start with a pet store

Chapter 335 Didn't win?

Chapter 335 Didn't win?
Originally, Bamao wanted to sneak away, but he couldn't escape.

It's still a bit difficult for Lu Jingxing to wash two at a time.

After thinking about it, he put a collar on the two of them and tied them together.

In this way, both of them have no place to run.

"Alright, alright, take a shower." Lu Jingxing wet their hair and began to apply body wash.

Although neither of them likes bathing very much, the main reason is that they don't like their fur to be wet.

But being tied up and unable to escape, Ba Mao and Xiao Zhuanfeng still squatted down obediently.

Forget it, since you can't resist, then learn to enjoy it.

Lu Jingxing bathed them, and Yang Pei came after a while.

In order to deliver the clip sound and sesame, he has been taking a taxi to and from get off work these days.

Don't mention how extravagant it is, the main thing is full reimbursement!

Seeing Lu Jingxing, Yang Pei couldn't help laughing: "Hey, the main thing is to get their light."

"How is it? Is Sesame alright?" Lu Jingxing also smiled, and began to flush Bamao and the others.

He didn't expect that the sesame seeds hadn't grown for so long.

"They're all pretty good." Yang Pei didn't know why Zhima didn't move: "However, they're pretty good."

Even the clip sound is unexpectedly cute.

That's not cute, the wealth and life of his family and his wife are all in his hands.

Yang Pei squinted at Lu Jingxing, and shook her head decisively: "That can't be true, I think it's my personal charm that finally convinced Jia Ziyin!"

Not only did he feel that Jia Ziyin was no longer fierce, but he also deeply believed that Jia Ziyin had really realized his mistake and would not scratch him anymore.

Lu Jingxing: "..." As long as you are happy.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Yang Pei decided to show him a show.

"It's true! It's true, don't you believe it." Yang Pei said, and called Jia Ziyin over: "Come on, come on, take a look, who is this!?"

At this moment, Lu Jingxing was brushing Bamao's fur and just finished washing them all.

Seeing Lu Jingxing, Jia Ziyin stared straight at him.

Its eyes were wide open, and its mouth was slightly open.

The next second, it really went crazy.

Jia Ziyin rushed over directly, wrapping Lu Jingxing around like an affectionate one.

"Meow, meow...meow..." they kept shouting.

It was very difficult for Lu Jingxing to walk, so he could only copy one in each hand, and quickly put it in the drying box.

Then he lowered his head and comforted Jia Ziyin: "Okay, okay, I got it, I got it... Come on, give me a hug..."

He coaxed the sound of Jia Ziyin, and Yang Pei on the other end was very tasty.

"I'm going... Even in the past two days, Jiaziyin hasn't treated me like this, okay..."

Yang Pei thought that Jia Ziyin had become very close to him in the past two days.

Unexpectedly, compared with Lu Jingxing, he is so good...

"No, Jiaziyin, we... you are too obvious..." Yang Pei said, and reached out to try to save face: "Really, it was very good before... Look... "

As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the clip sound exploded instantly.

"Fufurfur! Ha!"

Not only trying to tickle him, but also blowing at him.

The clip sound that was soft and huggable two days ago changed instantly and returned to the past.

Yang Pei was in a daze, in a state of shock: "Why!? Jia Ziyin, you traitor!"

Facing his accusation, Jia Ziyin was not guilty at all.

Moreover, it barked at Lu Jingxing, trying to convince Lu Jingxing that Yang Pei had been bullying it for the past few days.

Holding up the paw, it seemed that he wanted to say that Yang Pei had abused it.

This series of movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, and there is no delay at all.

Yang Pei was dumbfounded.

"Haha, did I tell you?" Lu Jingxing shook his head and sighed, "This little thing is so good."

It was just to see that he wasn't in the store, and he didn't know what Lu Jingxing was doing.

I can only force myself to please Yang Pei, lest I and my wife will not be taken care of.

Yang Pei was so angry that she wanted to grind her teeth, and clenched her fists: "It's... well done!"

"Meow, meow..." The clip Yinbala landed on Jingxing and gave Yang Pei a sideways look.

Hey, Yang Pei rolled up his sleeves angrily: "You bastard, how dare you provoke me!"

It's a pity that Jia Ziyin doesn't accept his threats.

Yang Pei hurried in and asked, "Brother Lu, you yesterday..."

Lu Jingxing didn't go into too much detail, he just briefly talked about the heroic appearance of Heihu and the others. While chatting, the phone rang suddenly.

"Wait a minute..." Lu Jingxing waved his hand and answered the phone first.

During the process of answering the phone, Jiaziyin was always tightly on his shoulder.

Well, the main point is that no one can die.

"There is a strange noise in the house...isn't it? Oh, the central air conditioner you made, right..."

Lu Jingxing listened, and wrote down an address: "Okay, let's come and have a look..."

After answering the phone, he was ready to go.

In the end, Yang Pei grabbed her and said anxiously: "No, brother Lu, you haven't finished talking yet? Has anyone been rescued? At that time, Heihu and the others went in separately, did you find anyone?"

Lu Jingxing waved his hand, and then said again: "...Anyway, he was rescued!"

Ah, this is so hard.

What's the difference between this and spoilers!Yang Pei looked desperate.

What he wants to hear is not a simple and rude result, okay? ?
It's a pity that Lu Jingxing has already gone to find Xiao Zhuanfeng.

Originally, Lu Jingxing planned to bring only Xiao Zhuanfeng, but Bamao had to follow him desperately.

As for clips...

Well, before, she was still lying on Lu Jingxing's shoulder and couldn't get off.

But when Lu Jingxing was about to leave the cat cafe, it jumped down automatically.

Turning back lightly, he lay down in front of his wife's cage.

No way, the sesame is about to be produced, it can't travel far...

This time, Yang Pei was startled: "Oh, you go, you go?"

The main focus of the clip sound is a person who can bend and stretch!
It glanced at him and meowed twice.

As a result, Yang Pei hesitated for a while, and really forgave it: "Oh, you've got me right."

"..." Lu Jingxing couldn't understand their communication, and set off with Xiao Zhuanfeng and Ba Mao.

The help-seeker had been waiting downstairs for a long time, with a haggard look on his face: "Oh, I'm really sorry, my house must have been infested with mice..."

When talking about this matter, she is really full of bags, and she can't stop complaining.

Her family's house was renovated by her father at that time.

It's that very parental aesthetic.

"It looks like it's just dirty, but it's really expensive..."

The main focus is a rich and earthy, country style.

Therefore, there are gaps in all corners and corners.

The key is that the floor height of her house is not too high, and central air conditioning is installed.

Her father also made that very luxurious ceiling for the house, the kitchen ceiling, the living room ceiling, and all the rooms have ceilings.

"And then, my mother likes that kind of European and American decoration..."

Therefore, the arrangement of crystal lamps makes the house that is already very bloated because of the heavy ceiling more dull.

Not to mention the small floral covers for the furniture decoration, and those hanging tassels...

The whole thing is messy!

"It was okay at the beginning. We also knew that there might be rats in the ceiling, but they only squeaked once or twice before, and we got used to it later on."

However, for some reason this year, the voice has become louder and louder.

"First of all, this toilet."

As soon as they took a shower, they felt that there were mice running around in the entire ceiling, making loud noises.

But when they took it apart to look for it, they couldn't find it, and they felt like a lot of rubbish.

Cleaned it up, and it came back after a while.

Later, I found out that there are also starting to appear in the main ceiling!
"These things were just tolerable, but in the past two months, mice have started to enter the roof of my bedroom..."

With two giant panda eyes, the help-seeker was really exhausted: "As long as you can catch them, I will give you as much as you want, really... I invited a mouse catcher, and only put some rat poison on them." , they can't get in... well, if this goes on, I'm afraid I'm going to die suddenly."

She hadn't slept well for a month or two.

She is a light sleeper herself, and after being messed with by these mice, she hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time!

The key point is these mice, they don't divide time.

It will come out during the day and it will come out at night.

Whenever she slept, they would be jumping up and down in the ceiling.

The problem is, they don't take these rat poisons at all, so it feels like it's useless.

Lu Jingxing frowned upon hearing this.

It was a bit difficult to understand at first, but when he went up to look, he understood instantly.

Well, the background wall of flowers blooming and wealth, the sofa wall of home and everything...

He got it.

"Really, just laugh if you want, haha, I'm used to it." The girl said she was helpless, and spread her hands: "Mom and Dad's aesthetics are just like this... What else can I do, I can only pamper you."

Lu Jingxing didn't look too much, but went to the bathroom to have a look first.

The suspended ceiling on the bathroom side is easier to remove. He removed a board and found nothing.

"When we take a shower, they will come out..." the girl said, turning on the water heater.

After receiving most of the bucket of water, I heard the sound of splashing on the roof.

Like a lot of things running from left to right, from right to left...

Lu Jingxing listened carefully, and thought for a while, "It's not like a mouse..."

Not a mouse, what is that?

Lu Jingxing looked down at Xiao Zhuanfeng, and stuffed it up.

After Xiao Zuanfeng went up, he had a harvest in a short while.



"Zi la la la la..."

It was like a fight above, and the person who asked for help was confused.

No way, what on earth is there?

Did Xiao Zhuanfeng go up to fight devils?Why is there such a big commotion.

Lu Jingxing felt a little strange, but after hearing the movement, it seemed that Xiao Zhuanfeng hadn't won yet?
"What's wrong?" The help-seeker looked at him strangely.

"It's okay." Lu Jingxing thought for a while, and handed over Bamao who had already tried it.

A little drill can't handle it, so, what if we add another eight hair?

(End of this chapter)

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