Chapter 198
Lu Jingxing was a little surprised, because Zhang Zhongde's personality was more stable, he just called his brother...

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, we have our own opinions." After all, Lu Jingxing is the chief executive, and Zhang Zhongde doesn't want to rely on his old age: "I watched your video before..."

When it came to the video, the two chatted immediately.

In particular, Zhang Zhongde is more professional than Lu Jingxing, and he can give some analysis to many situations where people ask for help.

To put it a bit more in-depth, it edited better than Lu Jingxing.

"Ah... If I had heard it then, I would have cut this into it." Lu Jingxing said, feeling a little regretful: "Your way of saying it is indeed better..."

Of course, Zhang Zhongde didn't come to him because he wanted to show off his knowledge or something.

"This is a small problem, you can pay attention to it later, but there is a problem..."

That's the point.

Zhang Zhongde pointed to the video of the high-level rescue, and asked hesitantly: "Do you have a certificate for working at heights? In this case, you were not able to directly rescue..."

In addition, if possible, it is best for their entire rescue team to go and test all the certificates that should be tested.

What swimming, what hiking, what aerial work and so on...

These basic documents are still required.

Best of all, I can also learn how to fight fires or something...

"Be prepared. No one understands these things now. If you become bigger and someone really finds fault, these videos will be reported."

This really requires experience, Lu Jingxing really doesn't know this.

The more he listened, the more he became more enthusiastic, and he even followed up and asked a lot of details.

For example, how to take the test for this certificate, is it difficult to take the test, what do you need to prepare, and the approximate time of the test...

Of course, while Zhang Zhongde was chatting, he also knew that Lu Jingxing only passed the exam for a veterinary doctor's certificate last year, so he was quite surprised: "Amazing, this certificate is quite difficult. I had a junior who wanted to take the exam, but he didn't pass."

I also prepared for more than half a year, but it was directly brushed off.

Later, if I didn't have the qualifications, I changed careers directly, and it was already very difficult to go back.

Lu Jingxing nodded. Indeed, if he changed careers, it would be very difficult to go back.

"I have all these certificates. If you want to take the exam, start with the aerial work exam. It happens that a friend of mine also wants to take the exam. You can take him as a companion." Zhang Zhongde said, and laughed: "It's for the big guys, let's take a trip."

If Lu Jingxing passed the exam, the others could follow him to pass the exam.

After all, rescue or something, all kinds of unexpected situations may be encountered, so be prepared.

Lu Jingxing nodded, quite agreeing: "I have thought about this before, but there is really no way out, there are so many and complicated things, I really haven't had time to figure it out..."

It's all right now, with someone leading the way, he can save a lot.

Mainly it saves a lot of time and energy.

Zhang Zhongde smiled happily, and looked at his mobile phone: "It's too late today, so I won't contact him. Tomorrow, okay, I'll contact my friend tomorrow, when I have accurate news, then Give you an answer."

"Okay, thank you."

Feeling that the trip was fruitful, Lu Jingxing returned to the car happily.

First sent Lu Yin back to school, then Lu Jingxing sent Ji Ling back home.

Downstairs, Lu Jingxing hesitated for two seconds, but still said to Ji Ling: "I'm going back to the store, you go up!"

In fact, it was almost twelve o'clock at this moment, normally, Lu Jingxing would directly sleep at home.

However, Lu Chen and Lu Xi are not at home, the two of them...

For those who are lonely and widowed, Lu Jingxing thinks about it and forget it.

Ji Ling glanced at him with deep eyes, did not refute, but said softly: "Okay, then drive slowly on the way!"

"Well, go up." Lu Jingxing lit a cigarette, raised his chin, "I'll watch."

Along the way, Ji Ling controlled herself and didn't look back.

When she was upstairs, she turned on the light, then opened the curtains and looked down.

The cigarette in Lu Jingxing's hand was still on, but he didn't smoke it.

The eyes of the two people met quietly in the dark night.

With the breeze blowing by, Lu Jingxing watched her figure illuminated by the lights, and reflected on the curtains, she was pretty and exquisite.

He waved his hand, pinched his cigarette, and turned around to get into the car.

What he didn't see was that Ji Ling stood quietly in front of the window, watching him go away.

Go straight, turn, and merge into traffic...

Ji Ling closed the curtains calmly: "I'm not in a hurry, Jing Xing."

It was like a tug-of-war, she knew very well what was going on in his mind.

When they met the next day, Ji Ling looked as usual.

Lu Jingxing observed her carefully for a long time, but he couldn't see anything.

So, he silently spurned himself again.

Originally, Lu Jingxing wanted to go directly to the school to catch Lu Yin's cats, but a cat came to the store.

"My one, really, I don't have any other problems, I just want it to understand a little bit of my words!"

It was a Maine Coon cat, a big one.

The coat is very well combed and obviously well groomed.

The little girl holding it was very strenuous and heavy: "Hello, I made an appointment yesterday, Lu Yuan."

After putting it on the table, Lu Yuan almost cried: "Really, I really like it, but if this continues, I really can't stand it anymore!"

This cat was raised by her former roommate, who gave it up when she went abroad, so she picked it up and raised it.

"At that time, she said that the cat was very good, and I looked cute too. I thought it was a bit too pitiful for her to throw it out as a stray cat, so I just said it to me."

As a result, after bringing it home, he went abroad directly, and she realized that all kinds of problems had arisen.

When it comes to the cat's crimes, it is really too much to write.

"First of all, it is very picky about what it eats. It doesn't eat ordinary cat food, and just spits it out after eating it. In the middle of the night, it spit it on my quilt! And it can't eat salt, but it likes to steal my food! "

It's not easy for Lu Yuan, the salary is not high, and the cat can't eat too much cat food.

After finally buying it back, it eats occasionally, and what I like most is to steal the lunch she is going to bring to the company.

"The key is to cover it back, you know!"

It just ate in the bag, ate up all the food in the box, and then covered it back.

At first glance, it’s really hard to tell. She usually puts a bottle of milk and some snacks in it in the morning, so the weight is not obvious, and she doesn’t eat much.

As a result, at noon, it was hot and lonely.

At first she didn't doubt the cat, after all it pretended to be so cold.

As a result, once, she saw it with her own eyes!

"It was just, shocking, you know... it was covered back right in front of my face!"

She thought it knew it was wrong.

As a result, since then, as if it had passed through Ming Road, it didn't feel guilty anymore, and ate it in front of her!

Then the hair became rough, and she had to buy fish oil to supplement it, and she had to worry that it would get stomach upset after eating salt: "Now I don't dare to bring it for lunch..."

The more Lu Yuan spoke, the more uncomfortable she became, even crying.

Yang Pei and Lu Jingxing wanted to laugh when they heard it, they really liked this cat.

"It's all a small problem, really, I'll just eat takeaway if it's a big deal, but, it's it!"

She likes to move everything on the table, such as water glasses, kettles, etc., especially her lipstick.

"One time when I came back from a business trip, its mouth was blood red, and I thought it was injured!"

In the end, they dismantled her newly bought lipstick set and tore her body apart!

She didn't know whether to be thankful that it was fine, or angry that it committed a crime.

There are so many things that I can't finish talking for three days and three nights.

"This time I can't take it anymore! It, it, it shits and doesn't bury it!"

It's fine if you don't bury it, she grabbed its claws and taught it to bury it.

In the end, this bastard let her toss without any resistance on the spot.

As soon as she let go, it jumped directly onto the bed.

"In front of my face! Do you know!? It rubbed its paws on my pillow in front of my face!"

Lu Yuan was really about to cry: "Shouldn't cats lick their paws clean?"

Why does her cat wipe it clean with her pillow!
Lu Jingxing almost died laughing, and quickly called Ji Ling over to comfort him.

They carried the Maine Coon inside for examination.

Well, I have to say, the feeding is really good.

That is, this cat really has the character of a grandfather.

Let it raise its claws, let them do it themselves.

It just stood there, majestic, with eyes full of contempt and disdain.

There is not even the slightest thought that they are human beings and masters.

It is the sky, it is the earth, and it is the only one in the world!

After Lu Jingxing's inspection, he confirmed that his stomach and stomach were fine, and it tasted delicious.

"Then why is it like this? Sometimes it will spit out cat food, but the cans are fine!"

"...It's possible that it just wants to eat cans, not cat food."

Lu Yuan choked and remained silent for a while.

His face was full of despair and sadness.

"Then, why is it like this?"

Lu Jingxing gave her a sympathetic look, then looked at the cat: "It's doesn't regard you as its master."


In her shocked and puzzled eyes, Lu Jingxing explained: "It may think of itself as a human being, and not think of itself as a cat."

Of course, it doesn't think she is the master, but that she is just a shit-shoveling officer who serves it.

"It used to be, I mean your ex-roommate, she was there at the time, is this the case?"

Lu Yuan thought for a while, then shook her head: "At that time, I occasionally helped her feed it once or twice. At that time, it was still very close to her, and at that time, it would bury its shit!"

Speaking of this, her voice was full of grief and indignation.

This really touched her nerves, she couldn't accept it at all!

Yang Pei almost laughed out loud.

Lu Jingxing glanced at him and motioned him to calm down a bit: "Hey, then this, the situation is very obvious - it may not think you are its new owner, and the resentment of not seeing the owner for a long time also vented on you here."

After all, she helped feed it before, so it probably thought that she was invited by the previous owner to feed it.

So it used to be obedient and well-behaved, but now it deliberately does things, maybe in its thinking, it is at the same level as her, and its status is even slightly higher than hers.

"...My God." Lu Yuan despaired: "Then, can this situation be changed?"

If it continues like this, she really won't be able to support her anymore...

No matter how handsome or cute!
(End of this chapter)

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