start with a pet store

Chapter 429 No tacit understanding

Chapter 429 No tacit understanding
It happened that they were short of kittens and puppies in the store, and many people were queuing up behind them, waiting to get them.

Originally, Yang Pei and Song Yuan were quite happy watching the kittens playing with mice.

Suddenly, he found that Lu Jingxing was ready to leave.

They looked at each other and immediately followed: "I'll go too, I'll go too!"

"What's the point here? Haha, I'm not here to play." Lu Jingxing felt that they were outrageous.

On such a hot day, wouldn't it be nice to rest at home?

Blowing up the air conditioner and watching TV is more comfortable than chasing cats and dogs outside.

Song Yuan smiled and waved his hand: "Hey! You don't understand, this is just fun to me."

Of course games are fun, and TV is certainly fun to watch.

However, these are not as fun as catching the dog yourself!

No, they not only took the initiative to bring tools, but also actively ran to the front to drive.

Yang Pei also asked Lu Jingxing excitedly: "What are you going to catch today? Cat or dog? Big or small? Is it ferocious?"

"Catching dogs, big ones, very fierce, pregnant with babies." Lu Jingxing spoke concisely and sighed: "Did you wear protective gear?"

He had reminded him.

"Take it, take it." Not only were they not afraid, but they were even more excited!
After arriving at the place, the two of them were more active than Lu Jingxing.

I wish I could catch the dog as soon as I get there.

Lu Jingxing looked at his cell phone and called the person asking for help: "Hello, we have arrived... Oh, an osmanthus tree, right?... Oh, I saw it, a big osmanthus tree. Walking in, there is a big osmanthus tree. Bar……"

Walking all the way inside, following the route given by the person asking for help, Lu Jingxing and the others finally met him.

"Hello, hello..." The person asking for help was a man with a slight limp in his left foot. He smiled helplessly and said, "I walk slowly, so I didn't wait for you at the door."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Lu Jingxing chatted with him while slowing down his pace without leaving a trace, making it look like the cage was heavy.

When they reached a wall, the person asking for help stopped: "It's right...that place."

Their community has a mountain behind it. In the past, deforestation led to soil erosion and frequent landslides. No one wanted to come here.

The person asking for help sighed: "In the past, our community would still take care of it, but then we really couldn't take care of it anymore."

In order to save trouble, we simply built a wall to separate them and not harm their community.

But this dog doesn’t know.

It dug a hole in a place on the edge.

There are people in the community who don't like it and often chase it and beat it.

So it occasionally ran over to find some food, and then slept over the fence.

"It's going to rain again." The person asking for help looked at the sky and shook his head: "Every year in August or September, there will be landslides."

The place where the dog lives will be piled up every year, and then someone will clear it out when they have time.

Lu Jingxing nodded and frowned: "That needs to be done carefully..."

This location is indeed quite dangerous.

No wonder he was so anxious when he said it on the phone. It would rain in a few days. When the rain breaks out and there is a landslide, the dog may be buried directly.

"What about the dog?" Yang Pei and Song Yuan followed, carrying their things.

The person asking for help looked around and pointed to a corner on the left: "There is a trash can over there. It usually hangs around there."

Now that the dog has a big belly, his movements are gradually slowing down, and he can no longer run as fast as he wants.

Lu Jingxing and the others looked around, and finally saw the dog next to a trash can.

This dog is very thin all over, so thin that he loses his appearance.

The hair is also very sparse, and there are long red lines in many places. There is still blood and flesh in one place, revealing the inner texture, which is obviously very deep.

It also looked chaotic and walked very slowly.

The only big thing is its belly.

Unlike its back, which was so thin that the bones protruded, its belly was very swollen.

"It's getting bigger and bigger." The person asking for help sighed.

Mainly, this dog is basically only fed by him occasionally, and many people don't like it.

Some people will chase it away when they see it, and some people will even throw stones at it because they are afraid that it is a mad dog and will bite people.

As time went by, it no longer dared to appear in front of people and ran away when it saw people.

No, as soon as Lu Jingxing and the others got a little closer, it was keenly aware of it, then turned around and ran away.

"He runs quite fast and is quite clever." Lu Jingxing nodded.

"Yes." Yang Pei took a look and found that it was running towards the wall on the other side: "It seems to be there, out of the wall!"

There is also a small hole over there, but it is not a dog hole. The owner here dug it himself.

They chased after him, following the tracks all the way.

Finally, the dog was discovered by them in the grass den behind the fence.

The reason why it is called a grass nest is because there is really nothing here, only grass.

It doesn't know whether it's hot or cold, so it just sleeps in its nest.

When it saw them coming, it didn't even know whether to run.

Could it be that it doesn't even have the last safe place?
"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Lu Jingxing was wearing a full set of protective gear, so he felt more at ease and slowly stepped forward: "We are here to help you, don't be afraid."

He and Yang Pei exchanged glances, and then he walked slowly from the front.

Lu Jingxing's idea was perfect: he went from the front to attract Gouzi's attention, while Yang Pei surrounded him from behind, and Song Yuan protected him from the side.On the right is the wall. This dog can’t fly without wings!
As a result, he never expected that Yang Pei and Song Yuan had no tacit understanding with him!
Nothing like this!

When Lu Jingxing attracted Gouzi's attention from the front, Yang Pei and the others pounced on him without hesitation.

"Woof woof woof! Oooooow!" The dog was startled, jumped up and yelled crazily.

That content is really ugly.

Lu Jingxing took a deep breath. It was okay. It didn't matter if it was alarmed. As long as they cooperated well, they could still catch it easily.

As a result, Yang Pei and Song Yuan moved forward excitedly, only thinking about catching the dog themselves, regardless of whether they cooperated or not.

Although the dog is thin and unable to run, it can still run very quickly when it feels that its own safety is threatened.

Even when Lu Jingxing rushed to it and tried to catch it, he was bitten severely by it.

Lu Jingxing was startled, thinking that his gloves were going to be bitten through.

Fortunately, no. Although the dog bites hard, its teeth are not sharp enough.

In particular, one tooth got stuck in the tiger's mouth of his protective gear. Lu Jingxing grabbed it without hesitation, preventing it from letting go. Then he turned around and shouted: "Hurry up! Cage!"

He grabbed the dog's mouth, but could not hold down its hind legs.

As the dog struggled frantically, his hind legs kicked him several times, which was quite painful.

Before he could speak, Yang Pei and Song Yuan had already excitedly grabbed a dog's leg: "Don't worry, we'll do it!"

Hang the dog upside down in the air and stuff it directly into the cage.

Although they finally put the dog into the cage, Lu Jingxing hissed: "Tsk."

He pulled up his trouser legs, and boy, there were several long red marks.

Fortunately, it was through his pants. He didn't wear shorts like Ji Ling, otherwise he would have been bleeding.

"How is it!" Song Yuan grinned and smiled excitedly: "The cooperation is perfect! It's such a tacit understanding! Yeah!"

He actually gave Yang Pei a high-five and was very happy.

Lu Jingxing was really speechless: "Okay, let's go back."

After entering the cage, the dog shivered.

Even when someone asked for help to come forward and look at it carefully, it didn't respond at all.

When it got into the car, it became even more panicked.

Not long after Lu Jingxing sat in the car, he smelled a pungent smell.

Ask Song Yuan to park the car on the side of the road, and they go to check behind it together.

It turned out that it was the new dog who peed in the trunk.

Seeing them open the trunk, it looked at them in horror, and even trembled subconsciously.

Well, I'm sorry, it's really scary.

Lu Jingxing sighed and shook his head: "Forget it, let's go."

Fortunately, Ji Ling always said that these dogs couldn't bear the cold, so she asked them to bring a big blanket.

There is also a waterproof mat under the cage.

No, it just comes in handy.

Seeing their unpredictable faces, the dog became even more frightened. He lay down in the cage, kept looking at Lu Jingxing, and groaned.

Lu Jingxing closed the trunk and moved on.

After arriving at the store, the dog would scream for a while every time it was moved.

The scream was so miserable that Yang Pei frowned and had a headache: "Why is it like killing a pig..."

Not to mention, it's really similar.

When I pulled the dog out of the cage, he was frightened and peed again.

"Oh my god..." Song Yuan almost stepped on it and quickly jumped away: "Oh my god, mop the mop..."

Seeing it like this, Lu Jingxing could only quickly lift it to the table for examination.

I'm afraid it will pee everywhere again later.

After taking a picture, I found that she was actually pregnant with six babies.

"Wow, with this size, I'm pregnant with six babies." Yang Pei shook his head, quite shocked: "No wonder she is so thin..."

The dogs in their store were well cared for during pregnancy, but this dog didn't have the conditions at all. It felt like all the dog's nutrients had been sucked dry by its belly.

"It's not just about malnutrition." Lu Jingxing frowned and pointed to a corner: "I'll take another film about this place..."

After taking the photo, it was discovered that there was a tumor here.

It's already a bit big, and according to Lu Jingxing's and others' inference, it should have grown up together with the pups.

Moreover, the growth rate is faster than that of puppies.

If the operation is not performed, the mother's body may be completely destroyed.

But with surgery now, the puppies may not be able to survive.

"Let's observe it first." Lu Jingxing paused and frowned: "First, replenish it with nutrients and take good care of its body."

Then we’ll see if it’s appropriate to have surgery. If it’s life-threatening, we’ll definitely have to take care of the female dog first.

Although it's a pity for the bastard, there is nothing we can do about it.

(End of this chapter)

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