Chapter 458
During this period, two kittens almost failed to recover.

He was given oxygen and injections, and it was not easy to save him.

After a lot of work, when their vital signs gradually stabilized, Lu Jingxing and the others took a long breath.

At this time, I looked up at the time and realized that it was already 05:30.

"Oh, my God." Yang Pei felt that his back was no longer his, and he didn't care about anything else and just slumped to the ground.

Liao Xiangyu was the same. He lay down on the beanbag and couldn't get up at all.

"Have a rest." Lu Jingxing struggled to sit on the sofa and slowly controlled his body to fall back.

He didn't dare go too fast, as his back would hurt if he went too fast.

I had been standing for too long and bending for too long. It took me a while to relax.

It was okay when I was nervous before, but now that I relax, my whole body immediately loses energy.

So sleepy.

There was no need to prepare for sleepiness at all, he just fell down and fell asleep.

When Song Yuan came to open the door and take the dogs for a run, what he saw when he came in was that they were fast asleep.

While he was shocked, he quickly remembered the cats that Lu Jingxing brought back yesterday, and he immediately understood.

"Ah." Seeing that the store would open in two hours, Lu Jingxing and the others would definitely not be able to do it like this.

Song Yuan simply stopped going for a run and started doing hygiene here.

After a while, Ji Ling also came over.

She took a few blankets and made a bed for Lu Jingxing and the others.

They slept so deeply that they didn't even wake up.

Ji Ling went to the backyard and cleaned up the inside and outside with Song Yuan.

She waited until half an hour before the store opened before waking up Lu Jingxing and the others: "Shall we go upstairs to sleep?"

After all, the store will be opening soon, and it won't be good if customers come in.

"'re here..." Lu Jingxing yawned and took two seconds to realize where he was.

He washed his face, and Yang Pei and the others also got up.

Forget it, just go upstairs. Lu Jingxing felt that he was almost awake. He would take a nap at noon and go home early in the evening to rest: "Where are Chenchen and Xixi?"

"They haven't woken up yet. My uncle has a day off today. He came over to take my place in the morning."

Ji Ling said, going next door to order breakfast.

Taking advantage of this time, Lu Jingxing washed up and quickly went to see the big tabby and the kittens.

I have to say, this big tabby is really big-hearted.

The kittens were rescued all night, but I don’t know what happened to them. It was fine and slept soundly.

There was no need for it to take care of the kittens, and the big tabby slept comfortably.

Lu Jingxing shook his head and turned to look at the cubs.

The kittens all curled up and slept together, looking pitiful.

However, the vital signs were all okay, so Lu Jingxing touched them one by one.

When they came over after breakfast, the kittens stood up unsteadily.

Because the big tabby is in pretty good condition, it can nurse.

However, Lu Jingxing and the others sent the kittens over to eat in two batches.

Of course, Big Tabby himself drank broth and ate chicken breasts torn into small pieces.

Worried that it would have insufficient nutrition due to breastfeeding, Ji Ling also cooked fish for it.

All were picked out and torn into small pieces.

"Fortunately, it's quite edible." Yang Pei took a look and felt relieved: "If it's edible, it means there's no big problem."

The kitten is also very strong. It was still alive last night and would vomit to you from time to time, but it is much better today.

Liao Xiangyu looked at it and shook his head: "I doubt they acted on us last night."

Looking at the way she is grabbing the breasts, she is quite energetic, but she doesn't look like she is about to die.

But this did make people quite happy for them. At least, Lu Jingxing felt much more comfortable.

If one of them is missing, he will feel uncomfortable.

He took some time to edit the video.

It has been raining for a few days, but today it is a sunny day.

Ji Ling immediately took all the blankets outside to dry, and also washed some towels and mats.

This kind of weather is perfect for drying things.

What she didn't expect was that it was also suitable for showing off cats.

No, after sunbathing, when she went out again, she came back with a cat: "Jing Xing, look at it quickly."

Lu Jingxing looked up and saw that she was holding a big white cat in her hand, and was shocked: "Where did you get this?"

"I was drying out the blanket, and it slept directly on top of my blanket." Ji Ling shook it slightly and put the big white cat on the platform: "I've looked at it and there are no marks on its ears. It should be a stray cat. "

The cats in their store usually have a mark on their ears, which is not very obvious, but you can see it if you carefully peel off the fur.

Lu Jingxing also came over and took a look at his ears: "Hey... the ear mites are so serious, it must be a stray cat."

His body was extremely dirty. Lu Jingxing frowned: "You can just rewash the blanket where it lay. Come on, give me the cat."

It's so dirty, it's hard to tell if there are any bugs or anything.

"Yeah, okay." Ji Ling quickly handed the big white cat to Lu Jingxing and hurried out to get the blanket back and wash it again.

Lu Jingxing took the cat in, checked it inside and out, and then gave it a bath.

As expected, he had never been vaccinated or dewormed, and he was extremely dirty.After washing it two or three times, the water is still dirty.

However, its attitude is quite good, and it enjoys both water and bubbles.

As soon as he lay down in the basin, he closed his eyes and it didn't matter what they did.

"This cat is quite interesting, haha." Yang Pei thought it was quite interesting.

Lu Jingxing looked at it and smiled: "Well, I'm not afraid of water at all."

While he was talking, he had already edited the video of the big tabby and its kittens and sent it directly.

The condition of the cat that the helper asked him to bring back also improved, and he also took a photo of the helper.

I was very happy to ask for help, thank you very much.

But after a while, I asked him hesitantly: [Well, if my friend wants to adopt, how much will it cost? 】

There is usually no charge for adoption.

But Lu Jingxing also asked seriously about her friend.

After learning that the other party was still a student, a junior in college, living in a rented house, and that her family lived out of town, Lu Jingxing politely rejected her adoption request.

This is not appropriate.

Because the other party's situation is too unstable.

Cats, especially cats that have been abandoned, are very fragile inside.

Even Jiaziyin and Balamao are no exception.

They need a lot of love and a lot of care to fill the hurt they have suffered.

Once there is another major change, they are likely to become stressed.

The friend who asked for help is a student and a junior in college. He will soon be looking for a job internship. Even if he is stable, he may leave here at any time.

At that time, it will be very troublesome whether you take the cat or not.

Many cats are thrown away during graduation season.

Lu Jingxing forwarded the video of the big tabby to the caller: [A pet cat like this lacks even the basic concepts of survival in the wild and will easily die if thrown out. 】

As for Big Tiger Spot and his family, if they hadn't met Lu Jingxing, last night would have been a disaster.

The big tabby at the back chose a new nest location under the window sill, which is not protected from wind or rain.

The kittens were soaked by the wind all night, and I was afraid that none of them would survive.

Such a small pup is prone to vomiting and diarrhea, and is prone to dehydration.

If you are not careful, you will die, not to mention there is nothing to eat and the cool breeze blows all night...

Even the big tabby might get sick.

The person asking for help was silent for a long time, and finally replied: [Okay, thank you, I will tell her...]

Although it was a bit regretful, Lu Jingxing could only answer this way.

This cat and her friend can only say that they are destined to be together.

Anyway, he wouldn't let go until she was sure she could take care of the cat.

However, after the video was released, the response was quite enthusiastic.

Many people think this big tabby is particularly silly.

——How did its round-brained melon find such a "feng shui treasure"?

——I almost sent my whole family away, I really gave in.

——In fact, using its logic, this is indeed a good place: safe, confidential, and no one will disturb you.

——Changed the position, changed to under the window sill, I laughed to death...

——I feel that this cat must have escaped secretly. If it was a wild cat, it would not survive now...

This was true, even Lu Jingxing felt that this big tabby must have been a domestic cat before.

After all, some of its habits are too obvious.

It is very familiar with the cat climbing frame and its eyes are always looking over there.

It doesn't like cages and hates being locked in a cage.

It likes to eat canned cats, but after it is full, it does not have the crazy thirst for food that wild cats have. Instead, it does not matter when it is full.

And it doesn't protect its food very much. It doesn't matter when other cats come over to eat its food, even when it's not hungry.

It is not very interested in the cat-teasing stick, and will even look at it with disgust, feeling that it has played too much before and doesn't care anymore...

All circumstances indicate that its previous life was generous.

He also cut out videos of these situations of the big tabby.

Unexpectedly, because his conditions were so clear, the owner of the big tabby came soon after hearing the news.

The owner of the big tabby arrived in the afternoon. When he came in, he went straight to the big tabby: "Crispy rice! Crispy rice!"

"Meow, meow, meow!" The big tabby was so excited that he almost jumped up.

In front of Lu Jingxing and the others, and in front of his cub, the big tabby behaved very calmly and calmly, as if he was not afraid of anything.

But in front of its owner, it became the kitten that grew up being pampered by thousands of pets and needed to be kissed and hugged.

It rubbed against its owner crazily, wanting to put itself in her arms: "Meow, meow, meow..."

It was aggrieved and sad.

It is really wronged!

The owner of Guoba was holding it and burst into tears: "You little rascal, how can you run around? Do you know that I had a hard time looking for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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