start with a pet store

Chapter 293 "Active"

Chapter 293 "Active"

Song Yuan pulled Pengpenghu up at once, and let him run around in place.

However, as soon as Pengpenghu was pulled up, it fell directly to the ground.

Even though Song Yuan barely held it up and took two steps, when Song Yuan let go, it collapsed to the ground again.

But Song Yuan was exhausted, Heihu and the general were staring at him, Song Yuan told them to yell, but it was useless.

"Ha...haha..." Peng Penghu was so tired that he almost fainted.

It really, never would have occurred to them that running would look like this!

Shouldn't it be like the owner's mother took it out for a walk?Just a little longer?

What it wants is to walk slowly with cool wind blowing when there is no sun, keep walking, and go back when it gets tired, instead of dragging it back when it just feels a little bit .

Of course, it's not like Song Yuan, who spent half his life in one run!

The point is, Song Yuan is really not a human being.

He didn't care whether they were slowed down or not, he finished it himself, and took them back directly.

Song Yuan was driving in front, and exchanged thoughts with Heihu and the others: "It's a pretty good run today, it's great!"

The main reason is that Heihu and the general ran too easily, which made him feel that the difficulty was not enough and the fun was not enough!
"Wait a minute, I'll look around later to see if there's a better location nearby, and I'll bring you here when I find it!"

Song Yuan said, and called Pengpenghu again: "Will you come next time?"

"Huluhuhu..." Pengpenghu had already slept like a dead dog.

On the back seat, there was a black tiger on the left and a general on the right.

For a while, Song Yuan was still a little strange: Where is Pengpenghu?
He couldn't even tell where the snoring came from, it was so loud, it felt like it was under his feet!
While waiting for the red light, he turned his head and was immediately happy.

Good guy, Pengpenghu slumped under the seat, monopolizing half of the country, sleeping like a pig.

When they arrived at the store, Lu Jingxing and the others were already making preparations.

As soon as Song Yuan opened the car door, Heihu and the general ran to the backyard to take a shower.

"Old Yang, come and give me a hand!" Song Yuan smiled and waved to Yang Pei.

What is there to help, Yang Pei walked over while looking at the phone: "What do you need...fuck?"

Pengpenghu slumped under the seat and didn't even open his eyes when he got to the ground.

"Hey, wake up, get out of the car!"

The purring was gone, but it couldn't even keep its eyes open.

too tired.

The key is that it is so heavy that Song Yuan can't lift it by himself.

In the end, Yang Pei and Song Yuan lifted it aside, abruptly lifted it off the car, the cage couldn't fit in, and threw it directly on the ground in the backyard.

The silly dog ​​didn't care, turned over and continued snoring loudly.

Yang Pei laughed angrily, and kicked it lightly: "Silly dog."

Pengpenghu didn't react at all, and slept soundly.

"At that time it was..." Lu Jingxing couldn't help laughing when Song Yuan said the situation.

"Then if you do it like this, I don't think it will come to the store next time." Yang Pei laughed half dead, and praised him for a good job: "After seeing it, he will still touch me!"

Afraid that something might happen to it, Lu Jingxing went in to have a look.

In the end, Pengpenghu really had nothing to do, he was just tired. I guess he had never exercised like this before, and he was exhausted all of a sudden.

It fell asleep this time, and didn't get up until the afternoon.

This is still too many people, noisy.

There's no way, it just slumps here, its hair is smooth and smooth, it's so easy to touch.

Customers can't stand this temptation, and basically anyone who comes can't help but touch it a few times.

"You're so obedient... so cute!"

"It's so fat, haha, it's really well raised."

"It feels different from other dogs!"

That's not.

The black tiger is majestic, and the general has a softer personality, but his appearance is also more powerful.

As for Pengpenghu, he was completely paralyzed on the ground, without any image at all.

Other dogs don't like to be touched for too long, and they will be touched at first, and they have to leave after a few touches.

Pengpenghu has already fallen asleep, no matter how they toss about it, it will be fine.

In the afternoon, it finally woke up.

When I woke up, I saw a large group of people surrounding it, and it was frightened.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." it yelled frantically with its tail between its legs, and backed up again and again.

The screaming was so miserable that Lu Jingxing and the others hurried to the backyard.

After Pangpenghu came back to his senses, he found that people didn't mean to hurt it, but were very gentle to it.

"Don't be afraid... come here, do you want to eat meat?"

"Do you want to eat cans or cans?"

After running for so long in the morning, I was already very tired.

I fell asleep all the way back and didn't eat anything. Of course I will be very hungry when I wake up now.

As a result, these onlookers gave it jerky to eat!It was no longer afraid of these people!
"Wooooow..." While eating deliciously, it flicked its tail and licked the hands of these people with its tongue.

In an instant, Lu Jingxing was speechless.

It is like this, it seems that his worries just now are superfluous.

Needless to say, Pengpenghu is very popular among girls.

The main reason is that it has no burden at all, so you can do whatever you want.

Like black tigers and generals, they generally don't like to please people, and they don't know how to feed jerky and roll around.

However, Pengpenghu is willing to do it!
Not only is it willing, it is rushing to do it!
Soon, Erha, who was originally doing this job, was unhappy!


The barking was quite in line with each other, and the two silly dogs crazily scolded each other.

In desperation, they are still engaging in introversion.

Originally, a piece of jerky or a can was rolled, but now there is no need.

Now, give me a bite of jerky, and Pengpenghu will rush to roll on it!
Erha looked at this and became impatient.

"Wow!" It also came, and it didn't need a mouthful of jerky, just a mouthful of canned meat!

Originally, jerky and cans were not included in the ticket.

Customers are willing to spend money to buy them to amuse them, and they are not expensive anyway.

However, as a human being, of course you can save as much as you can.

And they are so introverted, they are quite happy to see it.

Someone deliberately teased them to roll in: "Come on, sit down!"

Sitting down and standing up again, lying down and rolling over is not a problem.

When Lu Jingxing came out again, they were already able to run back and forth in the corridor for a bite of jerky.

Really, this IQ is to the extent that Yang Pei wants to cry when he hears about it.

And obviously, Pengpenghu lost very quickly.

After all, it just ran a race in the morning, and its physical strength was exhausted very quickly.

Just this amount of jerky is not enough for it to stick between the teeth.

After losing the run, it collapsed directly on the ground, whimpering and crying.

Twitching, crying so sadly.

Lu Jingxing almost died laughing, so he quickly served this ancestor something to eat.

As soon as the dog food was poured on it, he jumped up when he touched it.

This time, it took the shovel directly!

No one can compete with it!
Erha was originally just for fun, and it is not hungry.

And there is jerky, who likes dog food.

Pengpenghu's actions made the audience laugh out loud.

Of course, all of them were truthfully recorded by the camera.

When there were fewer people in the afternoon, Lu Jingxing started editing directly.

After cutting, I sent it out first, and then forwarded it to the owner of Pengpenghu.

Really, Pengpenghu has brought a lot of joy to everyone.

The owner of Pengpenghu couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it: "Can I come over and take it home?"

Don't be embarrassing outside...

"Of course." Lu Jingxing also smiled, but still cooperated with him: "When are you coming?"

Because he was so close, he came quickly.

As a result, Pengpenghu refused to go back.

It lay directly on the ground, refusing to leave for life and death: "Aw... oooo... oooo..."

It's a miserable cry.

It doesn't want to go back, it's very fun here in the afternoon!

They eat and play again, and there are people who accompany them to feed the jerky.

Such a good thing, who wants to leave.

Seeing this situation, Yang Pei couldn't help persuading: "It probably still wants to run, forget it! Let it run here for another two days."

After hearing this, Lu Jingxing couldn't help laughing, "All right..."

Poor Pengpenghu, he had no idea what kind of opportunity he was giving up.

Early the next morning, Song Yuan came again.

As soon as he saw it, Pengpenghu screamed.

Why!It's all because I had so much fun yesterday afternoon, it completely forgot about this one!

Song Yuan didn't care, he chose a better position today: "We won't take the general today, Heihu, I'll take you to run with Pengpenghu!"

He had a good idea, first he took the black tiger for a run to make sure the difficulty was moderate, and then he brought the general.

As a result, he couldn't handle Pengpenghu at all.

This dog, lay dead on the ground, howling with eyes closed, determined not to get in the car!

Song Yuan couldn't hug it, and couldn't drag it.

Last night, Pengpenghu survived its owner by relying on this method.

However, Song Yuan is different from its owner.

"Heihu, come on!" Song Yuan couldn't hold him anymore, and called Heihu directly: "Bite it!"

Heihu glanced at him lightly, and seemed to sigh.

Then, after passing by, he lightly held Pengpenghu's head and gnawed it.

Bump was dumbfounded.

It looked at the black tiger in horror, and exchanged a glance with it.

"Woo..." Heihu lowered his voice, and made a ready posture to pounce.

This means, obviously.

If you don't get up again, the next bite will be solid.

"Aoooooooooooooo!" Pengpenghu screamed all the way, but he climbed into the car with difficulty.

Here Lu Jingxing just got up, thinking about it, he was still a little worried about touching Hu, so he couldn't help sending a message to Song Yuan: [How is it?Are you leaving? 】

[Let's go! 】When Song Yuan was waiting for the red light, he happily sent a voice message to him: "Pengpenghu really likes to run, he climbed into the car on his own initiative!"


Lu Jingxing was talking from his heart, and he almost died laughing: "Okay, then you guys do your work first."

After washing up, he went straight to the store.

I thought that on Wednesday, the flow of people would be relatively small and relatively relaxed. Unexpectedly, early in the morning, someone came to the door with a cat: "Hello, help me, my cat has a big problem..."

(End of this chapter)

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