start with a pet store

Chapter 483 Kitten, you are so fierce

Chapter 483 Kitten, you are so fierce
He is a child after all, and his eyes are very sharp.

The little orange cat was jumping around everywhere, but they didn't even lose it.

Lu Jingxing followed closely behind them and couldn't shout loudly. He could only remind him from time to time: "Watch the car, watch the careful of the puddles..."

This is a residential area, and there are many people setting up stalls selling vegetables and fish along the way, so there are many puddles on the ground from time to time.

The little orange cat seemed to realize that they were chasing it, and the speed became faster and faster.

There were several times when they almost lost track of him, but Lu Chen and Lu Xi would soon find the little orange figure again: "There!"

"Here, here! Hurry!"

From time to time, they would turn around and call him: "Brother, hurry up!"

The two of them were able to run easily without holding anything in their hands or saying anything.

And what about Lu Jingxing?
I have to carry things, watch them, pay attention to passing vehicles, and call them to stop from time to time, not to mention I am tired.

The key is that these shrimps are still alive and kicking. When he starts running, they jump around like crazy, and a lot of water splashes on his trouser legs.

Fortunately, I followed the little orange cat all the way and finally caught up with him.

Not only did they catch up, Lu Chen and the others also blocked the little orange cat in an alley.

Lu Jingxing followed, and the little orange cat stopped and looked up, a little at a loss.

After making sure there was nowhere to run, it turned around and looked at them tremblingly, looking very scared.

Lu Jingxing looked at it, found a hook on the side, and hung the bag up.

"Come here, don't get too close, don't scare it." Lu Jingxing waved to Lu Chen and Lu Xi.

The two little guys immediately became nervous and tiptoed back.

Lu Jingxing pulled them to the side and slowly stepped forward: "Mimi...Xiaoju..."

He was talking to his heart, so the little orange cat could understand his words: "I'm here to help you... I won't hurt you, don't be afraid..."

"Miwu..." The little orange cat looked at him in shock, thinking he was a bit scary.

How come this person can speak cat language?

It had never seen anything like this before and felt even more scared!

Lu Jingxing moved forward slowly and saw that the little orange cat made no movement, thinking that it had understood and would not run away anymore.

He slowly bent down and stretched his hand forward.

As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the little orange cat suddenly jumped up.

"Ouch!" Lu Chen and Lu Xi exclaimed.

Lu Jingxing was shocked.

You know, the small alley they are in now is surrounded by walls on three sides, and the only exit is where Lu Chen and the others are.

The key point is that both sides are the walls of the house. In front is a wall of about 1.8 meters, and in the past is the ditch.

Even if the little orange cat could really climb up and jump over the wall, it would still fall into the ditch.

You can hear the sound of water flowing from this side of the ditch. The water flow must be relatively fast. If the little orange cat falls into it, it will be very bad.

They are here to save the cat, not to kill it.

Lu Jingxing quickly stepped back, thinking about asking the little orange cat to stop: "No, no, let's step back, don't jump up!"

Unfortunately, the little orange cat didn't listen to him.

It thinks they are all terrible and doesn’t want to hear them at all!

The more he tries not to let it jump, the more it just keeps jumping!
However, it underestimated the height of the wall and overestimated its own capabilities.

In the beginning, it was really fast.

He kicked to one side and then jumped to the other side.

This little orange cat works very hard to show off its strong figure, and its speed is dizzying.

Left and right... left and right... left and right...

It works really hard and really fast.

It's a pity that no matter how fast it is, it's just moving back and forth, and the speed of rising... is very slow.

At first, Lu Jingxing was afraid that it would actually jump over the wall, so he stepped forward and tried to save it.

I couldn't help but laugh and cry afterwards, watching it perform quietly.

After jumping for so long, the little orange cat is only less than one meter above the ground...

Even, because it was a little tired from jumping, it didn't have enough strength, so it jumped downwards.

After its speed gradually slowed down, Lu Jingxing stepped forward.

As soon as he reached out his hand, he easily pressed the back of its neck.

The little orange cat was so tired that he was still panting until he picked her up.

"Little thing, it can run quite well." Lu Jingxing gently pinched its little paws. Well, the pads were quite soft, but a little dirty.

Seeing that he caught the little orange cat, Lu Chen and Lu Xi were immediately happy.

The two of them came forward and said very excitedly: "Brother! Wow, you are so awesome!"

"Kitten...Wow, its paws are pink, aren't they? Although it's dirty here, there's a little bit of pink here!"

Lu Jingxing looked at it and nodded: "Yes, it should be pink."

Moreover, this little orange cat also has a pink mouth. It seems to be in pretty good condition. When it gets a little fatter, it should be a very beautiful five-pin.

"Wow...that's great..."

The two little guys followed him as he walked back. When they reached the entrance of the alley, Lu Jingxing took down the shrimps as well.Since he didn't bring a cage, he could only carry the kitten in his hands all the way.

The little orange cat let him carry it honestly at first, but after carrying it for a while, it became unhappy.

It twisted and struggled in various ways, trying to break free from Lu Jingxing's control.

Lu Jingxing thought about it and thought it would be a little uncomfortable to be strangled like this.

"Come on, Lu Chen, you carry the bag, and I'll wrap it up with a tissue." Lu Jingxing casually handed the bag with shrimps to Lu Chen.

But this time, Lu Xi was not happy: "Why! I want to mention it too!"

Lu Chen didn't really want to mention it at first, but when Lu Xi said this, he immediately reached out and took it: "Brother asked me to mention it!"

"No! Give it to me and I'll lift it. If you don't lift it well, the shrimp will fall off later!" Lu Xi refused to budge.

The two of them were about to have a fight. He was afraid that they would tear the bag apart. Lu Jingxing quickly shouted to stop: "Okay! Give it back to me, I'll carry it!"

As long as there is a little difference, there is no way for the two of them to coexist harmoniously!
Lu Jingxing changed the hand to hold the cat, and then reached out to pick up the bag.

When they saw that he was about to carry the bag, Lu Chen and Lu Xi immediately stopped fighting and said in unison: "No, no, no!"

Lu Chen grabbed the bag tightly and refused to let go: "Yes, brother, we are already discussing how to carry it!"

"We can mention it together, right?" Lu Xi winked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was still struggling with what to do, but when he heard this, he immediately nodded: "Yes, yes, let's mention it together!"

It was just a small amount of shrimp, but they actually each held a handle and carried it separately.

Lu Jingxing felt tired just looking at it.

Sometimes, when the car comes, the two people may not be thinking in the same direction, and the bag will be stretched out, and the two of them will rush back.

Sometimes, they got so close that the shrimps in the bag were almost squeezed, and Lu Jingxing had to quickly tell them to keep their distance...

The most important thing is that this bag is about to burst...

The shrimp inside are holding back their energy and want to jump out...

Lu Jingxing quickly quickened his pace and called them to hurry up: "Stop messing around. We'll see what you do when the bag breaks!"

"If the bag is broken...the shrimps inside will escape!"

The two people talked and laughed: "Hahahaha... Then we have to hold it up with our hands..."

"The shrimps will prick our hands, but we can put the shrimps in our clothes."

"I can take off my clothes and pretend to be a shrimp!"

"Oh, no need, just pull out the clothes like this and make it into a pocket..."

Children's words are quite cute.

But Lu Jingxing was very upset and could only urge them: "Hurry up!"

He pulled out two tissues from his pocket and wrapped the little orange cat.

Put it in his hand, almost holding it all the way.

Of course, the back of the neck cannot be loosened, otherwise it will run away at any time.

But because he was no longer carrying it like before, now he was holding it and had a place to lean on, so the little orange cat didn't resist being held by the back of his neck as much as before.

It was still out of breath, but it could already turn its eyes to look at them curiously.

When he arrived at the car, Lu Jingxing immediately opened the trunk, found a cage, and stuffed the little orange cat into it.

"Meow ow..." The little orange cat was very unconvinced and didn't want to be locked up at all.

It clawed and scratched at the cage frantically, trying to get out.

Lu Jingxing didn't have time to care about it, so he turned around and took the shrimp from Lu Chen and Lu Xi's hands.

I looked down and saw, my dear, the aquatic product owner kindly added a little water, and it was almost finished.

Fortunately, the boss had enough experience to put a bag inside and tie it with a weak knot. The water dripped out, but not a single shrimp was missing.

Lu Jingxing took a bottle of mineral water and went to the side to add water to the bag.

Lu Chen and Lu Xi ran to the cage to look at the little orange cat.

"Kitty cat, you are so fierce..."

"Wow, it's even biting the cage, silly cat, it's made of iron! It can't bite!"

"Hahahaha, it will break all its teeth."

The two discussed for a while, and the little orange cat noticed their approach and bared its teeth and claws at them.

No matter how they coaxed him, the little orange cat would just meow at them without giving him any face.

"I think it's hungry." Lu Xi thought about it and ran to get a cat strip: "Feed this first! Kitten, do you want to eat it?"

The little orange cat won’t eat!It's very angry!
Waving its little paws, it is bluffing, trying to scare off anyone who dares to get close to it!

Lu Chen couldn't see how gentle Lu Xi was, so he grabbed the little orange cat and slapped it on its nose.

The little orange cat licked subconsciously.

There was a hint of shock, a hint of confusion, and more of surprise in its eyes.

The next second, the little orange cat opened its mouth without hesitation and started eating in big mouthfuls.

Even, feeling that Lu Chen and the others were pushing too slowly, it even called out urgently: "Meow, meow..."

As sweet as you want, it doesn't look as ferocious as before.

"Kitty cat is so good..." What a big change.

(End of this chapter)

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