start with a pet store

Chapter 267 The dog graduated

Chapter 267 The dog graduated

After all, Long'an is just a very ordinary city.

In terms of background, it can be considered good, but there are not as many cultural relics as others.

In terms of location, it seems to be quite good, but it is not on the coast and there are no major projects.

How should I put it, it is at a very embarrassing level.

It is seriously insufficient compared to the previous one, but it seems to be okay compared to the next one.

Before this, it is not that the local area did not think about other ways out.

But after all, the geographical location is here, and the strength is like this...

Well, it's pretty embarrassing overall.

But now, they found a new way to have a family through pampering.

This is different from before. Now that the Internet is so developed, it doesn't have to be the same as before, just take the industrial route.

Of course, Long'an didn't think about not taking the industrial route, he just said that there are many ways.

Not only did they fully cooperate, but they also found another way to help Lu Jingxing and the others create publicity, but they did not interfere in their development route.

In the words of the leader, it is: "Take care of them first, and see how far their seedlings can go! If they can't go on, we will do our best."

In fact, Lu Jingxing didn't have much feeling, he just had a vague feeling: "Recently, how do you feel... special, smooth?"

Especially after this promenade, Zhao Jingming said he wanted to build a playground in the wasteland over there, but the above did not approve it.

But it's approved now.

Not only approved, but also allowed them to plant trees.

When Zhao Jingming called Lu Jingxing, they were both filled with emotion: "My dad said, it's very likely that the superior has let go."

He couldn't come back now, so he begged Lu Jingxing to apply for him: "Hey, just go one step further, the whole slide!"

This was a level that even Lu Jingxing felt a bit outrageous, but Zhao Jingming's sensitivity was really good.

Obviously this request is so outrageous, but the above really approved it.

Not only was it approved, but the land was even bigger for them.

At an extremely low price, the land behind Lu Jingxing's shop was leased to Lu Jingxing for a long time.

It was Lu Jingxing who came to look for him on his own initiative, and his hint was a bit obvious. Lu Jingxing had no reason to refuse, so he readily agreed.

However, he really couldn't believe it.

It felt as if a big pie fell from the sky and hit him on the head with a "cross-cha".

Until he got the contract, he still couldn't believe it.

Of course, he was well aware of the truth of not revealing money, so he didn't start construction immediately or anything, let alone publicize it.

I only secretly told my relatives.

Upon hearing this news, even Aunt Lan and the others couldn't sit still, and ran over one after another, trying to persuade Lu Jingxing to be more rational: "I always feel... there is a pit here..."

After all, what they heard a few days ago is that these people are planning to use these lands: "They also think that your business is very good, and they want to learn from you to run this pet shop."

Why in the blink of an eye, did you say that you would rent it to him for a long time?
Aunt Lan frowned: "The price must be very expensive!?"

"No." Lu Jingxing said a price, with a blank expression on his face: "It's because the price is very cheap that I agreed..."

This is much cheaper than buying directly.

"Then they must be trying to cheat you of your money! When you finish it, they will go back!" The uncle looked indignant.

Lu Jingxing also shook his head, and took out the contract: "I was also afraid of this at the time, so I specially set a very high liquidated damages, and they readily agreed."

He didn't say too much, he just told Aunt Lan that it was very normal for them: "It's for my support, and there are agreed conditions in it."

Sure enough, there was a request, Aunt Lan and the others suddenly became nervous.

"They asked me to make the store better and more attractive, and asked me to post more videos, save more cats and dogs, and help promote Long'an." Lu Jingxing couldn't help laughing as he spoke, "I heard that this is what I'm doing now."

So, the two hit it off.

Aunt Lan and the others carefully checked the contract several times to confirm that there is nothing wrong with the contract.

They looked at each other and let out a long breath: "That's good."

If you are afraid, you are afraid, they deliberately set up a situation.

A family like theirs can't stand the storm.

Lu Jingxing nodded, and comforted them well: "I think, it should be because our account has attracted too much attention."

Many people even traveled thousands of miles to come to Long'an to see their shop and corridor.

It is also impossible for them to only look at their store, and they still have to live in the store and spend money at ordinary times.

It is precisely this amount that Long An is looking at.

If Lu Jingxing and the others can attract more customers to travel, then the more land they are given, the more people will be able to come and bring greater benefits to Long'an.

Then, it is worthwhile to give Lu Jingxing a cheaper price.

Lu Jingxing didn't just take the land and do it blindly, but first controlled the shop assistants in his hands.

Because of the results of publicity from all parties, the daily passenger flow is getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, it is easy to make mistakes. If the service attitude deteriorates, word of mouth will easily collapse, and even affect their entire store.

With Lu Jingxing watching, the clerks were basically able to do their jobs well.

Even if the flow of people increased, they didn't have any abnormalities.

Because, Lu Jingxing will give enough money.

Normally, high school students have to go to school, so they can't work part-time during the day. Lu Yin also helped introduce some college students who come to their store to work part-time.

Lu Jingxing basically paid the salary according to the negotiated price, but if he was very busy, he would add some bonuses.

Good guys, they are all excited and highly motivated to go to work.

How gentle and gentle it is to speak, and even some boys have come to work.

The flower market owner has been helping to maintain the flowers in the corridor.

He would even help to add from time to time that the flowers on the flower wall are undefeated and so beautiful that some people even suspect that they are fake flowers.

But as soon as you reach out your hand, you will know, ah, this is actually true.

Apart from looking at the store every day, Lu Jingxing did not forget to contact the base.

After all, they were friends of Song Weiyuan at the time, and their rescue team had not yet been fully established, just to wait for these dogs to graduate!

Fortunately, he didn't let him wait in vain.

The base called him that day, saying that their certificates had all come down: "In addition, the general, Heihu, and Xiao Zhuanfeng! Haha, you have obtained the coaching certificate of our base!"

Although it was the general who made the most of the effort this time, since it was an application, there was no reason why the other two were left behind.

They're still good at getting things done!
Lu Jingxing was very happy when he heard this, so he told Yang Pei directly on the same day and ran over to pick it up himself.

"Wow woof! woof woof!" From a long distance away, the general jumped up and down excitedly when he saw him.

As soon as the collar was untied, the general ran straight towards Lu Jingxing.

Lu Jingxing bent down and stretched out his hands, and made a good posture, but he still almost couldn't bear the force.

Fortunately, the general was sensible and braked a little earlier, so he was not knocked over.

"Wooooow, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" The general was so happy that he was still wearing big red flowers and medals around his neck, so he crazily threw himself on Lu Jingxing's body, rubbing and licking him, very affectionate.

The coach couldn't help laughing after seeing it: "Sure enough, I should be closer to you, haha, the general usually sets a high profile when he is with us."

There is a kind of arrogance that looks down on the world, which makes other dogs afraid of it.

Lu Jingxing also laughed, and patted the general on the head: "That's right, hahaha, it's really good."

This kind of fine and well-behaved.

Before coming, Lu Jingxing notified Song Weiyuan and the others.

Not long after he returned to the store with all the dogs, Song Weiyuan and the others also rushed over: "Haha, counting the days, it's almost this time..."

Looking at their certificates, they were all neat and tidy, and they were very excited.

"Oh, it's all right now."

Once the certificate is down, they can rush back and set up the rescue team.

However, Song Weiyuan still looked for Lu Jingxing: "Can you let your captain, please, go over and give them some advice?"

I heard that their rescue team recently rescued a cat, which was quite successful.

They want to ask how to set up the specific facilities and process.

"Sure, I'll ask him." Lu Jingxing called Sun Chongwu and asked for his opinion.

As he expected, Sun Chongwu readily agreed: "Exactly, I'm going to another province, and when I come back tomorrow, I'll go directly to their place."

Hearing that he was going to their rescue team tomorrow, everyone was so excited that they didn't even eat any food and rushed back.

Of course, they specially left a large amount of materials for Lu Jingxing: "Actually, thank you so much!"

Lu Jingxing couldn't refuse, and Song Weiyuan next to him tried his best to make him accept it, so he had no choice but to accept it.

When Song Yuan heard that the general was back, he was so excited that he ran over that evening: "Wow, so handsome!"

Indeed, after a period of training, the general has become stronger.

"Brother Lu, can I take the general for a run!? Please!" Song Yuan couldn't sit still when he saw the general, and wished he could run around twice now.

"Forget it, it's late at night." Lu Jingxing smiled, telling him to calm down a bit: "Don't be too enthusiastic, if the general dislikes you later and doesn't want to go out with you, you'll be in trouble."

He would not go against the general's will either, if the general didn't want to go out with him, Lu Jingxing would have no choice but to refuse.

"Ah, yes, yes." Song Yuan immediately became serious when he heard it: "Haha, I'm just so excited!"

While talking, someone called: "Hello, is this the rescue team... My cat fell into a big pit! Please help me, I can't get it out..."

It's a girl who is crying.

Lu Jingxing quickly comforted her and calmed her down: "Please report the location, time, and how many people are you? Okay, we'll be right there..."

He sent the news to Sun Chongwu, and Sun Chongwu asked him to take the general there: "Take the general to see the situation first, if it doesn't work, I'll come back tomorrow and rescue... I can't do anything now, I'm on the highway!"

"Okay, I'll go over to see the situation first." Lu Jingxing took the general with him and was ready to set off.

As a result, Song Yuan followed eagerly, rubbing his hands together and said, "Brother Lu, can I help the general?"

He was even willing to go out on missions with Lu Jingxing, just to be able to lead the general and have a good time!
(End of this chapter)

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