Chapter 339

Zhima stopped barking, just stood up slightly, put her paws on his legs, and looked at him with round eyes.

Not only that, but it also tried to go a little further, patting Lu Jingxing's hand with its paw.

"Oh, oh, I see." Lu Jingxing threw the notebook aside and quickly picked it up.

He didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting it.

After carefully putting it into the cat litter, Lu Jingxing let out a long breath.

Fortunately, all the utensils for delivery were prepared early.

Now it doesn't take much effort, just take it out.

It's just that Lu Jingxing didn't do it for long, so he could only rest temporarily.

Because Zhima always came out of the cat's nest from time to time, and came to pester him and bark all the time.

"Meow... Meow..."

Guo Xiao is not here, Zhima feels uneasy.

In this shop, Lu Jingxing is the one he trusts the most.

So Lu Jingxing couldn't walk around, nor could he leave it.

Jiaziyin anxiously turned around and couldn't stop.

It barks from time to time, or bites Lu Jingxing lightly: "Meow meow..."

Look, you listen to Sesame...

Don't walk away, let Zhima feel at ease...

Being entangled by the two of them, Lu Jingxing could only carry a small cushion and sat down next to the cat's nest.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it, come and look for it." Lu Jingxing looked at Yang Pei and waved his hand at him, "I, as long as I move, Zhima will be in a hurry."

Yang Pei was resentful, and hummed: "This little thing, really, was even close to me two days ago..."

He is not only very obedient but also very close to him by giving him whatever he eats.

As a result, as soon as Lu Jingxing came today, both of them immediately rebelled, uuuuuuu, traitors!

Lu Jingxing was helpless, and they didn't understand what to say to the little cats.

It's just that Zhima trusts Lu Jingxing more.

After all, she was the one who was going to have cubs, Zhima felt that Lu Jingxing was more reliable and capable, and could take better care of him and his cubs.

Yang Peifang was making various preparations, building the delivery room, and laying out soft cushions. He was afraid that the weather would be too hot and the blanket would be uncomfortable, so he even put a small ice pad under the blanket.

"This blanket is thicker, so I can sleep more comfortably!"

The main reason is that there is an ice pad underneath, and it will not be hot.

Yang Peilai was busy with all these wanderings, while Lu Jingxing ate ice cream leisurely.

Well, don't say it, it's very comfortable!
The main reason is that sesame seeds are like this, and they won't be born in a while.

When Yang Pei was half dead from exhaustion, he could finally take a breath, and sat aside, um, not yet.

Jia Ziyin came over and grabbed him with his claws.

The meaning is quite obvious: move to the side.

Lu Jingxing laughed loudly and almost choked, "I think you have a strong smell, and you are smelling like a wife!"

"Hahaha, I'm really convinced." Yang Pei moved aside, and Jia Ziyin was really satisfied.

Well, it was happy, and ran back to lick the sesame seeds, letting itself take credit for it.

Sesame was really moved. Although it was uncomfortable, he licked it back.

Jia Ziyin immediately became happy, and obediently lay down to the side to watch.

"This little brat is really amazing." Yang Pei shook his head, expressing admiration: "Suddenly, I know what I should do when my daughter-in-law is about to give birth."

If you are too busy, even if you can't help, at least don't be idle, pretending to be okay.

Anyway, I can ask for some favors, so that my daughter-in-law can feel better, right?

There are also people who play games outside the delivery room, because they are really afraid that they will live comfortably in the future.

"Humans and cats are the same." Lu Jingxing also handed him an ice cream, shook his head and smiled, "My aunt gave birth at the time, it's the same, let me tell you, when giving birth, you must greet him carefully. a bit..."

Otherwise, people's vengeance is measured by a lifetime.

It's useless to try to curry favor later on, confinement feud is irreconcilable.

Yang Pei took it very seriously, and took it down deeply.

While chatting, Zhima felt uncomfortable again.

Lu Jingxing patted its head and checked it again: "I feel that Sesame should be faster..."

Feed it some broth, and Yang Pei brought some cooked fish.

Picking up the thorns a little bit, the sesame seeds have a good appetite and are quite edible.

That's good, keep your strength.

It's just that Lu Jingxing and the others were sitting on the ground like this, which still made people very puzzled.

Someone couldn't help but ask them what they were doing, and Lu Jingxing and the others truthfully told them.

Hearing that Zhima was about to give birth to a baby, many people became excited.

Not only did they look here through the glass, but they also took a picture or two from time to time.

It's a pity that when it really started, Lu Jingxing and the others transferred Zhima to the delivery room, so they couldn't see it anymore.


Just when they were feeling sorry, Guo Xiao arrived.

As soon as he came in, Zhima became excited.

"Don't get excited, calm down..." Lu Jingxing stroked it, and adjusted its posture from time to time to make it more relaxed.

Sesame is very good, especially after Guo Xiao came in, it became more relaxed.

It's just that it really doesn't lick the fetal membranes.

What is rare is that the clip sound is always by its side.

Not only will he help to lick the baby, but he will also lick the sesame seeds from time to time, as if to comfort him and praise him for being great.

Zhima is the first child, so there are only four babies in total.

But it is also very difficult to give birth. I take a break from time to time, add some nutrition, and continue.

When the last baby came out, Ji Ling and the others had already finished cleaning.



There were still a few customers waiting outside, and they asked eagerly, "Is it born? Is it over?"

"Well, the birth is over." Lu Jingxing and the others cleaned up the sesame seed, wiped it clean, and transferred it and the baby to the nest.

This was picked up by Yang Pei, and it was very comfortable to sleep on.

Zhima fell in love with it right away, lying on his side, and the cubs attached to it, clinging tightly together.

Soft, neither hot nor cold, very comfortable.

"Come on, fish soup and broth." Ji Ling was afraid that the sesame seeds would be uneatable, so they got them into the bottle.

Like feeding a baby, I ate most of the bottle with sesame seeds.

No matter how distressed Guo Xiao was, he had to sigh: "You guys really take good care of me."

At least, at home, he would never be able to do this.

Really, professional!
Lu Jingxing and the others were actually quite exhausted. These few hours, they were highly nervous throughout the whole process.

Still, it's worth it.

At least these little babies are very healthy.

"Are you hungry?" Lu Jingxing waved his hand and said cheerfully, "Let's have a meal together, I'll treat you!"

Guo Xiao immediately took over the quarrel and said seriously: "No, no, I must ask for this. Really, you all worked too hard..."

In the end, Lu Jingxing still couldn't win Guo Xiao over, it was really his guest.

Zhima gave birth to the cub safely, Guo Xiao was so happy.

Even the few customers who had been waiting by the side were not missed, and they ate together.

Eating while chatting, indescribably happy.

However, after eating, the others can go home directly, Lu Jingxing and the others have to go back to the shop.

"No way, the ancestors have to be brought back."

Otherwise, the little villain, Xiao Zhuanfeng, would definitely make a fuss.

Everyone else laughed and waved at them: "Okay, then, bye..."

Lu Jingxing and Ji Ling returned to the store, packed up their things and were about to leave, but they were stopped by someone.

"You, hello..." The girl was still wearing a set of pajamas, she didn't even take the cat bag, and ran over with her cat in her arms: "Sorry, my cat is dying, please save it Bar……"

She cried so badly, she was so anxious all the way, she ran over in such a hurry that she even lost one of her shoes.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, give me the cat first..."

Lu Jingxing quickly put on the work clothes next to him, and reached out to take the cat in her hand.

The cat was very dirty and very weak.

Lying in his arms, motionless, I felt that my breath was very weak.

But, its kind of dirty is not the kind of dirty that wanders outside, but the fur on its body. It is mixed with food and hair balls that are spit out, and then there is water and so on, plus cat litter. all over.

Lu Jingxing frowned, cleaned it up with pet wipes, and then began to do various tests on it.

Since Yang Pei was not around, Ji Ling could only help him.

However, before coming in, she brought a pair of disposable slippers for the girl: "Use these first, sit down and wait for a while..."

"Okay..." The girl was really worried in her heart, she kept wiping away her tears: "Doctor, how is Fat Pang? Woohoo, I don't even know what's going on..."

Just looking at the cat's condition, Lu Jingxing actually had some opinions on her.

Because in any family that serves snacks, it is impossible for a pet cat to make such a ghostly appearance.

Especially since this cat is still a long-haired cat, its tail would explode like a little mop under normal conditions.

But now, the cat is completely motionless, making itself particularly miserable.

As far as this girl said, he didn't quite agree with the sudden appearance of this for unknown reasons.

This state obviously didn't happen within a day, at least it took three to five days.

He reasonably doubted that they had done any harm to it...

"No, it's really only two days..."

The girl was very anxious and worried: "It was fine the day before yesterday, and she can act like a baby and be cute, but she is very naughty..."

How much is the skin?

When the whole family got home, they found that it almost tore the house down.

The curtains were all pulled down, and the roll paper in the toilet was also planed into wooden flowers. The most important thing is, two bottles of the most expensive skin care products were dropped on her dressing table.

"...Did you hit it?" Lu Jingxing casually said while filming.

Cats may become stressed if they are suddenly hit hard, and this is also possible.

"No!" She was very excited, shaking her head: "I really didn't! We just criticized it severely, and took it to the scene of the crime, and gave it a scolding... Then my mother felt that it Maybe it's just being so lonely..."

Because her parents have to go to work every day, her mother likes to dance square dance, her father loves to play chess, and she often goes out to play with her little sisters.

So there are basically no people in the house, and each has its own way of playing.

Her mother felt that Pangpang might be too lonely, so she deliberately made things to attract their attention.

"...In this case, it should be called." Lu Jingxing smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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