start with a pet store

Chapter 412 A Little Difficult

Chapter 412 A Little Difficult

The most important thing is that these cats were extremely frightened and completely uncooperative.

Especially when drawing blood, you have to be especially careful.

The key is to do this kind of blood drawing action very carefully. After all, these are kittens, and blood vessels are not easy to find, so you can't wear thick gloves to prevent bites.

"Ouch?" Liao Xiangyu was almost bitten. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stopped.

Lu Jingxing raised his eyes and asked him to be careful: "Ji Ling, please comfort her. Don't feed her. Give her a little wipe and keep her warm."

Because you may need surgery, you will have to eat and drink.

"Oh, right." Speaking of this, Sun Chongwu raised his head: "I heard from the driver that they haven't eaten or drank all day."

Lu Jingxing nodded speechlessly: "That's no wonder."

No wonder they are so irritable. Anyone who has been hungry for so long and is frightened will become irritable.

Fortunately, these cats are still small and not very strong.

One is pressing and the other is pumping, and the speed is not slow.

All blood has been drawn, and those with external injuries will be taken directly to debridement.

"This is the one that vomited. I'm afraid it's an internal injury. I'll take it to take a film first."

The other cats will observe first to see what's going on.

After the film was taken, it was discovered that the cat had a broken rib and had symptoms of internal bleeding.

Lu Jingxing could only rush into surgery: "I'll do the surgery on it first, and you can watch the rest first!"

He directly called Ji Ling to come over and help him, while Yang Pei and Liao Xiangyu had to watch other cats.

At this moment, I am thankful that the cats have been depriving themselves of food and water.

Otherwise, if the operation is delayed for a few more hours, the cat may not be able to be saved.

This operation is a bit difficult.

The cat was too small, the fractures were too subtle, and there was internal bleeding...

If you are not careful, this little kitten will not be able to get off the operating table.

Lu Jingxing concentrated and worked seriously.

Outside, Yang Pei and the others couldn't take any time off. Various reports were coming out one after another, stating that they should be debrided and sutured.

Fortunately, Lu Jingxing had prepared them well beforehand, so they were not in a hurry.

In particular, the troublesome kittens were basically handled by Lu Jingxing, so they were relatively relaxed.

Because these are all kittens, most of them cannot be given anesthesia.

You can imagine how painful it is during debridement.




They are all very fierce. If they weren't tied up, I would really want to scratch them to death.

Sun Chongwu was so dizzy that he couldn't help but ask: "Can't you give me anesthesia? Don't you have oxygen for anesthesia?"

Just give them a sniff and they'll faint immediately.

"That's respiratory anesthesia." Yang Pei shook his head and sighed: "These cats are too young to be anesthetized."

Because they are so fragile, they may not wake up from anesthesia.

Startled by what he said, Sun Chongwu looked towards the operating room in shock: "Well, that cat..."

Yang Pei glanced at the operating room and continued to work hard: "That's why I don't dare to do the operation, so I can only let Brother Lu come."

Cat surgery itself is very complicated and dangerous.

Not to mention such a kitten.

"Brother Lu is the only one who is brave enough to be an expert..." Liao Xiangyu shook his head and said helplessly: "Anyway, I don't dare."

Lu Jingxing also spent a lot of effort and finally stopped the internal bleeding.

After the stitches came out, he found that his back was soaked.

Ji Ling followed him out, handed him a towel and asked him to wipe it off: "Wearing wet clothes like this, you will catch a cold easily."

"Okay." Lu Jingxing took the towel, but because it was on his back, it was a bit difficult to wipe it with.

In the backyard, Yang Pei and the others were still doing various checks on the kittens, and there were all kinds of cat meows mixed in during the process.

Everyone is busy, it seems a bit awkward to ask them to come in...

Ji Ling bit her lip and hesitated for a while before saying, "...let me help you."

The two looked at each other and quickly looked away, both blushing and heartbeating.

But in the end, Lu Jingxing did not refuse her proposal.

He took the initiative to lift the clothes on his back to make it easier for her.

Ji Ling just glanced at it and felt that her ears were about to burn.

She suppressed her shame, seriously raised the towel and began to wipe it.

Afraid of hurting him, Ji Ling's movements were very gentle.

Lu Jingxing felt that her slender fingers would sometimes brush against his back, making him feel a little numb all over.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he took it and said randomly: "Ahem, that's it..."

He hurriedly turned away and turned on the fan to have a good blow.

Such a strong wind could not blow away the heat from his body.

The rain outside is getting heavier.

It was already completely dark, and I felt like I had to turn on the lights to see when I went out, and at this time, it was just about 03:30.

Lu Jingxing frowned slightly and stared at the rain outside.

"The rain is really heavy." Sun Chongwu came in and looked at the sandbags outside: "You put the sandbags well."

The rain is already very deep now, and there is nothing we can do about it. The rain is so heavy that the sewers cannot drain it at all.

The whole street turned into a river, and there was no one on the road.

Lu Jingxing hummed and narrowed his eyes slightly: "But if it keeps going like this, these sandbags won't be able to stop it."

There are some sandbags stored in their backyard, which can be used, but in other stores, it may not be so simple... "I just took a look, and there is no water in the backyard at all." This is what surprised Sun Chongwu: "The drainage channel at the back is in good repair."

It was a new one. Lu Jingxing smiled and gave him a brief explanation.

Moreover, my uncle also specially cleaned it to ensure that there was no obstruction inside.

"That's no wonder." Sun Chongwu nodded and said thoughtfully: "I checked the weather forecast. I'm afraid the rain will continue until the evening."

It's just that the rain will be a little lighter later.

But it's not too small, and the water is so deep that the car will definitely not be able to drive.

"Thankfully you let me park the car to the left..." Sun Chongwu clicked his tongue twice.

Despite his usual habits, he planned to park in the parking lot on the right.

The parking space over there is more spacious, but the terrain is relatively low.

Just as he was talking, Lu Jingxing's cell phone rang.

Although he has basically set up group blocking, there will still be a reminder when all Aite is together.

Lu Jingxing opened his phone and looked at it, frowning: "The parking lot on the right has been flooded."

Because the terrain is slightly lower than the street, the water that cannot be discharged by the street is dumped into the parking lot.

Although a small step was built, it was of no use and the water flooded over.

Some cars inside were floating, and there were also people. Lu Jingxing: [Thank you, Boss Lu, for reminding me, I moved out in time. 】

"Did you remind me?" Sun Chongwu was a little surprised.

"Well, I originally parked my car on the right side." Lu Jingxing turned around and saw that the water in the parking lot was nearly half a meter deep: "I saw that the momentum was not right, so I said a few words in the group. "

Of course, he didn't say it deliberately, he just said that the rain might be a bit heavy and it would be best to move it.

Those who listen to advice are naturally the best, and those who don’t will dare not say anything now.

It's nothing more than a fluke, and I don't have the shame to accuse others now.

Lu Jingxing looked at it and felt a little worried: "The street on the right is relatively low..."

He was worried about their new store.

The water in this parking lot has risen so high because of the construction of a wall.

But the water on the street on the right may not necessarily be able to be drained.

"Isn't there a river over there? The water should be discharged into the river."

There is a river, but it's still far away.

Lu Jingxing sighed and turned on the surveillance camera at the new store.

Sure enough, this side has become a vast ocean.

The water is much deeper than here, and several shops have already been flooded.

Again, it’s good to listen to advice.

At that time, when Lu Jingxing was dragging sandbags, there were people following him, and sandbags were piled up in front of most stores, so the situation was pretty good.

For example, in their new store, although there was some water overflowing into the store, it was very small.

Liao Xiangyu stuffed towels into the cracks in the door, and sandbags were piled high.

But if it continues like this, it won’t be good.

Yang Pei and Liao Xiangyu came over and said tiredly: "Brother Lu, two cats need surgery... everything else has been done."

"Okay." Lu Jingxing stood up to take a look and found that the situation was indeed not good. He said decisively: "Go directly to the operating table. I'm ready to rest."

By the time he finished these two operations, the little kitten had already woken up from the anesthesia.

As soon as he woke up, he howled at Lu Jingxing.

The sound was faint, but the meaning was clear: it wanted to kill him.

In its opinion, it is in pain and uncomfortable now, all because of Lu Jingxing!

Lu Jingxing flicked it in a funny way and raised his eyebrows: "Silly thing, I just saved you, okay?"

All the cats were settled, and it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

The rain has subsided a little, but the water is still deep and cannot be drained.

Ji Ling and the others cooked together and set up a table in the backyard.

The rain was pounding on their heads, but the food was quite delicious.

The other cats were locked up and could only meow in their cages.

Xiao Zuanfeng and Ba Mao are much more efficient if they can open the cage by themselves.

Well, they meow through the glass door.

After all, glass doors are so heavy that they have to be pushed hard to open, so they can't get out.

Lu Jingxing found someone to pretend to be this.

"Let's eat first."

After a group of people finished eating, it rained heavily again.

Lu Jingxing looked at the surveillance camera and found that the water on the street near Xindian had risen again.

But fortunately, Liao Xiangyu's pile was really high, so the store was still safe for the time being.

Because the water outside was too deep and it was too dangerous to wade back, everyone decided to just sleep in the store.

Fortunately, there are enough new blankets, so I don't have to worry about running out of things to cover.

"The rain has gradually lightened up now, and it has been draining water. It should have almost subsided by tomorrow." Lu Jingxing said.

As a result, at around three o'clock in the morning, someone knocked on their door outside, crying and shouting: "Is anyone there? Is anyone there? Help..."

Lu Jingxing hurriedly got up and opened the door, only to find a trembling young couple: "What's wrong?"

"Hello, can you help me take a look? My cat fell from upstairs..."

She handed the cage in her hand to Lu Jingxing with tears on her face.

After asking, they found out that they fell from the fourth floor in the afternoon. It was raining so much that they didn't dare to come out.

It wasn't until the cat vomited blood just now that they feared it would die at home, so they went out in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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