start with a pet store

Chapter 369: Will it be prosperous this year?

Chapter 369: Will it be prosperous this year?

It's quite painful to look at. The key is that the mother cat is so thin and has to raise a baby.

Now that it was injured again, its movement speed would definitely slow down, making it difficult to hunt for food.

"Besides, the two stray dogs just now basically treated this cat as amusement..." Ji Ling paused and said in a dull voice: "Will they come back?"

Lu Jingxing hummed and nodded: "Of course."

As long as they're here, those two dogs will still come.

This time, he stepped in.

What about next time, next time?
There are always times when he can't care...

"So, do you want to come with us?" Lu Jingxing knelt down and looked at the cat in front of him calmly.

It is a very beautiful tabby and looks to be about two or three years old.

Although it is scarred, it does not damage its temperament.

Tabby thought for a while, hesitated, and put down the cub in his mouth.

"Huh?" Lu Jingxing was a little strange.

It lowered its head and licked the baby, then pushed it towards Lu Jingxing and the others.

The little boy looked up at it in a daze, and then at Lu Jingxing.

For a little kitten, Lu Jingxing is really big.

But its mother urged it to go, so it could only stagger towards the landing scene.

After taking two or three steps, he looked back.

Tabby squatted there and watched it, letting it come over.

Later, Ji Ling had already gone to the trunk to get a cage and some medicine.

Lu Jingxing saw Taobao's persistence and did not catch it directly.

Instead, he picked up the kitten that came to him and put it in the cage.

Then, he took the medicine and walked over: "Let me treat your wound."

"Hey, be careful..." Ji Ling was still worried that if he went straight over, the cat would attack him.

The result is not.

It looked at him quietly, as if considering.

Then it lay down.

"Wow..." Ji Ling was shocked and walked forward with the cage in hand: "It's so spiritual!"

This is really a completely different cat from the previous stray cats!
"It was probably a pet cat before." Lu Jingxing sighed and shook his head: "So it is closer to humans."

Therefore, he didn't need to use the same tactics to deal with wild stray cats like lion cats.

This tabby looks fierce, but is very affectionate.

Even when Lu Jingxing applied the medicine to it, it probably hurt a little, and it just turned around and took a sip.

When it was about to bite, it seemed to react and quickly stopped.

He hesitated for a moment, glanced at Lu Jingxing quickly, and then gave him a lick.

Slightly perfunctory.

The general meaning is: Ah, sorry, I didn't pay attention. I'll apologize if I lick you. You have to forgive me.

Of course, Lu Jingxing would definitely forgive it.

After he had treated its wound, he asked it if he wanted to go with them.

Tabby thought for a while, but still refused.

It licked its paws and its eyes gradually became sharp: "Meow... meow..."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Ji Ling was a little strange, and couldn't help looking at Lu Jingxing: "Ah, aren't we going to catch it? Just let it go?"

"Yes." Lu Jingxing nodded and watched it go away: "It still has to take revenge. If you catch it now, it will come back sooner or later."

Cats are so competitive. If they don’t recover after suffering such a big loss, they will remember it for many years.

Especially since this is a tabby.

It is a species with relatively high attack power, not to mention that its cub is still nearby.

If it weren't for protecting the cub, it really wouldn't have been injured.

Now that the cub is entrusted to Lu Jingxing, it has nothing to worry about!
Ji Ling thought about it, and was so excited: "Ah, it must be going to take revenge!"

Lu Jingxing hummed and called out to Taobao: "I will come here every day from now on. Remember to wait for me here!"

If it changes its mind.

At this time, the tiger stripe had already run to the edge of the flower bed. It jumped lightly onto the flower bed and then onto the rockery.

Then it looked back.

He looked straight at the cage.

It didn't bark, but it squatted down.

Lu Jingxing and the others got into the car and took the kitten back.

After arriving home, the kitten's condition was not very good.

Since there were no instruments at home, Lu Jingxing could only conduct a rough inspection.

For severe ear blindness, there should be parasites on the body and old injuries.

The abdomen is somewhat bulging, but the body is very thin. It may be due to other diseases.

Lu Jingxing frowned and groped carefully for a while, unable to come to a conclusion.

He doesn’t eat cat food, and he doesn’t even lick canned food.

He took the broth from the refrigerator and gave it to it after heating it.

He put the syringe into his mouth and he swallowed it reluctantly.

Other than that, don't eat at all.

He screamed pitifully, sickly, and very listless.

When Ji Ling came out of the shower and saw that he had put the kitten back into the cage and put it in the room alone, she couldn't help being a little surprised: "Why did you leave it alone?"

"I guess there are parasites on my body." Lu Jingxing said, and went out to wash his hands: "You can't keep him with other cats."

Moreover, its mental state is not very good, and its belly is very large. It is suspected that the cat is transmitted from the abdomen to the abdomen.

"Ah..." Ji Ling glanced at it with some pity, and sighed.I hope it can hold on, otherwise, I don’t know how sad it will be if its mother can’t find it later.

Lu Jingxing shook his head and sneered: "No wonder, that tiger stripe gave me his cub so easily."

Ganqing knew it was sick and asked him to treat it.

Good guy, the little thing is quite good at utilizing resources.

He put a bowl of broth for it in the cage, but when Lu Jingxing woke up the next morning, he found that it hadn't tasted it at all.

I haven't touched it yet.

"Ouch, you..." Lu Jingxing laughed angrily and was speechless: "You can only feed me?"

Okay, don’t eat it now.

If I have to undergo surgery later, I won’t even need to fast from food and water.

After Lu Jingxing finished packing, he took them back to the store.

After getting the instrument checked, I discovered that it was indeed sick.

"How's it going?" Ji Ling came over.

"Infectious peritonitis." Lu Jingxing looked at the list and sighed: "Cat spreads from belly to belly."

Sure enough, leaving it isolated last night was the right thing to do.

It is also difficult to treat abdominal transmission in cats, mainly because the cure rate is relatively low.

Thanks to Lu Jingxing's rich experience, he didn't panic.

The treatment process is indeed troublesome, and real-time observation is required basically every hour, so it is difficult for ordinary people to rescue cats with cat-to-feline transmission.

But Lu Jingxing's side was fine. Their instruments were of the highest quality and the medicines were of the best quality.

"Anyway, I tried my best." Lu Jingxing touched its little head and said helplessly: "The rest is up to you."

The kitten looked at him pitifully and said in a long voice: "Meow..."

It's a pity that the breath is weak and the screams are very small.

Since the event was held, there has been a lot of traffic in the store.

There are so many people coming in and out every day.

At the same time, the cats and dogs in the store, brought over from the old man, have basically gradually returned to health.

Especially the dog that had undergone surgery. Since the surgery and the pain no longer occurred, it has gained weight visibly.

He can eat and drink, and is very friendly.

Both adults and children can touch it. It has a very good temper.

The funniest thing is, probably because it has been following the grandfather for a long time, when the music is played, it will dance in the square.

Not to mention, he stepped on the spot quite accurately!
This dog originally had a name when he followed the grandfather, and it was called Wangcai.

Lu Jingxing didn't even think about changing it, so he just called it "Wang Cai".

Probably because the name is quite good, more and more people like it.

As soon as Lu Jingxing arrived at the backyard, he saw it dancing beside the railing.

A group of people surrounded the boss, all of them took pictures of it with a smile, and some encouraged it.

"Wow, you dance so well!"

"Is this a lion dance?"

"Haha, this dog is so awesome."

It's said to be dancing, but it's actually just stamping your feet to the rhythm.

The dog grinned and moved while breathing, its ears and tail flicked from time to time, and its head moved again.

It feels like a lion dance, no wonder so many people like to watch it.

Even if you haven't put it in the backyard yet, it already has a group of loyal fans.

Many people also specially bought dog food and jerky for it, and asked the clerk to help feed it.

Lu Jingxing raised his eyebrows and looked at the long string of Chinese characters under its name, finally understanding how it gained weight.

Even in the live broadcast room, many people begged to take a look at this dog who can only dance.

The clerk asked Lu Jingxing for instructions. He nodded and asked someone to take it.

The number of people in the live broadcast room suddenly increased sharply.

【Prosperous wealth!Tell me quickly, will I be prosperous this year? 】

Just in time, Wangcai was there shouting: "Woof woof woof!"

So there was a lot of laughter in the live broadcast room, and everyone was very happy.


Lu Jingxing recorded some videos and edited them.

It can also be regarded as their new cute pet that they love and have a home with.

After he posted it, the number of likes and comments increased rapidly.

Lu Jingxing thought about it and forwarded it to his grandfather.

Soon, the old man replied: [You dance so well!like! 】

I also sent a few emoticons for the elderly.

Lu Jingxing smiled as soon as he saw it. Well, this must have been sent by the grandpa himself.

Sure enough, after chatting for a few words, the grandfather's topic turned to other cats and dogs.

Lu Jingxing simply made a video call with him and took him to see it.

"Everything is fine... basically everything has been cured..."

Not only were the diseases cured, but each animal was well raised.

They used to be thin and sparsely hairy, but now each one has smooth skin and smooth skin.

Especially these cats, because they are very close to the children's play area, they can't get out, but the children have freeze-dried cats and especially like to feed them.

It was originally meant to be fed to the cats on the corridor, but they were reluctant to part with it, so they all came to feed the cats in these cages.

No, these little guys are getting stronger very quickly.

The old man's eyes narrowed as he looked at it, and he said cheerfully: "Oh, that's so good..."

(End of this chapter)

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