start with a pet store

Chapter 440 Conditioning Reflex

Chapter 440 Conditioning Reflex
Sitting in the car, Lu Jingxing could occasionally hear the cat meowing in the trunk.

It seemed restless and restless.

Sometimes, I can even hear it scream in pain.

But it's just lying in the cage, so why does it hurt?

Lu Jingxing was a little strange.

However, on the way, he also chatted with the person asking for help and learned that her name was Mi Sijia.

After arriving at the store, he handed Misjia directly to the clerk: "Take her to see the King of Rice."

Then he said to Misjia: "I will rescue this cat first. You can go around as you like. There are many cats in the backyard, as well as dogs and other animals."

It's like letting her play once for free, without charge.

"Oh, okay, you go about your business." Misjia nodded quickly.

Lu Jingxing watched her go in, and then took the cage directly into the operating room.

It was originally just a routine inspection, but Lu Jingxing groped all the way up and when he touched his neck, the civet suddenly bit him.

It startled him. Fortunately, when it bit down, it relieved its strength halfway. Otherwise, if it had bitten hard, blood would have been spilled on the spot.

After biting it, Cihua immediately let go.

She was even a little scared and subconsciously looked up at him.

Lu Jingxing raised his hand and looked at it. Good guy, there are quite deep tooth marks.

Fortunately, there was no bleeding. He rubbed it and found it was fine, with no broken skin.

The bite left such a deep mark through the glove. If it hadn't been for the loss of strength due to Li Hua Lin, I'm afraid it would have been bitten right through.

Anyway, Lu Jingxing had no doubt that it had the strength.

Therefore, Lu Jingxing was very careful in the subsequent process.

Li Hua calmed down, as if she was scared.

Not only did he no longer bite him, he even stopped resisting and snorting.

"Huh? You didn't even scream anymore?" Lu Jingxing was a little surprised.

Glancing down, Li Hua also raised her head and looked at him.

When their eyes met, Lu Jingxing was a little shocked: this civet flower actually had tears in its eyes.

It seems painful.

Lu Jingxing hesitated and touched its neck again.

This time, Lihua's whole body trembled again.

However, it persisted and did not bite him.

Instead, he shook subconsciously and screamed silently.

At this time, Lu Jingxing touched something: "Huh?"

how does he feel...

This feel, this strength, this...

In Li Hua's painful eyes, Lu Jingxing confirmed what was in his hand: it was a wire ring.

Another barbed wire circle!

This time, Lu Jingxing was absolutely sure that this would not be an accident.

Two cats, one big and one small, of different breeds, with completely different body shapes, different neck sizes, and of course different sizes of wire rings.

He took out the pliers, cut off the wire loop, and put it aside.

The wire ring of Cihua is not that small, and it must have pulled it many times. The wire ring is a little deformed, so it is not that difficult for it to eat.

However, its teeth were slightly poked by the extra sharp end of the wire ring.

Lu Jingxing suddenly remembered the scene at that time: Cihua was eating cat food, but she swallowed it directly without chewing it at all.

It turns out that it’s not that he doesn’t want to chew, but that every time he chews, the wire will poke his gums, which will be very painful.

Cats can't take off the wire ring, they can only try to make it as painless as possible.

Therefore, Ganfanwang will not dare to eat, so Cihua will choose to swallow it without chewing.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Lu Jingxing gently touched Li Hua's head, quickly debrided it and applied medicine.

Fortunately, the raccoon dog was bigger and stronger. After pulling the wire ring out of shape, the damage to the throat was relatively small.

Except for the area at the back of the neck, which was strangled quite deeply, the rest of the area was pretty good.

After Lu Jingxing treated its wound, Li Hua gently moved her head.

Normally, it doesn't dare to move.

The slightest movement made my whole neck feel excruciatingly painful.

And now, it finds that it seems to be much better!
The wound feels a little cool, and there is no burning pain like before.

Especially the teeth. Cihua moved her teeth subconsciously and chewed.

"Haha, do you eat air?" Lu Jingxing was a little amused. He looked at its size and sighed: "Wait a minute, I'll go see if the broth stewed by Lingling is still there."

If you want to say what is the most popular thing in their store, it is really the broth stewed by Ji Ling.

This is a delicacy that cats like more than chicken breast or canned food.

No matter how old a cat is, they like to eat it. The key is to have sufficient nutrition. Supplementary nutrition is very good.

Because of this, Ji Ling often comes to the store to stew. Even if she is not in the store, she will stew in a pot before going out.

No, Lu Jingxing came in with a bowl of broth, attracting many kittens along the way.

They all followed Lu Jingxing in small steps, meowing and meowing.

"Okay, I can't give you this bowl." Lu Jingxing smiled and refused their approach.

When they arrived at the operating room, Cihua's eyes lit up when she smelled the fragrance. "Come on, have a taste." Lu Jingxing put the bowl in front of it.

"Meow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..." It's so delicious, delicious, delicious, delicious...

Lihua couldn't even raise her head after eating. Although she could usually pick up some cat food and other things to eat, this was the first time that it tasted so fragrant and delicious.

Not only did it eat the meat and drink up the soup, it also licked the bowl until it was shiny, and it wanted to wash it with saliva.

Lu Jingxing was studying the iron circle, looking at it carefully.

This iron ring was grabbed hard by Li Hua, and it looked a bit flat.

In fact, it is a little older than the iron ring of Ganfanwang yesterday, and it is even rusty in some places.

I don’t know how long it has been worn on Lihua.

Especially the tip of the extra iron ring is particularly dark in color and even slightly thicker than other parts.

Lu Jingxing used tweezers to pick up the clippings and found that they were all hardened. But when he finally scraped them off, he found that they were meat.

It is very likely that when the civet flower ate in the past, it would poke the civet flower's teeth and gums.

It will bleed, heal, bleed, heal over and over again...

Li Hua was so miserable that she finally decided not to use her teeth anymore and swallowed everything she ate.

No wonder it is so thin.

I'm afraid it won't be able to eat anything larger than cat food.

Lu Jingxing sighed heavily and put the iron ring aside.

No, this person must be caught.

How could you do such an immoral thing?
This is just the right time to catch this raccoon flower...


Lu Jingxing was startled and looked at Cihua. He suddenly broke out in white hair and sweat: How could he be sure that only Cihua and Ganfanwang were the victim cats?
How could it be such a coincidence that only these two cats were chained with wires, and they happened to catch both cats?
He couldn't think about it too carefully. Lu Jingxing paused, then turned around and went out to find Mi Sijia.

After asking the store clerk, I learned that Misjia was playing in the backyard.

Lu Jingxing walked over and looked around.

After a while, I saw Misjia next to the hemp rope pole.

The hemp rope pole and the slide are assembled together. At this moment, many cats are queuing up to play on the slide!

There were also many customers who found this interesting and helped them climb up.

Some kittens are too lazy to crawl, so they just lie down at the feet of customers and meow.

The meaning is very straightforward: lend a hand!

"Hahaha..." Mi Sijia looked very happy and kept taking pictures with her mobile phone: "It's so cute..."

It’s a foul!so cute!

She was having fun, but Lu Jingxing didn't go over to interrupt her.

After she finished playing and turned around to walk away, Lu Jingxing walked over and said, "Hello, Miss Mi."

Seeing him coming, Mi Sijia's eyebrows curved: "Boss Lu, hahaha, the cats here are so cute!"

Each one is different, especially these playful cats, which are so cute!
She likes it so much!
"Yeah, haha..." Lu Jingxing chatted with her for a while before getting down to business: "That's it..."

After hearing what he said, Misjia was stunned.

After a long while, she frowned and said hesitantly: "You mean, Ganfan Wang and the cat today were not accidents, but someone deliberately harmed them?"

Lu Jingxing hummed and nodded: "Not only that, but I also suspect that... they are not the only two victims of the cat."

Since these two cats appeared downstairs in her house, it is very likely that the cats in their entire community have been poisoned.

Having said that, Misjia really recalled something...

"I remember the year before last... last year, I guess. At that time, there were a lot of cats downstairs in our house."

At that time, she really wanted to have a kitten of her own, so she was very sensitive to cats.

At that time, it felt like there were cats everywhere.

On both sides of the road, or under the trees, or in the corridor or on the wisteria flower stand...

She felt like she could meet cats everywhere, which aroused her desire to keep cats.

Because of this, she didn't last long and got a cat at the end of last year.

The strange thing is that after getting a cat, she felt that she saw less and less cats.

"I didn't think much about it at the time." Misjia said hesitantly, "I also saw a saying that this is a conditioned reflex and a reflection of thoughts."

For example, before getting pregnant, some pregnant women feel that no one in the world is pregnant. After becoming pregnant, they feel that there are pregnant women everywhere.

Some people who don't like children will subconsciously pay attention to children, so they feel that children are everywhere and they are annoying to everyone.

To compare it to herself, it may be that she wanted a kitten too much before, so she felt that there were kittens everywhere.

But now, she has raised a kitten, so she doesn't feel that there are too many cats outside.

"Well, that's possible..." Lu Jingxing frowned and muttered, "But we can't rule out that the number of cats in your community has indeed decreased."

if it is like this……

Misjia's face turned pale, and she clenched her fingers: "This, is it perverted..."

There are so many cats, including orange cats that like to climb trees, and civet cats that jump around...

"It's hard to say." Lu Jingxing thought for a while and made a suggestion: "If possible, can you cooperate with me... to catch this person?"

Because he was not sure who this person was, he could not directly ask the property management to help him.

What if this person is from real estate?right.

(End of this chapter)

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