Chapter 438
The cats in the other two teams had been watching them fight, and when they saw their miserable condition, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Subconsciously and without leaving a trace, the queue became more orderly.

The lion cat glanced and snorted, as if he was sneering.

Of course, since they know each other, it will not continue to chase them around.

"Meow." The lion cat walked over gracefully and really started to teach them.

In fact, this thing is really not difficult.

The key is whether you are willing to learn.

For example, although the lion and cat group started later than the other two groups, they learned much faster than the other two groups.

Of course, they refused to admit it because they were afraid of being beaten by the lion cat again.

But the reason why they were bitten to death was because they were smart and could get through with just one click.

The lion cat licked its paws and said calmly: Ha.

The lion cat's exposed hand also shocked many other cats.

At least, when the lion cat goes to play behind, almost all cats will subconsciously give way to it.

I can't help it, I can't afford it, I really can't afford it.

In order not to get beaten, they all behaved.

Of course, they all do this, let alone the members of the Lion Cat team.

Seeing that they were all studying seriously, Lu Jingxing was very satisfied: "Yes, not bad."

However, Lu Jingxing also carefully considered what the lion cat said.

Indeed, with the ability of the lion cat, just leading the team is really too humiliating.

But lion cats also disdain the job of catching mice.

After all, with its momentum, a mouse would be scared to death upon seeing it, so it still needs to be caught?

For a moment, Lu Jingxing hadn't decided what to do with the lion cat.

Ji Ling said nonchalantly: "Actually, you can let it go on missions outside, such as helping people find cats, contacting various wild cats, etc."

With the lion cat's communication skills, it can clearly figure out any complicated relationship.

Just teaching a cat to go to the toilet is too wasteful and overkill.

"Well... you can try this." Lu Jingxing turned around and raised his eyebrows: "You came back so early today?"

"Haha, um, Brother Feng and the others are on a business trip, and there is no one in the office." Ji Ling tilted her head and smiled playfully: "I heard that you were going out to catch cats today, so I left early!"

Lu Jingxing laughed and tapped her lightly: "It's very hot outside, what are you going to do?"

While laughing and joking, the two of them cleared their things and got into the car together.

Lu Jingxing actually planned to come here alone today, because the person asking for help here said that there was only one kitten in need of help.

She was very happy to see them coming: "It's right in that corner, it's not moving."

She discovered the cat two days ago.

"It was not in good condition at the time. I was in a hurry to go to work, and I didn't bring cat food or medicine, so I left before I had time to take a closer look." The person asking for help was a little sad.

Lu Jingxing and the others carried their tools and followed her there.

When we got to the corner, we saw a cat.

Its eyes seemed to be inflamed, covered with a lot of eye mucus, and were watery with tears, making it difficult to see clearly.

She is very thin and very small. She must be young, probably just one month old.

Lu Jingxing frowned and found that it had been lying there without moving: "Is its leg injured?"

"I don't know." The person asking for help shook his head: "I didn't dare to go over and take a look, for fear of disturbing it."

After she came back yesterday, she went downstairs and put some cat food for it.

It was too vigilant. It didn't move when she was there, and she coaxed it for a long time to no avail.

So she put down the cat food next to it and went back.

Today I couldn't hold it any longer, so I called Lu Jingxing and the others for help.

"Okay, I'll go take a look." Lu Jingxing got closer and realized that the cat exuded a strong odor, and there were even some flies flying around it.

The kitten lay there quietly. If it weren't for the heaving and heaving of its chest and abdomen, it would even feel like it was dead.

Ji Ling looked at it and frowned: "There should be a wound, otherwise there wouldn't be flies flying around."

In today's weather, if an injury is not treated properly, it will soon become suppurative.

"Well, it probably won't run away. I'll catch it." Lu Jingxing put on his protective gear and approached from behind quietly.

I have to say that this little kitten is quite vigilant.

The corner it chose seems random, but is actually quite clever.

There is an open grassland in front, a wall behind, bushes on the left, and the wall of the house on the right.

Lu Jingxing didn't find a more suitable way except walking slowly by the wall.

In the other three directions, once it notices it, it will run away immediately.

However, it was quite troublesome for Lu Jingxing to walk along the wall.

Because the wall is not high, it will be obvious if he makes too much movement in the past.

After taking two or three steps, he withdrew again.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Jingxing picked up the foldable cage and said, "I'll get it out of the cage later. You go over and feed it something to attract its attention." It's too close to the wall now, and the cage can't cover it.

"Okay." Ji Ling and the person asking for help nodded.

Lu Jingxing simply crossed the fence and slowly pulled the rope to lower the cage from the other side of the low fence.

During this period, Ji Ling and the others held cat food, freeze-dried and canned food to attract the kittens' attention.

Unfortunately, the kitten can hardly eat.

It couldn't even see clearly, it could only prick up its ears and listen hard.

"This way, this way." Ji Ling tapped the can gently, partly to let the kitten hear it and come over to eat, and partly to divert the noise caused by Lu Jingxing's cage being lowered.

As if smelling the aroma of the can, the kitten stood up staggeringly after a while.

After taking two steps this way, Lu Jingxing quickly closed the cage before the kitten could reach them.

Stable and firmly covered.

"Wow, it worked!" The person asking for help was very happy.

Ji Ling stared at the kitten in the cage: "Ah... is it crying..."

The kitten in the cage trembled slightly and huddled up in fear.

It turned its head left and right with tears in its eyes, but there was only a vast expanse of white in front of it, and it couldn't be seen clearly at all.

It doesn't dare to move, for fear that others will hurt it.

However, the fragrant one seems to be still there...

Woohoo, but I don’t know where it is...

The sound of the thing banging the incense just now also disappeared, and it couldn't be seen at all.

Lu Jingxing saw the cover and quickly climbed over the wall.

Ji Ling had already brought the can and pushed it in front of the kitten: "Here, eat it quickly, I'm not lying to you."

It was obvious that the kitten was going crazy with hunger.

Although it cannot be seen, it can smell and hear.

Ji Ling held the can and tapped the cage gently. Although it walked very slowly, it still moved towards this side.

After a while, it found the can, stuck its face in it, and started eating like crazy.

Because of this, Lu Jingxing and the others were finally able to clearly check where the wound was.

Its fur is slightly longer, its body is fine, and its legs are fine, but it is very painful to eat.

Sometimes it feels like my eyes are bulging, and I have a hard time swallowing things.

This is a canned food. The top layer is made of oil, which is obviously easy to swallow.

Lu Jingxing was still observing its legs carefully, but Ji Ling had already exclaimed: "Look, its neck!"

Lu Jingxing looked at its neck and was immediately shocked.

A circle of very thin, very inconspicuous strangulation marks tightly stuck on the kitten's neck.

It even felt like it had been pinched into its flesh. If it hadn't been for the faint red color that came out when it lowered its head, it might not have been visible.

At least, the person asking for help had never seen it before: "No wonder when I feed it cat food, it just smells it and doesn't eat it."

But the cat food she put here was indeed gone when she came back.

"Maybe another cat ate it." Lu Jingxing frowned and looked at it carefully: "This should be some kind of thin wire."

And it’s very tight. Generally speaking, if something is wrapped around its neck, the cat will subconsciously scratch or pull it.

But this cat didn’t, either because it felt it didn’t matter or it didn’t affect it, or because it couldn’t scratch it at all, or…

It just hurts more after being scratched than if it wasn't scratched, so it doesn't dare to do it anymore.

No matter what it is, it's scary.

Ji Ling frowned slightly and said, "This is too..." Cruel.

The person asking for help was also very soft-hearted, and his face was wrinkled: "It hurts to hear it."

No, Lu Jingxing sighed.

He hasn't told the most serious problem yet: there are already flies flying around it, which means that the thin wire has cut a deep wound, the wound has suppurated, and the weather is too hot, it may have stink. .

Because the kitten was injured, Lu Jingxing didn't want to irritate it, so he used the gentlest technique to tilt the cage slightly, almost shoveling the kitten in.

Fortunately, the kitten didn't react at all and just continued to eat the can crazily.

Its throat must have been injured, so it was very painful and difficult for it to swallow, but it still swallowed hard.

Really hungry!
Lu Jingxing and the others didn't stay where they were for long because they had to rush back to save the kitten.

However, Ji Ling left a cage here before leaving: "Didn't you say that another cat might have eaten the cat food? Maybe it was a stray cat? I'll get the cage."

"Okay." The person asking for help nodded and said seriously: "If the cat is caught, I will call you to come over!"

Very good, Lu Jingxing hummed: "Thank you, let's go first."

"Okay." The person asking for help ran for two steps and then said with difficulty: "If... you are rescued or... you are not rescued, can you send me a message?"

She was really worried about this kitten. She really didn't know that its condition was so serious at the time. Otherwise, she would have contacted Lu Jingxing and the others as soon as she saw it the day before yesterday!

"Okay, no problem, I will send the video when the time comes." Lu Jingxing told her not to feel guilty: "You have done a good job."

It was very timely. If it hadn't been for her, the kitten might not have been saved if it had been delayed for two more days.

(End of this chapter)

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