Chapter 496
After placing the [Self-Thrown into Trap], Lu Jingxing and the others also heaved a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they arrived in time and the little ones were taken care of properly and will live well in the future.

Just like the jiaziyin and sesame playing in the backyard.

The two were chasing each other back and forth. You bite me and I bite you. Then Zhima may have been too excited and bit Jiaziyin lightly. Jiaziyin was unwilling and bit Zhima hard.

The two cats who had been having so much fun just started fighting with each other.

"Ouch...ah~" Zhima reached back and prepared to give Jiaziyin a big pussy. Jiaziyin immediately showed weakness and lay down on the ground, exposing his big belly. Zhimai lost his temper and turned around and ignored Jiaziyin. .

When Bamao heard the sound of fighting, he rushed out of the room. When he went out and turned the corner, he drifted on the spot, as if he was about to join the fight.

What started out as a playful fight between two cats almost turned into a group fight, but before Bamao could react, the fight was over.

Ji Ling looked at it and found it funny: "You guys are just watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal. The couple is in love, why are you joining in the fun?"

"Wow...meow...meow..." Bamao knew that this fight was hopeless, so he followed Ji Ling and acted coquettishly.

The owl has fully recovered. I called the staff at the epidemic prevention station in the morning. They said that if possible, they would like Lu Jingxing and others to help release the owl. They were all scheduled to go out today and did not have enough time.

Lu Jingxing took a look at today's arrangements and agreed, letting the owl have a hearty meal before setting off.

He and Ji Ling drove to the outskirts together. There were more mountains here. They found a relatively open area. There was a large forest within 200 meters of walking. They thought it was suitable and took the owl out of the car.

The band was removed from the owl last night. The injury was not serious at first. He had eaten well and drank well in the past few days. The owl has recovered very well. As soon as the cage was opened, it jumped out on its own and waved twice. I made a test flight with my wings, and then spread my wings and flew high without looking back.

When Lu Jingxing came out, he took the black tiger out with him. After the owl flew away, he released the black tiger and let it stretch its muscles.

The black tiger bit out its Frisbee and placed it next to Lu Jingxing's hand.

"Want to play games?" Lu Jingxing asked Hei Hu.

"Woof... Frisbee..."

"Okay, let's go..." Lu Jingxing threw the Frisbee out with all his strength. Black Tiger looked at the target and started flying wildly against the wind.

Ji Ling took Lu Jingxing's hand and found a lawn to sit down. In the past few days, "Self-surrender" and the little Pomeranian had made everyone feel a little depressed. When she came to this place, she felt relaxed. The two of them sat quietly and watched the black tiger running towards them, and their moods improved.

Throwing it again and again, Black Tiger never tired of it.Lu Jingxing was almost tired of shaking his hands.

Seeing that it was getting dark, I asked Hei Hu to get in the car and prepare to go home.

When he was about to drive, he received a call from Yang Pei. He said that a helper had called the store and that there was a dog in need of rescue. Yang Pei looked at the address and it was not far from the place where Lu Jingxing and the others came out today. Ask Lu Jingxing to stop by and take a look.

Lu Jingxing asked Yang Pei to send him the address and set off directly through navigation.

Less than half an hour later, the navigation showed that there was a bridge ahead. When I was about to cross, I saw two aunts waving on the roadside.

They quickly parked the car and got out of the car, and the two aunts came over enthusiastically.

It was said that Yang Pei told them the car of the rescuer, and they had been waiting here for more than an hour. They looked at the car from a distance and were afraid that they would overtake it, so they hurried to stop it.

Then they brought Lu Jingxing and Ji Ling under the bridge. This river should usually have little water. It had rained a few days ago, so there was water now but not much. Lu Jingxing saw the dog in need of rescue at a glance.

It was a white Samoyed. Judging from its size, it should be an adult. Lu Jingxing asked his aunts about it.

"This is a child raised by a family at the end of our village. Their child is mentally ill and always beats the dog. Every time he beats him badly, it's not that he doesn't treat him every time. This time he probably beat him. It was too heavy and couldn't be cured, so I threw it here. We just passed by and saw it. It was so pitiful. See if it can be saved. This is a life after all. "The older aunt said to Lu Jingxing with a choked voice.

"The dog is a big dog, and we don't dare to touch it easily. If it is bitten, we are both old and young, and we are afraid of trouble. I asked my sister, she works near you, and I heard that If you can rescue small animals, just call us." The aunt in red added.

"You are really good people, this bitch is really pitiful." The aunt was afraid that they wouldn't save her.

"Okay, okay, aunts, let's go down and check the situation." After Ji Ling told the aunts, she followed Lu Jingxing and jumped off the slope.

Taking a closer look, the dog was more serious than expected. There was no fur on its neck, its flesh was directly exposed, and its four feet were actually tied up with ropes.

"They just threw them away. Beating them didn't count, so why did they have to tie them up?" Ji Ling was furious.

The originally white fur was covered with mud, and the original color was almost invisible. Only the hair on the back was fine, but it was a lot of purple.

When the little guy saw Lu Jingxing and the others approaching, he wagged his tail vigorously with confusion in his eyes. "Do you know what this is?" Lu Jingxing asked the two aunts, pointing at the purple ones.

"That should be cyanotic water. When the dog was injured at first, they probably wanted to treat it, so they used cyanotic water. We usually use some when there are bruises at home." The aunt replied quickly.

"Okay, thank you." Lu Jingxing frowned.

"I'll go to the car and get the scissors. Let's let go of it first." Ji Ling asked Lu Jingxing.

Lu Jingxing squatted down and lifted up the Samoyed's feet. The Samoyed didn't even hum, "I guess scissors are not enough. Look, this is not just a rope, but also a wire."

He then pulled back the fur on its back and saw many wounds on its body, "There are also many wounds on its back."

"Why? This is going to kill it completely. Isn't it too cruel?" Ji Ling was really angry.

"The child has a mental illness. When he gets sick, he beats the dog. After the beating, he gives him some medicine to rub it in. This time, the beating was probably too severe, and the medicine won't work," said the aunt.

"Don't raise a dog if it's sick. It's true. Dogs are also living beings. How can you abuse them like this?" Ji Ling looked at the wounds up close and felt heartbroken.

"Yes, that's too cruel. Do you need help? I'll ask my old man to come over and help you." The old aunt asked with concern.

Lu Jingxing looked at Ji Ling and said, "Auntie, why don't you ask your uncle to come over and help me? I'm afraid that the two of us won't be able to lift it up. The slope is a bit steep."

"Okay, okay, I'll call him right now."

Ji Ling quickly went to the car to get scissors and pliers. Lu Jingxing put on his gloves and cut the rope as gently as possible, and then used pliers to cut off the wire wrapped around his feet. There were tears in Samoyed's eyes. , but didn’t struggle at all and just let Lu Jingxing turn it over.

Lu Jingxing made a preliminary inspection and found that the Samoyed's neck was seriously injured. Not only was the epidermis broken, but it was also inflamed. There were many and deep strangulation marks. It was not known whether his two feet were fractured, but the visible strangulation marks were almost there. Saw the bones.

Ji Ling opened a can and brought some dried meat down to give Samoyed some nutrition first. The rest could only be seen after returning to the base.

Lu Jingxing went to the car and took out a large cage. He had to find a way to take it back.

Also, since we knew it was from the village, we had to go to the original owner’s house and make it clear, so that he would not be rescued in time, or if an accident happened, the original owner would come to make trouble again.

You have to confirm before you can take it away.

At this time, the old aunt brought the old uncle over. She said that the old uncle was actually only about sixty years old. People in the suburbs usually work more, and he was very tall. He immediately came to help get the cage for the dog.

Ji Ling fed the Samoyed some water and ate a can. It refused to eat dried meat. Seeing that it had regained some strength, it tried to stand up but failed to stand up after trying twice, so it lay down again.

Lu Jingxing reached out and carried the Samoyed into the cage. It was really thin, but had more hair. It looked bigger, but it was very light. Lu Jingxing picked it up casually and found that there was a hole in its belly. , it is estimated that it has been a few days, and the wound is relatively large, requiring stitches.

Then the uncle and Lu Jingxing carried the cage and climbed up the slope.

The aunt told Lu Jingxing the location of their dog's owner's house.Then she said goodbye to the aunts. The aunts asked them to tell them if they were rescued, so that they could rest assured. Ji Ling agreed to the aunts and took the Samoyed directly to the original owner's house.

When she arrived at the original owner's house, she saw a grandfather sitting at the door. Ji Ling took the photo she just took and asked her grandfather, "Excuse me, is this your dog?"

"Where did you do this?" Grandpa was very vigilant.

"Oh, that's it. We saw it under the bridge. Some people said it belonged to your family. Now it is seriously injured. We want to ask you, does it belong to your family?" Ji Ling said nicely. asked angrily.

An old woman walked out of it: "Sister, this belongs to our family. I picked it up when it was young, and we can't do anything about it. My grandson has some problems and keeps beating him. We are powerless. It is doing evil by living here, and we can't help it." The old woman said with tears in her eyes.

When Ji Ling saw what the old lady said, the anger she felt when she came slowly subsided.

"Then you mean, if you don't treat this dog, you won't be able to keep it, right?"

"Yes, we won't raise him anymore. He's seriously injured and probably won't be able to survive. It's better to let him go to Paradise early and leave it at home. We can't control our grandson. There's really nothing we can do." The old lady said repeatedly.

"In this case, if you are sure you don't want to raise it anymore, we will take it back. From now on, its life or death will have nothing to do with you. I have an agreement here. Please sign it." Lu Jingxing took out the agreement.

"Did you save it?" The old man came over on crutches.

"Yes." Lu Jingxing replied.

"You have to get it, you have to get it, let's sign it. You are kind-hearted people, and you will be rewarded. We can't bear it, but we don't have the money to treat it. We see it living here every day, so we have no choice but to treat it." Throw it under the bridge, if you can save it, just do it and save it, we will never cause you trouble in the future." The old man signed the agreement tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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