Chapter 236
Everyone had no objections, so Lu Jingxing went directly to go through the formalities.

They also sent someone to follow Lu Jingxing, and let him do some errands.

Song Weiyuan, on the other hand, brought all the dogs and the coach in happily.

It was only after I came in that I realized that these training items were completely different from their original training content.

"My God, this thing is so formal."

Compared with these, their original training feels like playing house.

Song Weiyuan was a little worried about Chasing the Wind, and stroked its head: "This, it feels a bit difficult, can you do it?"

"Hey, woof woof!" Chasing the wind is already eager to try, it just wants to rush forward: Brave dog, you can't say no!

"It's okay, let them come here." The coach waved at them and said calmly, "It's okay, just run and you'll know."

Both the general and the black tiger here have recently followed Song Yuan across the mountain. To be honest, there are various situations in the environment on the mountain.

In contrast, although the levels here are also difficult, they are more rigid and not as complicated as the wild situation.

At the beginning, Zhuifeng took the lead and rushed to the forefront.

But soon, it found that its strength was weak.

As for the general and the black tiger, they are not in a hurry to be the first.

The pace is light and fast, and always very stable.

The five dogs trailed behind them, always a step behind.

They are fast, the general and the black tiger are also fast, they are slow, the general and the black tiger are still so fast.

When the later levels became more and more difficult, the chasing speed slowed down after all.

This is the time!
Like an arrow, the general and the black tiger brushed past it at high speed.

The most important thing is that the general and the black tiger are really neck and neck.

The general and Heihu walked on these levels that were difficult for Chasing Wind and them.

They didn't even slow down their speed, no matter how tall the obstacles were, they jumped over them without stopping at all.

The five dogs behind probably have not received such a difficult and difficult training, and some of them are exhausted.

The coach whistled them to speed up.

The intention was to rush the five dogs behind, but the general thought he was talking about it, and sped up quickly.

Heihu hadn't trained here, so he couldn't understand the whistle, so he beat it a little slower.

In the end, it lost to this half-step difference.

"It's amazing." The coach came over and patted it on the back: "This dog feels very powerful. It can run with the general in the first training."

Although Chasing the Wind lost, Song Weiyuan did not feel depressed at all, but was very excited: "Yes, this is a special dog!"

Heihu was praised, he was happier than Zhuifeng.

When it comes to dogs, everyone has a common topic.

When Lu Jingxing came back after completing the formalities, he saw that they were chatting enthusiastically.

The dogs were all running wildly on the field, chasing each other, having fun.

When they came back, Song Weiyuan and the others were all saying that today was a good day.

"Sure enough, Brother Lu, you have to bring us here, otherwise we wouldn't be able to join the team at all."

"Yeah, I just talked to the coach and found out that the reason why he agreed to let us jump in line is because they need the help of the general to train dogs together."

It's like they have their own coach.

Lu Jingxing laughed, and patted Hei Hu: "Just now he said he wanted me to keep Hei Hu too. Well, I really can't agree to that."

Both of them are going to leave. The dogs in the store have no leader, and they are afraid that there will be a riot.

In fact, since he had the general and the black tiger, they really helped him a lot.

At least the dogs didn't make trouble again.

Of course, part of the reason is that Song Yuan took them out to run in the mountains every day, consuming their physical strength.

After Lu Jingxing had a meal with them, he went straight to get off work.

He picked up Lu Chen and Lu Xi by the way, and he would chat with them on the way back: "How is today? Are you happy at school? Oh, Lu Chen had a fight with someone, did you fight? No fight... ..."

Lu Chen frowned and said loudly, "Brother, why are you so disappointed when I say I didn't fight?"

"...Hey! I don't have it, don't talk nonsense."

"I know, I know!" Lu Chen stretched forward hard, and snorted: "You just want to find an excuse to hit me, don't you? I didn't fight, so I won't fight, you don't want to find a reason to hit me!"

Lu Jingxing almost died laughing, nodded, "Okay, no fight, that's great."

This attitude was so perfunctory that both children stared at him suspiciously.

However, the rank of the two of them was too low in the end, and while talking and laughing, Lu Jingxing had already found out the details of their school.

Especially these two sometimes tear each other down, Lu Chen even exposed that Lu Xi had a fight with the children today, Lu Xi was so angry that his face turned green, and Lu Jingxing almost died laughing.

After understanding the situation, Lu Jingxing will give comments in due course: "Well, Lu Chen controlled his emotions very well today, ah, quite well, and he will do the same in the future, you know? Don't lose your temper and hit people like you said , Xiaodong has learned Sanda, Beibei has learned Taekwondo, you are a reckless man, right, you must learn to evaluate each other's strength..."

As for Lu Xi, his instructions are more concise: "you did the right thing today, if someone hits you, you just have to fight back."


Lu Chen thought that Lu Xi would be scolded, but he didn't expect him to praise her, so he immediately became unhappy and made a fuss in the car.

"You don't understand, how strong is Xixi? She has a lot of fists and legs, she can't hurt anyone, and girls can't be too weak, easy to be bullied, you are the same, you have to stand up, learn to protect your sister, you know Bar……"

Talking all the way back, finally Lu Jingxing decided to send them to learn Sanda, Lu Chen and Lu Xi were quite excited.

But when she looked back, Aunt Lan felt that this was not a big deal: "It's fine for Chenchen to go to school, why is Xixi joining in the fun, isn't she learning to dance, it's good for girls to learn to dance and sing..."

"Boys and girls are the same, they have to keep fit and learn to protect themselves." Lu Jingxing never had the difference between boys and girls in his heart. They are twins, and he treats them the same.

Since Lu Xi wants to go, let's learn.

Aunt Lan still wanted to talk, but her uncle persuaded her: "Jing Xing is in charge of them now, so don't interrupt, isn't it? It's like you are in charge of our baby. My mother never talks about you, no scientific method. That’s the way to get along.”

So, Lu Chen and Lu Xi really went to learn Sanda.

Tired is a bit tired, but both of them feel very energetic.

Most importantly, since he learned Sanda, Lu Chen stopped fighting outside.

Because all of his energy is volatile.

Moreover, he was afraid of breaking the child.

Every time someone dared to tease him, he always acted like a stinky fart: "Hmph, I'm not afraid of you anymore. I won't fight you because I'm afraid I'll kill you! I'm a master of martial arts!"

It's so funny, when Teacher Zhang called Lu Jingxing, he repeatedly praised him for doing a good job: "Chenchen has never fought again, and even the little boys in the class don't dare to bully the girls anymore, because Xixi also learned Sanda, she said she would protect girls."

In this way, Lu Xi became the little sun in the class, and many girls liked to play with her.

Lu Jingxing didn't have to worry anymore, Lu Xi was bullied at school.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and instead decided to go to school to catch another wave of cats.

Before going, he called Lu Yin first: "These caught before have basically been neutered, and the kittens sent by your classmate last time have also been cured."

"Okay, okay, I've been catching you for the past few days, hehe." Lu Yin said, quite happy: "The cats here are not afraid of me, so I easily catch them all. Caught in the cage, it has been raised for two days!"

Basically, it was here to hide from the rain when it rained heavily.

She took this opportunity to put them all in cages and raise them.

"Oh? Didn't you refuse to catch it before, haha."

At that time, she asked them to accompany them in acting, fearing that the cats would find out.

Lu Yin laughed a little embarrassedly: "I was afraid that they would hold grudges, but later I found out that they don't seem to be..."

Even, when she came to pet youjia to visit these cats, they were very excited and clinging to her crazily.

Lu Jingxing hummed and smiled, "Actually, they don't feel much, unlike dogs."

Even if a cat holds a grudge, as long as it doesn't keep triggering its bad memories, basically, it will almost forget it after a while.

But dogs are different, for example...

"Wow woof woof woof woof!"

Across the street from their store, Big Yellow Dog has been reporting for duty every day for ten years.

Yang Pei almost died laughing at it, although the big yellow dog came to scold him, but he is not angry anymore, he is used to it.

Even, sometimes when the big yellow dog barks for more than half an hour, Yang Pei still feels sorry for it and invites it to come and drink some water.

Of course, the big yellow dog will never approach their shop, and will always stay far away.

Yang Pei greeted it, only to make it angrier and scold it harder.

After hearing this, Lu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Haha, that's true."

So, Lu Jingxing sent a carful of cats over here, all of them were clean, fragrant, soft, and could roll around wantonly.

Many girls in the school gathered around to watch them with Lu Yin.

"Wow, so cute."

"Its fur feels so comfortable and soft."

The kitten they picked up after the rain before was also treated and sent over.

Those few people also specially came to have a look, very happy.

Lu Yin quietly pointed to Lu Jingxing the cage she put in the corner, and said in a low voice, "It's all there. After I saw them all go in, I closed the cage door."

This really saved Lu Jingxing a lot of trouble. In the past, he just carried the cage and walked.

Among this batch of cats, there is a cat with serious tinea felis.

Lu Jingxing took a photo and sent it to Lu Yin: "This cat may have to be treated before it can be operated on."

"Okay." Lu Yin agreed briskly, and readily sent the money over: "Just treat it, until it's cured."

Hey, to be honest, he likes this kind of customers who give money quickly and easily.

(End of this chapter)

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