middle of the belly, the little guy screamed, "It'll be fine soon, just hold on." Lu Jingxing said to it in his heart, and it immediately became quiet.

Lu Jingxing said a little worriedly while scanning: "The heartbeat of the fetus is quite slow now. Normally, the heartbeat should be quite fast. It should be twice as fast as that of a big dog."

Grandma was a little anxious: "Is its heartbeat very weak?"

Lu Jingxing nodded: "It's been a long time since she was born, so she's in a lot of pain now. It looks like her uterine opening has been opened, but it's not wide enough, and the mother doesn't have much strength now."

After the examination was completed, Lu Jingxing put away the instruments and said, "I suggest you do the surgery right away."

Grandma and daughter-in-law looked at each other and immediately said in unison: "Then make arrangements quickly, hurry up, don't do this."

Lu Jingxing nodded and said to Xiao Liu, "Please get the ultrasound results and we'll go to the office to discuss how to do the surgery first."

With that said, she took the little Teddy named Nini and her grandma out of the examination room with her wife.

"Now that we know that the fetal heartbeat is very weak, we now have two plans, just like people. It depends on which one you have to take into account. If there is a problem of keeping the baby big or small, whether we keep the baby big or small. "Lu Jingxing looked at his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The two looked at each other again without speaking.

Lu Jingxing said again: "One plan is for you to observe it. We will give oxytocin first, but its current situation is already very dangerous. If it takes too long, the fetus may not be saved because it may be hypoxic. . Another option is to have a caesarean section.”

The daughter-in-law interrupted Lu Jingxing and said, "Let's have a caesarean section. Just cut it out. If it doesn't work, just keep it alive."

"Okay, then we'll do a blood test and have a caesarean section." Lu Jingxing finished speaking quickly, and Xiao Liu just happened to bring over the ultrasound results.

"Xiao Liu, you take Nini for a blood test. I'll go to the operating room to make preparations. You can bring her here later." Lu Jingxing said and walked to the operating room. Xiao Liu carried Nini to the operating room.

(End of this chapter)

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