start with a pet store

Chapter 380: Can you do it?

Chapter 380: Can you do it?
The old lady was dodging while jumping and shouting: "Oh, you old thing, what do you know about you! I just want to invite the Cat Fairy back to give me a shout!"

She felt that she was being wronged. Wasn't she thinking about what was best for her children?
"I'm calling you! If you don't have the time, you might as well make chicken soup at home!" The old man was tired from beating, and gasped: "Hurry up, go back and clean things! Lele needs to take a bath, I will send him to the hospital later! You damn old woman, I really am..."

The more he talked, the angrier he became, and he hit him a few more times.

The old lady was also very happy when she heard that her grandson had woken up.

After being beaten, I knew what I had done was wrong, but I still gave in.

The old man cares about his grandson and grandson, and he doesn't even think about talking about anything else.

Before leaving, he looked at Lu Jingxing and said sincerely: "This cat will trouble you first. I'll go back... and we'll come see you when they are discharged from the hospital... Thank you, thank you..."

After bowing to them all twice, he took the old lady and left cursing.

All this happened in the lightning room.

Lu Jingxing never expected such a development.

He nodded hesitantly and turned to look at the car.

Everyone else was also confused.

"That's how their family is." The girl with a round head smiled and waved her hand: "Only her husband can control this old lady!"

I heard that they used to have a lot of troubles.

It's gradually getting better now.

Lu Jingxing shook his head, speechless: "Okay, what kind of pot goes with what kind of lid?"

He has no interest in taking care of other people's housework.

Now, the important thing is to take the raccoon flower home.

"Meow! Meow!" Cihua suddenly cried.

The girl with a round head excitedly came over and leaned into the car window to take a look: "Wow, you caught the cat! It's amazing!"

She looked at the civet cat and was extremely happy.

"Yeah, it's so cute." Ji Ling looked at her with a smile and whispered, "Do you want to go back with us? There are even cuter ones in our store!"

"Ah, is it okay!?" The girl was very excited, but a little hesitant: "But, I have used up my pocket money this month..."

I regret it. If I had known earlier, I would not have eaten candied haws, octopus balls, grilled squid, fried skewers... and I would not have drank milk tea either!hateful!

Lu Jingxing laughed and waved his hand: "We invited you to go, of course it's free of charge!"

"Really!? Wow! That's great!" The girl got in the car without hesitation.

However, no matter how greedy she was, Lu Jingxing and the others did not let her play with the raccoon cat.

Because of the character of the civet cat, they haven't figured it out yet and are afraid that the girl will be bitten.

"Meow ow... meow ow..." the civet cat meowed, looking very angry.

"What's wrong with it?" Ji Ling looked at it worriedly: "It's strange, it was fine just now..."

Lu Jingxing spoke to his heart and laughed after hearing this sentence: "Give it the jar, the one before has finished eating."

It rained heavily yesterday, and I'm afraid it has been hungry since last night.

Sure enough, Ji Ling made a jar and stuffed it into it. It immediately pounced on it and ate it happily without saying a word.

"It's so greedy." Ji Ling touched the ground quietly, put a finger through the gap and gently touched its fur: "Well, the fur is a bit rough."

I guess it didn't fare too well in the wild...

"It's okay." Yang Pei looked at it happily and solemnly promised: "Fuck with us, and you can eat as much as you want of Can Guan Bao!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......Its dear Jar Jar!
Liao Xiangyu shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect to catch it so easily..."

I thought it would be a tough battle to fight!

Lu Jingxing hummed and smiled slightly: "It's very smart. I'm afraid it really came in the name of the emperor yesterday."

I took the opportunity to break into their midst and had a good meal, so they could clearly tell the difference.

"Hahahaha, it's really possible!"

What is particularly gratifying is that the two children were rescued.

"You are so awesome!" Ji Ling touched the civet cat and said happily: "You are so smart!"

"Meow!" The civet cat actually responded to her!
While eating cans, in the midst of his busy schedule, when he heard Ji Ling's praise, the civet cat raised its head and barked, and nuzzled her with its head!
This is too rare!
When they arrived at the store, Ji Ling took her girl to see other cats.

Lu Jingxing took Li Hua for a check-up. Overall, he was still in good health.

But because he lived in the wild, he had parasites on his body.

Then there is no other choice but to isolate it first, wait until the insects are exterminated, thoroughly cleaned and sprayed, and then consider letting it play in the backyard.

"What should we name it?" Yang Pei muttered.

I always feel that it would be such a waste to just name the civet cat so powerfully...

Lu Jingxing thought for a while and snapped his fingers: "I will cut out the video later and let the fans name it in the comment area, and then draw one."

This way is good!
Because there were so many people, Lu Jingxing basically didn't have to worry about anything else. He took the time to cut out the video.

The story of the civet cat is quite magical.

Not long after I posted it, there were a lot of likes and comments.

Lu Jingxing's cell phone kept ringing, and netizens gave him all kinds of strange names.

For example: [Since it was found on a big tree, let’s call it... a fork... a tree son. 】

What else: [It’s so smart, call it Ikkyu! ] What’s even more outrageous is: [It saved two children, let’s call it twins! 】

In addition, there is something similar to: [If you find it on the ruins, it must be called Guixu, it feels so broken! ], [I saved two people in the well, so that must be called anal editing. After all, it was your anal editing story...]

Of course, the last one was scolded a lot, saying that he started cursing without watching the video content, and that his eyes were useless and he could donate them.

What these people said was quite interesting, and Lu Jingxing was very happy to see them.

As a result, he forgot to close the door just because he went there to read the reviews.

"Meow! Meow!" A sharp howl sounded, and Lu Jingxing lowered his head.

Little Zuanfeng looked at Cihua with a shocked expression, and stretched out his paws, trying to scratch it once or twice.

This is what Bamao did before!

Fight first, then conquer!It also wants a little follower!

Xiao Zhuanfeng felt that the lion cat was much more ferocious and powerful than this civet cat.

Since Ba Mao can tame a lion cat, then Xiao Zuofeng must have no problem taming such a little raccoon cat!
Think about it!If you can tame it, then it will have a little follower cat in the future...

Then they can be like Ba Mao and the lion cat, rushing together every day, parkour together, and playing everywhere together. How happy!

Thinking this, Xiao Zuanfeng happily stretched out his paws.

Before Lu Jingxing could stop him, it opened the lock.

Just stuck my head in...

"It's over." Lu Jingxing sighed.

"Meow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Xiao Zuanfeng screamed and jumped out, skidding on the spot, running wildly, and even hit the glass.

Good guy, the civet cat is just here. It doesn't talk about being friendly and benevolent.

With one paw, he directly knocked Xiao Zuanfeng into confusion.

Lu Jingxing looked at the back of Xiao Zuan who didn't even look back, and fell into silence: "..." Niu Pi, Xiao Li Hua.

He lowered his head, and the tabby cat looked at him cutely, licked its paws: "Meow!"

Be as cute as you can be.

Humph, that stinky cat actually dares to covet its cans!Scratch it to death!
After Xiao Zhuanfeng ran away, he didn't dare to come in again all afternoon.

Feeling aggrieved and pitiful, standing looking at this from a distance, not daring to get close at all.

Lu Jingxing and the others cleaned the civet flower, applied medicine, and cut the nails.

Poor little Zhuanfeng didn't come early or late, but just before they trimmed Lihua's nails.

I'm afraid my head has been scratched to pieces!
Thinking of this, Lu Jingxing was a little worried. After all, Cihua had lived in the wild before and was afraid of bringing in unknown bacteria.

When he went out, Xiao Zuanfeng ran away when he saw someone.

It took Lu Jingxing three cat strips to finally coax it down.

I checked it carefully and found it was fine.

The little diamond has dense fur and a big head. The claws scratched it really hard, but there was no bleeding. The skin was only red and swollen. The swelling was quite high. When the hair was separated, a slightly swollen stripe could be clearly seen. Red marks with bloody beads.

It really hurt. No wonder Xiao Zuanfeng was afraid of it.

Lu Jingxing drugged it, but there was really nothing he could do about it: "You really don't go out without any brains. You know it just by thinking about it. With your body like a fox, how can you be so easy to mess with!?"

I remember when the lion cats came, there was a scuffle among the four cats. The three serious cats were all fine, but the theatergoer was the only one who was injured.

At that time, you should know that you and they are not on the same level.

But he didn't give up, and he was really bold when a new cat came.

"Meow, meow..." It hurts so much, ow...

Xiao Zhuanfeng was so aggrieved, lying in Lu Jingxing's arms very coquettishly.

Doesn't it just want a little follower? It's easy for it.

"Ouch, you've been wronged." Lu Jingxing smiled and pinched its soft little paws: "Open your eyes a little brighter, you know, you won't be messed with if you look like this, don't do it. …”

I'm really worried about it.

Fortunately, the civet cat has a big heart. It never suffers a loss, but it does not hold grudges after a fight.

No matter how little Dangfeng wanders behind, it doesn't bother to pay attention.

The whole thing is like a retired guy, all he can think about is eating.

The key is that it has no image baggage at all.

When it sees someone holding a jar, it meows in various ways.

"Wow, it's so good!" Customers couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw it.

Cihua knows many kinds of skills!It will rub against the cage and bark, with a melodious voice. It will also stand up with its paws and bark. It will even cup its hands in a New Year greeting gesture and stare at the jar tightly!

Many customers gathered around and couldn't help but ask Lu Jingxing: "Boss, when can it come pick up customers?"

When they said this word, they all laughed a little sheepishly.

At this point, Lu Jingxing looked at Li Hua and hesitated: "Can you do it?"

"Meow, meow, meow, meow!" Okay, okay, ok, that's great!
Cihua couldn't wait any longer, her eyes were shining with excitement and she was jumping up and down in all kinds of ways.

Seemingly seeing that Lu Jingxing hadn't moved yet, it became anxious and stood upside down!Walk on two front paws!
"Wow! So awesome!" Everyone applauded it!
(End of this chapter)

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